Deadly Threat

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Mihawk held the napkin before putting it in his pocket. Then headed upstairs to check on his children. He found Zoro jumping on his bed hugging the piece of paper with the little boy's name and number on it. Hoping that they would get together soon. Zoro soon slumped onto his bed with a happy smile on his face and that piece of paper clung to his chest. Mihawk smiled softly shutting the door and went to Perona's room. He opened the door softly, she was buried under a plethora of her kingdom of stuffed animals. Happily sleeping away as he slowly shut the door and headed to his room. Where he put Shanks note beside his bed then stripped of his clothes and into the pajama bottoms and a baggy band shirt called Soul-King. Mihawk looked to Shanks house finding them running around in what looked to be the bathroom.

Luffy looked he was giving Shanks a hard time as he was shoving his toothbrush in his mouth and down his throat. He liked the taste of the meat he had earlier. But it was soon being washed away by the toothpaste. Until Shanks had won that fight and brushed Luffy's teeth.

"You're a big ol meanie." Luffy pouted.

"At least this big ol meanie doesn't have cavities."

"Pop, that guy is watching us."

Shanks turned to the window watching as the curtains close. He snickered as Shanks flexed to Luffy.

"You know, he can't resist the guns." Shanks wiggled his brows.

Luffy punched him in the stomach having him groan and hold his stomach.

"I think he only likes you cause he thinks you're a big ol dork! And stinky!"

"Hey! I shower more than you, dirty little boy."

They stuck their tongues out at each other before Shanks pulled Luffy onto his hip and took him to his room.

"Pops noooo! I wanna sleep with you again." Luffy whined.

"Luffy." Shanks groaned.

"One more night. Please."

"Fine, last night. Then you have to sleep in your pirate bed you wanted so bad."

"Her name is Merry, and she had to come home with us. She is my ship and how else are we supposed to play pirates if I didn't have the bed?"

Shanks snapped before pointing to Luffy, "You know what, you got me there."

Luffy snapped back at him pointing back at him, "I know I do."

Shanks dropped Luffy into the bed before rolling him to the other side and climbing in. Luffy crawled over Shanks to curl up with him. Shanks noticed something in his hand. As he nibbled down onto some cookie.

"You have a secret stash in my room?" Shanks asked.

Luffy nodded handing him a cookie.

Mihawk sat the following morning stirring his coffee looking at his phone. A message typed out for Shanks but he just kept hesitating before pressing send. What if he was lying, what if Boa is right? What if, he actually wanted to have this future with him. Mihawk frowned going to his contacts he found Boa's name and texted her.

Boa perked up from doing her makeup to a text message from, 'Hawkeyes.' She hummed patting her face with powder before pulling her hair up into a ponytail then went downstairs to answer the text message.

Hawkeyes: 'Morning boa, I wanted to see if you wanted to meet up for coffee, I have to talk to you about something. - Mihawk'

She rolled her eyes texting back.

Boa: 'Good Morning, you don't need to text me your name. I have it saved in my phone, you old fart. But yes, I will meet you at the small cafe in town. You know the one where we usually meet when you came into town. That one.'

Hawkeyes: 'I will see you at ten.'

Mihawk sighed rubbing the back of his neck before getting up. He got dressed up and put on his shoes before leaving his house. Since the kids went to school he didn't need to worry about them. He glanced to Shanks house seeing him sitting shirtless on the couch and tossed up some snack and caught it in his mouth. Before he choked on it. Mihawk snickered before heading down to the town.

Benn sat overlooking the town, he watched Mihawk step down the street and grinned. While he was on the phone with Shanks talking about how the date went.

"O'l buddy Hawkeyes." Benn called.

Mihawk turned to him, he was on the second floor of an apartment building.

"Where you off to so early?" Benn asked.

"I'm meeting a friend for coffee asking for some advice." He said.

"Oh, what kind?"

"About Shanks."

Shanks sat up putting his bowl of snacks on the table.

"What about him?"

"Do you think he means what he says?"

Benn smirked, "You'll know when he's serious."

Mihawk hummed walking down the street to the cafe. Benn smirked resting on his palm watching him walk away.

"You might want to come down to the cafe."

"Oh no! Don't you dare fall for it Dracule Mihawk." Boa huffed.

Mihawk frowned, "I'm giving him a chance, he's actually kind of sweet."

"It's all an act to get into your pants."

"Boa I"m a grown man who can handle himself you don't need to baby me."

"Mihawk, trust me on this, he's a bad guy. He's slept with over a hundred women, maybe even men, you don't know what he has, or what he's done, or who! He's a sleaze, keep away from him."

"You're not my mother." He furrowed.

"I'm warning you Mihawk, I'm just protecting you from, from that."

"Boa, you don't need to butt in-"

She groaned rubbing her temples, her lips pressed in a line before she looked up to him and sighed. Boa rested against her palm.

"Look, I'd hate for you to get attached to someone who will just end up breaking your heart just cause he thinks with his penis instead of his heart."

Mihawk pulled the note from his pocket and handed it to her.

"I'm willing to at least give him a chance."

Boa read over the note and pursed her lips. The bell chimed to the cafe as Shanks walked in, Mihawk and Boa turned to him before Boa got up. She smiled sweetly before stepping up to him before grabbing his ear lobe and bringing him down to her level.

"Listen well and listen good, I swear to god, if you break his heart. I'm going to rip off your jaw and make you dig your own grave with it. Then watch as you bleed to death in the pitiful excuse you call a grave."

"Nothing you can say will scare me."

He rummaged in his pocket pulling out a picture of Luffy's school picture as she gasped plucking it from his hand and ogled to it.  Shanks chuckled before heading over to Mihawk, taking a seat from another table and sat backwards in it in front of Mihawk. Boa was still squealing in the background as Mihawk pursed his lips. Before grabbing Shanks collar and yanked him into a kiss. Shanks happily kissed back as Mihawk pulled back.

"So, I'll take that as a yes." Shanks purred.

"You have one chance and one chance alone." Mihawk said.

"You won't regret it."

Shanks pulled him into another kiss.

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