Little Push

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A/N: My arm has been twisted, I love this chapter!!

"There's nothing wrong with that son. There are going to be plenty of crushes you'll have in your life." Mihawk said.

Zoro rolled his hands in his shirt as he sat criss cross on his seat. His head was hung while his lips were in a line and his cheeks puffed. Mihawk stroked through his hair then perked up as a new waiter stopped by putting their drinks down and took their orders. Zoro looked around for the boy from earlier. Until he spotted him following another waiter with a smaller tray of food. Zoro watched him walk across the restaurant where they stopped to a table in the back. The waiter took Sanji's meal on his tray before putting it on the table. The boy smiled as he folded the tray behind his back and turned to walk off. Until he noticed Zoro. He smiled and waved having Zoro duck under his chair.

Sanji's smile faded as he puffed his cheeks and walked off back to the kitchen. Shanks watched as Zoro peeked over to him before he walked into the kitchen. Shanks hummed pulling out his wallet and opened it. He pulled out a small stack of notecards and handed them to Zoro. He perked up as Shanks plucked the flower from his pocket handing it to him. Shanks knelt down to him cupping his ear and whispered in his ear. Zoro nods looking to the cards before back to Shanks.

"Can you do that?" Shanks asked.

Zoro smiled and nodded. Shanks chuckles heading back to his seat beside Mihawk. Who cocked a brow to him.

"What did you tell him?" Mihawk asked.

"Don't worry about it." Shanks said.

Shanks sipped on his beer while Mihawk rolled his eyes sipping on his wine. The children seemed to get along well, they chatted about school and how they all attended the same school. They then made a plan to meet up at recess before Sanji and a waiter came back. Zoro clutched the note cards as Sanji approached Zoro with a seafood platter and placed it before him. Sanji folded the tray behind his back as he smiled to Zoro.

"I hope you enjoy it. I made it myself." Sanji said.

He grinned before walking back into the kitchen. Zoro turned to his food with a soft smile as he turned to his father.

"Pops! Did you hear that? He made it himself." Zoro said.

Mihawk chuckled, "Maybe he likes you too."

"You think so?"

"I mean if I liked someone I would make them food." Shanks said.

"Fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

Zoro grinned digging into his meal. Sanji looked through the window of the kitchen sitting on the counter. Watching the green haired boy dig into the meal he prepared for him. He smiled chatting to his father bubbling with a happy expression.

"Sanji." Zeff growled.

He turned to Zeff who crossed his arms furrowing, "What did I tell you about sitting on the counter."

"But but dad!"

Zeff scooped up Sanji and placed him on his hip before they looked out the window. Sanji smiled watching the green haired boy enjoy his meal. He buried himself into his father's neck before they headed into the back office.

Zoro practically swallowed his meal whole until Mihawk put a hand on his head having him stop. He turned to Mihawk eating his meal slowly and glaring at him.

"Relax or you're going to choke." Mihawk said.

Shanks chuckled, "He's right sport. If you eat it all now, you won't have any for later."

Zoro blinked looking down to his meal. When only a small portion was left. He frowned slightly. Sanji stepped out of the kitchen and headed to the cashier's desk. Where a couple paid and Sanji struggled to count the change. Shanks nudged him having Zoro grab the cards and the flower before hopping out of his seat. As the couple left Sanji put the change into the cash register. Zoro swallowed thickly as he turned back to their table. Shanks gave him a thumbs up as Zoro took a breath and stepped up to the desk. Sanji perked up to him and blinked. He smiled hopping down from the step stool and went around to see Zoro. who held out the flower to him. Sanji blinked before smiling and taking the flower.

"Thank you it's beautiful." Sanji said.

Zoro looked to the notecards, "Uh. did. Uh. Did you fall. No. um. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven because um."

The cards slipped from his hands as Zoro's face grew into a darker red as he looked up to Sanji. A sweet smile plastered on his face before Zoro frantically picked up the cards. He looked to Shanks who motioned to continue. Zoro gathered his cards and frantically looked through them. But stopped when Sanji put his hand on them. Zoro looked to the boy who kissed his cheek before pulling back and giggled.

"You're cute." Sanji said.

Then he walked off to the kitchen where he showed off his flower. Zoro stood frozen before he smiled and cupped his cheek.

"How? How did you know that would work?" Mihawk asked.

He turned to Shanks who chuckled finishing off his beer.

"Puppy love is the easiest kind of love. So cheesy pick up lines work all the time." Shanks hummed, "I can use a pick up line on anyone and it would work."

"Oh? How so?"

Shanks smirked, "Are you testing my skills?"

"I might be."

Shanks sat in Zoro's seat as he wrapped his arm around Mihawk's chair. Taking his hand kissing his knuckles before kissing the palm of his hand.

"Did I tell you that you look good? But I'll say you'd look better in my bed." Shanks purred.

Mihawk pursed his lips.

"I have this thing for ankles." Shanks sighed, "Where I like them on my shoulders."


"We're like hot cocoa and marshmallows. You're hot and I want to be on top of you."

Shanks licked his lips as Mihawk yanked his hand away and crossed his arms across his chest. Mihawk began to play with the button on his shirt as Shanks smirked.

"You know something? You still owe me from saving you from Benn the other day. So. I ask one thing." Shanks said.

Mihawk turned to him furrowing, "And what is that?"

"A kiss."

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