Chapter Twelve

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A/N: So this one is gonna be a bit more serious and deal with some pretty serious stuff, but no details

**Anna's POV**

The masked man drags me out to a car, throwing me into the backseat. I see another guy in the passenger's seat wearing a mask as well.

"How did you get her?" The passenger asks.

"I told you I would. All it takes is a little pressure and one of these." The driver holds up his gun. I curl into a ball, hiding my tears as they speed up. The driver swears as I hear sirens in the background. "They're coming for you." He says and points his gun at me.

"Please, don't." I say. He laughs and pulls the trigger. Nothing. There's no bullets.

"I play a good bluff, don't I?" He says. He speeds through alleys and all sorts of places, losing the cops. Once we stop, he pulls me out of the car by my hair into an old warehouse, shoving me to the floor.

"What now?" The passenger asks as he takes off his mask. I'm surprised to see he has a soft face, one that looks like he couldn't hurt a fly. But once he locks eyes with mine, a feeling of terror overcomes me.

"Whatever you want, little bro." The driver says, taking off his mask. He has a stern, mean look to him. He gives me a smirk before leaving. The passenger makes his way too me.

"You know," he says, pushing a piece of hair behind my ear. "You were my first."

Oh gosh. Oh gosh. This is him. He killed my sister. He-He hurt me. Oh gosh.

I try to crawl away but he grabs my leg, pulling me back. I'm surprised at his strength.

"I hear you don't remember?" He says. "Well, that's no good. We have to fix that don't we?" He asks, unbuttoning my shirt.

"HELP!" I start screaming. He just laughs. "PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!" He takes off his shirt, ignoring my screams. "HARRY!"


My eyes shoot open as I look around me. I'm laying on an old mattress, covered up by some blankets and back in my own clothes. I look around and don't see either guy. I stand up quietly and tip toe to a door. I'm in pain, so tears are trying to escape my eyes, but I won't let them.

"Where do you think you're going, baby?" I hear him. The passenger.

"I think she's trying to escape, Garrett." The driver says.

"I think so, Brian." The passenger, Garrett, says to the driver.

"What do you want from me?" I ask.

"You killed our brother." Garrett says.

"In the car accident?" I ask. They nod.

"Look, I don't even remember the accident."

"Doesn't change the fact that he's dead."

"So you kill my sister?" I ask.

"Have to even it out. And now, we have to torture you, like you tortured our family." Brian says.

"We just choose to do it in different ways." Garrett adds with a wink, making me sick.

"Maybe we can take away more of your family. Starting with your mom. Then maybe...that boy band boyfriend of yours." Brian says.

"Please, please don't hurt them. You can keep me here all you'd like, but don't hurt them." I beg. Garrett walks slowly over to me, brushing his fingers across my cheek, which causes me to pull back a little.

"It's okay." He whispers. "We won't hurt them. As long as they don't come looking for you."

"It's time to go to school Garrett." Brian says. Garrett picks up his backpack.

"If only they knew what I was capable of." Garrett whispers to me before, kissing my cheek and leaving.

"I have to go to work. If you try to leave-"

"I won't." I say quietly as he leaves, locking the door behind him. I walk back to the mattress and fall back on it. Here I am; stuck inside again. I scan the room for something to do and I see a laptop on a desk. I make my way over to it, sitting down in the chair. I'm tempted to send some sort of message to Harry, but I don't for two reasons; one, I don't have any sort of way to message him, and two, if I do, they'll hurt him. But I do go on the internet and search for him.

I didn't get to learn a lot about his band. I saw one video but other than that, I didn't know much about how they started.

The first few things to come up were about him missing, then a few about him running away with some girl, and then some about him hiding me. The older ones are all about him being with all of these different women, and for a second, I wonder to myself if this is true, if I'm just another girl on his list, but I stop myself from thinking that. There was a reason he wanted me to get to know him without knowing about the band. And this could very well be that reason.

I find links so a few music videos and watch through a bunch, admiring Harry mostly. Then find some old videos of all the guys hanging out. I end up laughing the whole time, which in this moment I didn't think was possible.

"What are you doing?" I hear Brian's voice.

"I was just looking at stuff. I didn't message anyone, I promise!" I say. He hits me and I fall to the floor. "Please,"

"What did you do?" He yells.

"Nothing! I was looking at videos." I cry, trying to crawl away. He stops and stands up straight.

"Shut up." He whispers. I zip my mouth. There's a knock on the door. "Get in the closet. Go." I crawl over to the closet as he opens the door. I peek through a crack and see a man step in.

"Brian, why did you leave work early? We need you there, you know that." The man says.

"Cole, you know there's a lot going on, with the cops, and I have to be here for Garrett." Brian says.

"Garrett's in school." Cole says.

"Well, with my dad kicking him out, he just, he needs me here." Brian says.

"Fine, but try to stay a little later tomorrow. You're my finest mechanic." Cole says and leaves.

"You can come out now." Brian says. I slowly get out of the closet. "Don't go on the laptop again, okay?"

"I'm sorry." I say, looking down. He shuts the laptop, bringing it to another room. "Why did your dad kick your brother out?" I ask, out of curiosity.

"Because of what he did. To you. And your sister." He snarls.

"Oh," I pause, "why are you doing this?"


"I mean, your brother, he, um, he-"

"Killed your sister? Hurt you?"

"Yeah, if you didn't do that, why are you doing this?"

"Because he's an idiot and he can't defend himself."

"Why can't you just let me go?"

"Oh, it's too late now. We let you go and you'll tell the cops who we are."

"No, no I won't, I promise." I say as he door opens and Garrett enters.

"What a terrible day," he sighs, throwing his backpack to the floor, then making his way to me.

"Homework first, Garrett." Brian says, leaving the room. Garrett swears at him, then grabs me by the hair and pulling me to the mattress.

"No! Stop! Please, don't!" I start screaming.


So...I broke my own heart writing this. Ugh.

Comment and vote please? Maybe? I know this was such a heart breaking chapter. But, you all know someone's gonna save her *hint hint* Harry *cough cough*

Stay strong


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