Chapter Sixteen

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**Anna's POV**

Niall leads me inside his house, showing me around and to a guest room I can use until Harry'd released from the hospital.

"So, how bout we get ya set up on twitter?" He asks. "Meet some fans."

"Sure," I sit beside him on the couch as he opens his laptop. It takes some time but I create my twitter name and password.

"Here let me take a picture of ya," Niall says, holding up his phone. I hide my face. "Come on,"

"I'd rather have one of me and Harry."

"Alright let me text him," Niall types on his phone and in a few minutes, Harry's set the picture that's his phone background. Niall laughs. "He said that no one can follow you until he does, and he has to be the first person you follow." I nod, as Niall gets to picture to the computer and sets it as the profile picture. I quickly search for Harry's twitter pressing the follow button and within seconds he's followed me back and tweeted about my twitter.

"Everyone, please go follow my lovely girlfriend. She's amazing and I love her so much." He tweets, tagging me in the tweet. Almost instantly, my notifications are blowing up, tons of people following me and tweeting me. Most of the tweets are really sweet, they're all happy that Harry's found someone. Some girls are being rude, telling me that Harry's theirs and not mine. I shrug it off, not taking any of it personal.

"What do ya wanna do?" Niall asks. I shrug. Truthfully, all I want to do is see Harry. But, I remain silent. "Do ya wanna go get something to eat?" I shrug.

"Let's just chill here." I say. He nods, laying back against the couch. "It's strange because all I've ever wanted to for all I can remember in my life is to go out and see the world, but now, I don't want to leave. I just want Harry here."

"I understand," He says, patting my back. I bite the inside of my lip to stop my tears from falling. I fall back to the couch, my eyelids feeling heavy. "'Maybe you should try to sleep." He says. I nod, yawning.


"Anna," I hear a whisper. I flutter my eyes open and see Niall standing above me. "You want to go visit Harry?" He asks. I nod, slowly standing up from the couch. I silently follow him outside and to his car.

I'm really tired, and I want to fall asleep on the ride there, but my mind is now awake. The thought of seeing him keeps my mind racing.

My mind quickly jumps to the dream I had. The same exact dream. Blurry. Confusion. Pain.

"Niall, what do you think it means if you keep having the same dream again and again?" I ask.

"You're mind's trying to tell ya something."

"Do you think it could be a memory?"

"Could be."

"I never know exactly what's going on. It's a lot like my mind. Blurry."

"What's happening in it?"

"I don't really know. I'm scared, and hurting. And there's this guy that's hurting me, but it's not Brian or Garrett. I feel, connected to him. And I'm confused as to why he's hurting me. Like it's all wrong. That's not the way its supposed to be."

"Sounds like you cared about him. Maybe an ex? Or even your dad."

"But, I-" I pause, realizing something, "my goodness!"

"What? Do you remember something?"

"No." I say, "but, what if I already had a boyfriend?! What if I was dating someone?!"

"Relax. I'm sure you weren't-"

"No, you don't know that."

"Ask your mum, since she's here." He says.

"Yeah, you're right. I'll just ask my mom." I sigh. "But, what if I do? What if I have a boyfriend?"

"Well, ya love Harry."

"Yeah, but what if I loved someone else."

"Ya don't love them now."

"I don't remember them."

"Well if he's the guy you're dreamin about then ya don't need him anyway."

"But, what if he's not?"

"Anna, ya love Harry. I'm sure he'll understand."

"What if I get my memories back?"

"Then, you'll have a choice to make."

"Ugh. Let's just hope I don't." I say. "I can't see me with anyone but Harry."

He pulls into the parking lot and we exit the car, making our way to the hospital. I can't help but look around, terrified that somehow, someway, Brian or Garrett would show up to take me.

"Hey, no one is coming for you. They're gone." He stops and puts his hands on my upper arms gently.

"I know, just there's still some part of me terrified."

"I think that's normal. I'm right here. Nothing's going to happen." He gives me a hug. "Now, let's go see Harry." He smiles. I smile back and nod.

We enter the hospital, arms linked. There's a few girls who come running up to Niall. He smiles and hugs them, taking a picture.

"Do you know how Harry's doing?" One of them asks.

"I've heard he's fine, but we're going to go see him." He says, gesturing towards me. They all look at me. I smile weakly.

"I'm so sorry about what happened. How are you?" Another girl asks, all of them looking at me with sympathy. I smile weakly and shrug.

"Better. Thanks for asking." I say.

"We'll go see Harry, if you stay here then we'll let you know how he is." Niall says. They all nod as Harry and I walk up to Harry's room.

Most of the fans have no idea where Harry's room is, so they stay in the lobby downstairs. One of Harry's doctors smile at us.

"Visiting hours are over, but given the circumstances, we'll let you see him, just keep quiet." The doctor says. We nod and knock lightly on Harry's door. Niall opens it slowly, allowing me to enter first.

Harry's peacefully sleeping. I sit in the chair beside the bed, admiring him, not wanting to wake him. I gently slip my hand into his. A smile crosses my face as I get a slight jog of memory. I'm not sure exactly what happens in it, but I know it's of him, before we met.

Now that this is all over. I can finally try to get my life back together, piece by piece. Memory by memory. And I know I'll have Harry here, right beside me. And I wouldn't want it any different.


Guys, it's almost done :( but don't worry, book 2 is in the works

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Stay strong


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