Chapter Six

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**Harry's POV**

"No, no you don't understand." I say. "There was a man running away when I found her. I tried to chase him, but he got away. She doesn't remember anything."

"Listen, we found no evidence of someone else being there. Just Anna and Jenna Poet." An officer says to me.

"A doctor even came over. He said there was bruising on her arm. Defensive wounds. And he said some guy raped her." I say, getting frustrated that no one was listening to me.

"What was the name of this doctor?"

"Doctor Campbell. Call him. But I need to talk to Anna. You guys can be there, watch us if you'd like but I need to talk to her, please."

"We can't let you do that."

"You don't understand. She's scared. She doesn't understand what's happening. Please, just let me talk to her."

"We will talk to her,"

"No. You don't understand."

"Why were you hiding her?" He asks. I sigh, clearly they won't let me talk to her. And how am I supposed to answer this question?

"I just had a bad feeling. Like I said, I saw someone running away from her when I found her. I didn't see the little girl anywhere, I would assume Anna ran away from the scene because someone was trying to kill her. She was unconscious when I found her, so I took her home. When she woke up, she didn't know anything, who she was or why she was here. I called Dr. Campbell over, he said he saw signs of a struggle. That some guy took advantage of her." I say, "I kept her in the house because I wanted to keep her safe."

"Officer, Dr. Campbell is here." Someone said, opening the door.

"Okay, bring him in." He says as they bring in Dr. Campbell. "Thank you for your time, Dr."

"Anything to help the authorities." Dr. Campbell says.

"Dr., did you examine Anna Poet?" He asks.

"I did."

"We're told you found signs of a struggle, that someone took advantage of her." The cop asks him. He looks a bit confused and then looks at me.

"I don't know what you've bee told, but I found no such thing." He says.

"You son of a b-" I jump up, getting ready to lunge across the table at him, but a cop stops me. "He's lying!" I yell. "You came over and you said she was hurt, that some guy raped her!" Dr. Campbell takes a step back.

"I found no such thing." He repeats. I get ready to lunge at him again. There's no way this is happening.

"He's lying! You have to believe me!"

"Why would he lie?"

"I don't know, he's protecting someone!"

"Listen, we know Anna and Jenna went to your concert that night. And we've been tipped off by an anonymous source that you met up with her after the concert."

"What?!" I yell, "No, no I didn't. I found her, I told you that already."

"Do your friends know you've been hiding her?"

"Leave them out of this." I say. "Why can't we focus on the fact that this Dr. is lying through his teeth?"

"We believe the evidence, and the evidence indicates that Anna Poet killed her sister."

"What evidence is there?"

"Her fingerprints were at the scene, her purse an phone left behind. And we found this," The cop lays a knife in a bag on the table, "with her fingerprints on it."

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