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A/N: Well today is my birthday! I'm officially 20. Um Idk if there will be a  Chapter tomorrow. But fingers crossed.

Shanks sighed before wincing to his side. A fractured rib, multiple bruises, and being blind in one eye. Well. Not really. It's temporary. Shanks had to keep the bandage on his eye until it stopped bleeding. Which it did a few hours ago.

"You have a visitor."

Shanks perked up as the curtain was pulled back to let the blonde in. Sanji smiled holding a small basket.

"Zoro told me what happened, Luffy and him will be over soon. They had to relax a little before coming over. And calm Luffy down." Sanji said.

Shanks chuckled before wincing, "Sounds like Luffy."

Sanji pulled up a chair and set the basket in Shanks lap.

"I made you some nutritious meals. Instead of that garbage my father says they serve here."

"Thank you, but. I feel you are here for something else." Shanks said.

Sanji fidgeted with his jacket, "I. I wanted to ask, how. How did you know Zoro's dad was the one?"

He sat down next to Shanks who sighed and rested back against his pillow.

"Well, I always had trouble remembering names. His, somehow, I never forgot."

Sanji chuckled as Shanks turned to him.

"I'm in love with your son. I don't know how to tell him."

Shanks reached over for a pen and notepad before he handed it to Sanji.

"Something he can always keep with him."

Sanji nodded before starting to write his letter. Shanks added a few pointers to add with them and Sanji added them in. Once he finished he read it to him.

"Perfect. If you want I can give it to him for you."

Sanji smiled folding the letter and handed it to him. Shanks placed it on the desk.

"I better go before I run into Zoro." Sanji said.

"Stay safe kiddo." Shanks said.

Sanji nodded before leaving. Shanks hummed opening the basket and pulled out some food. He grinned setting the basket on the desk. He perked up when he heard a tapping of feet and the curtain swung open. Luffy grinned darting into the room and climbed up onto Shanks bed.

"Dad!" Luffy cried.

"Careful son. I'm in no shape to rough house."

He slumped to the bed sobbing having Shanks wince before brushing through his hair. Luffy cried while he was apologizing to Shanks. Or. That's what he thought he was saying. Well he was having a hard time trying to understand Luffy while he cried. And spoke. At the same time.

"Luffy, it's okay buddy. I'm alright pal."

Mihawk, Perona, and Zoro stepped in. Shanks perked up to them giving them a cheesy grin as Luffy continued to cry. Zoro sighed going to Luffy and helped him off Shanks and sat him next to him. Luffy curled up to his side crying on his shoulder.

Before he fell asleep.

"He hadn't slept much." Mihawk sighed, "None of us have."

"I'm sorry to worry you. At least they got the guy."

Mihawk glared at him as Shanks gave him a sheepish smile.

"After this, we are even." Mihawk spoke.


He slapped Shanks across the face, he cupped his cheek looking to Mihawk who crossed his arms. Shanks rubbed his cheek pouting slightly.

"How dare you get our children in danger, they are kids. What would you of done if one of them gotten hurt instead of you."

"Yeah, but who's in the hospital bed."

It was quiet as Mihawk stared down Shanks. Zoro and Perona stood avoiding eye contact. Mihawk sighed cupping Shanks chin and kissed him softly. Shanks grinned returning the kiss, he pulled back running a thumb over his bottom lip.

"Make me worry like that again and you will wish you were dead."

"I love you too." Shanks grinned.

Mihawk took a seat next to Shanks, he noticed the basket sitting on the stand next to him.

"Oh Sanji stopped by giving me some food. He says it's better than the stuff they have here. Oh, and he dropped this off."

He plucked the letter from the table and held it out to Zoro. He furrowed taking it, and opened it. Zoro sat on the edge of the bed while Perona perked over his shoulder to read it too. She smiled as Zoro's grin grew on his face before turning to Shanks. He smiled taking Mihawk's hand.

"He loves me."

"Way to go sport."

"I gotta tell him too."

Zoro bolted from the room as Perona sighed and went to follow him. Making sure he didn't get lost.

"I have a feeling you had to do something with that." Mihawk spoke.

"I don't know what your talking about."

Shanks winked, more of a blink but. Mihawk understood what he was getting at. He turned to Luffy and ran a hand through his hair. He reached behind his back and pulled out the straw hat and placed it on Shanks head.

"I believe this is yours." Mihawk spoke.

Shanks grinned tilting back the hat, "Ah where did he leave it this time?"

"In the car, your son is very forgetful."

He chuckled as Mihawk then went through the basket of food and went to feed him. They shared a sandwich. Until Luffy woke up snatching away a slice of Shanks slice of ham. Luffy was able to be calm this time while Shanks returned the hat. Along with a flick on the forehead and a slight scolding to watch over it. He gave Luffy a couple of bucks to head to the cafeteria to get a snack or whatever. Luffy was quick to leave the adults alone.
Shanks smirked looking over to Mihawk and patted a place in his lap. Mihawk refused.

"Come here." Shanks persisted.

"I will if you answer me this."


"Why were you in the jewelers?"

Shanks pursed his lips, "I."

"I asked him to come in."

They turned to Boa throwing her hair over her shoulder, Mihawk cocked a brow to this.

"I wanted to mend our broken bridges. Shanks has taken very good care of you. And if he was going to be apart of your life. I figure, him and I should mend what was broken."

Mihawk glanced to Shanks who looked relieved, "I see."

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