A Little More Time with You

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There are a few easter eggs in here.

Mihawk grumbled tossing onto his stomach. Only to press his face into a broad chest, he soon fluttered open his eyes to the red hair sprawled across his pillow. Mihawk glanced to his peaceful sleep, a bit of drool dripping down his chin. While a strand of hair bounced back in forth from his snoring. While his eyes flickered back in forth behind his shut lids. Mihawk smiled softly.

He was the first person who got to see Shanks like this. He was the first to finally have woken up beside him. He was the first.

Well besides Luffy, he probably got to see him every morning like this.

Mihawk blinked brushing aside his hair. He sat up quickly.

"Fuck, the kids!" Mihawk cried.

Shanks snapped awake before he fell out of bed. Mihawk scrambled out of bed throwing on his clothes as Shanks groaned to his clothes being thrown at him. He turned to Mihawk with frazzled hair and struggling to get his clothes on.

"I'm here." Shanks said.

"Yes I know. We have to-"

Shanks caught his wrist as Mihawk turned to him. He smiled to him softly as Mihawk cocked a brow.

"I never had the chance to tell you, to tell you, how wonderful you look in the morning." Shanks said, "What they say is true, God must of spent a little more time on you."

Mihawk sighed kneeling down to his level, he embraced him where Shanks smiled embracing him back.

"Thank you."

He pulled back and kissed him softly. Mihawk pulled back once more cupping his chin.

"Let's go get, our, children."

Shanks chuckled getting up and getting dressed. Once he finished Mihawk didn't spend any time to fix his hair or anything he just took Shanks hand as he dragged him across the street to his house. Where Shanks quickly unlocked the door to the house. The house was, decent, besides the large fort in the middle of the living room. Mihawk headed upstairs while Shanks went to investigate the fort. He opened the sheet to Luffy and Zoro tangled in each other's sheets. He chuckled softly closing the sheet and Shanks saw the 'No girls allowed' sign outside. Mihawk stepped downstairs as he looked around for Perona.

"The boys are in here." Shanks whispered.

"Where's Perona?" Mihawk asked.

Mihawk then noticed the smaller fort under the kitchen table and sighed. He headed down as Shanks and him climbed under seeing Perona asleep on the floor. But she stole all the blankets and pillows from Shanks and Luffy's room.

"Troublesome." Mihawk sighed.

Shanks chuckled as they climbed out and headed into the kitchen. Shanks began to brew some coffee while Mihawk leaned against the wall. Then noticed the note from Smoker on the counter.

'I went home, the kids were fed and fell asleep.'

Mihawk rolled his eyes handing the letter to Shanks, "Some babysitter."

Shanks took the note before chuckling and crumpled up the note.

"Hey let me get a good morning kiss." Shanks purred.

"You already got one."

"I want another."

"What are you five?"

"Yeah five inches deep in your-"

Mihawk shut him up with a kiss, Shanks purred deepening the kiss with a soft nibble on his bottom lip. But. Mihawk was being stubborn. But he knew Shanks wouldn't go down without a fight. Tilting up his chin Shanks made past his lips and his tongue. Was stopped by Mihawk's teeth. Softly biting down on his tongue, he pulled back furrowing. Then let go for Shanks to pull back. But. he still didn't go down without a fight. Mihawk gasped softly as Shanks slapped and clutched his ass. Then he went in for the deep kiss. Mihawk went along as they had a small makeout session. Shanks pulled back with Mihawk's bottom lip between his lip and pulled back. Then let go letting it snap back into place.

"Good morning, my daytime vampire." Shanks purred.

"Good morning, you annoying red blur."

"Can you teach me how to kiss like that?"

They snapped to Zoro looking up at them with a cocked head.

"No." They both said.

Zoro frowned, "Wh- why not?"

"It's a kiss only grown ups share. Not for kids."

He gave a soft oh before Luffy and Perona patted there way into the kitchen. Perona smiled with a blanket around her body.

"Did you guys have fun?" Perona asked.

"Yeah, we had a pretty good time." Mihawk said.

"Does that mean Shanks is gonna be with us for a little while?" Zoro asked.

Mihawk turned to Shanks who smiled with a toothy grin, "I suppose."

"And Luffy is my new brother?"

"Not just yet."

They giggled among themselves softly before going upstairs. Shanks went to Mihawk giving him a cup of coffee before he motioned him to the boy's fort. Mihawk rolled his eyes as they crawled inside Mihawk furrowed to the blanket that was on the top of the blanket floor.

"This is mine, how." he grumbled figuring out the kids stole blankets from his house.

Shanks chuckled leaning in and kissed down his neck, "Don't worry about it. I mean it's not like it's the last time we're gonna see each other."

"I suppose you are right."

"Now relax, I need a little more morning lovin."

"Hey! Not in our fort!" Luffy huffed.

"Too bad."


"Luffy it's too late! Our fort is infected with cooties."

Shanks chuckled, "All the cooties."

Screaming they darted away from the fort as Shanks and Mihawk chuckled enjoying there morning coffee.

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