Chapter 9- Hannah's POV

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The YouTube video was simply amazing. I collapse on my bed when I get home. I look at my phone and see that Avery text me at least ten different times. "What do you WANT?!" I think to myself. I look at the messages and sigh. She's clinging to me like a sweaty sock. She texts three different apologies and then the rest sassy comments about how I didn't have to be rude by hanging up. "Yeah, okay. Not falling for this." I text her back: "I really don't need this Avery." Then I blocked her.

I rubbed my eyes and thought about the fight between Josie and I. I wish I could go back into time and start over and just let Devan kiss her. They deserved each other. Besides, I've seen how they talk to each other.

I get a text from Collins at about four that said: "Hey can we talk?" I just stare at the message and wonder what he was gonna say. "Sure" I reply. "Is it okay if we meet somewhere? It's kinda important." I suddenly had a half cringe, half nervous feeling. "Where exactly?" I ask him. "Starbucks?" He asked. I clap happily and give out a little squeal. "Yeah, sure. Five?" I ask. "Four thirty?" He questions. "Oh, okay then." I think a bit creeped out. "Yeah, c ya there." I send the message and toss my phone on the bed and put on some deodorant and some perfume because I smelled like crap. I got in my car and drove to Starbucks with casualty.

I parked and saw the familiar car I'd seen many times before. I walked in and saw Collins already at a table for two. He smiled as he saw me and looked a bit relieved. "Hey, how are you?" I ask. "Uh, good. Here, I'll get that for you." He pulls out my chair for me even though it was already out enough to sit in. "Thanks." I say, even though I felt super awkward. I tried not to show it. "What do you wanna order? It's on me." Collins suggested. "Uh..chocolate chip mocha please. Thanks Collins." I say, smiling to let him know I felt more comfortable.

He went up to the register and ordered. There weren't a lot of people there, just a couple of lonely people and business people. He came back and handed me my drink. "Thanks," I said again. "What was it you wanted to talk about?" I asked. He took a breath to calm himself. "Yeah well, I wanted to ask you about how things are between you and Josie if you don't mind." He said. He seemed a bit nervous like half of him thought I would say: "I don't feel like talking about it." "You don't have's just I thought.." Collins started. He looked into my eyes. "Collins...I'd be glad to tell you." I said. He smiled with relief. "I mean, I feel really bad about fighting in front of you guys..I mean..Josie is an awesome friend and I guess..boys phase me. But...Devan..isn't for me..I liked him at first but...Josie and Devan are so much better together. And I just want to apologize to you personally. I must've been so awkward and-" I said. "Hey, well it's okay." His smile had faded, and he looked upset. At that moment it seemed so right that I put my hand on his. He looked up and put his other hand on top of mine. We sat for a moment just looking into each other's eyes. His eyes were full of hope and looked watery, almost as if he would start to cry.

That was the moment I realized, Collins was so much more than just an acquaintance, or a friend. It was different than what I had with Josie. Josie and I were like sisters. But....this...I couldn't put a finger on it. We finally realized how long we'd been practically staring at each other. We let go at the same time and started on our drinks. We go outside after and share laughs and memories from our childhoods.

We sit down on a bench and watch the cars zoom by. We sit in a peaceful silence and enjoy the warm breeze. Just tell him! What's the harm anyways! I mean..I may be missing out if I don't.. I think to myself. "Collins," I say. He turns his attention to me and smiled a bit. "Do you ever have something you want to say to someone but the other half of you is telling you no?" I ask. "A lot actually. Why?" He asks. "Well, there's something I didn't even admit to myself for such a long time because...well because I was too afraid that you didn't..." I say. "Didn't what?" He asked confused. "I was too afraid that you wouldn't like me back if I told you." I said. "If I told you that I do have feelings for you." He looked at me with a glint of happiness reflecting off of his expression. "Hannah, it's crazy because I thought the same thing."

A/N: Hey! Sorry, this may have been too cringy for some you to handle. Sorry bout that. Comment you're favorite part anyways! (ah, who cares?) Don't forget to check out my partners profile and vote on her other stories as well. Thanks for the support!

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