Chapter Fifteen

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**Anna's POV**

I quickly get dressed, pulling my knees to my chest, crying. Brian and Harry are hitting each other. Fear pulses through my body as I see Brian pulling a gun out, Harry backs up a few steps, his hands up. Brian takes a step closer.

"No!" I cry. Brian looks over at me and Harry takes the opportunity to knock the gun out of his hand as Garrett is waking up from unconsciousness. He looks up at Harry and back down at me. He starts walking towards me, his eyes darker than they've ever been. I try to get to my feet but he stops me, pushing me back to the ground, quickly getting on top, pinning me down.

"Please, don't." I beg as his hands find my neck, squeezing the airway. I gasp for air but nothings happening. I try to yell for Harry but it doesn't work. I begin to let tears fall as my sight's getting blurry. I look to Harry, noticing the gun on the floor next to me. I reach over, grabbing it. The next few seconds happen quickly and in a blur as I point the gun to him, pulling the trigger.

"NO!" I hear Brian yell, seeing him run towards his brother. I crawl away, trembling at what I've just done, letting more tears escape my eyes as Harry comes running over.

"I killed him." I whisper, "I killed him. I killed him."

"It was self defense." Harry holds me closer to him. I watch as Brian completely falls apart in front of me, begging his brother's lifeless body to come back to him.

"I killed him." I say, my voice barely audible. "I'm sorry," I choke out through my tears. Brian shoots glares at me, getting to his feet.

"You think you can kill two of my brothers, and get away with it?" He asks rhetorically. I scoot closer to Harry. Brian picks up the gun, aiming it at me. I squeeze my eyes shuts, grasping on to Harry who moves a bit.


I hear multiple gunshots, jumping at each one, the sound echoing in my ears. But, soon I realize none have hit me. I slowly open my eyes, looking down to see Harry lying across my lap. No. No he didn't. I feel his back gently, lifting my hands to see blood all over my hands. His blood. No. No. No no no. I let the flood of tears fall from my eyes.

"Harry?" I say through my tears, turning him to see his face. His eyes barely open. "Harry?" I ask again.

"I love you, Anna." He whispers, his voice cracking.

"No. No. You're not allowed to leave me." I cry. He slips his hand into mine.

"I won't ever leave you," he whispers. I shake my head crying more and more. He closes his eyes, his breathing slowing down, but still going, as well as his heartbeat. I look up, for the first time noticing cops and the guys here, each boy with a look of pure pain across the face, each one of them not being ashamed of letting their tears fall.

"We have to get him to a hospital." One of the cops say, lifting him from my lap. Zayn is the first to walk over to me, helping me to my feet. But, instead of walking anywhere, I just throw my arms around him, letting my tears fall.

"He's going to be okay," He says to me through his own tears. I feel the rest of the guys embracing me into one big hug. We stay like this for a few minutes then Niall and Liam link arms with me on each side as we walk past Brian and Garrett's bodies. I'm shaking and trembling, barely able to stand on my own. My whole mind is a blur, overwhelmed with so many emotions. I'm desperately clinging onto Niall and Liam as we walk.

The sun shines into my eyes for the first time in months, hurting my eyes. I breath in the fresh air. The moment is insanely bittersweet, more bitter than sweet. I'm so relieved to be free, totally free. They won't be coming after me anymore. But, Harry's hurt. Really bad, and I can't loose him.


The wait to see Harry has gone on for hours. Doctors doing everything they can to help him. A lot of the people Harry work with are here, occasionally introducing themselves to me. Harry's family is here. I want to go over and talk to them but I'm unsure I could hold myself together. His sister looks up me, nodding slightly and I return the favor. I lay my head against Niall's shoulder, yawning.

"Ya should try to get some rest." He says to me.

"No, I'm fine," I say, closing my eyes against my own will. It's been a long time since I've had real rest. The fight to stay awake is getting more and more difficult until finally it takes over.

My dream is blurry, about that man I've dreamt so much about. The dream is the same as the others. I don't know what's happening. I'm in pain. Scared. But, the connection to the man is strong and I feel as though everything happening is wrong. Like I'm confused.

"Anna?" I hear Niall's voice wake me up. I flutter my eyes open, rubbing them with my hands. I look up to see a doctor before us.

"He's fine now, he's in recovery. We're going to keep it at family now. We all nod as Harry's mom, step-dad, dad, his step-brother, and his sister stand, following the doctor back.

Now that Harry's in recovery, I can't bring myself to go back to sleep. I nervously tap my heel non-stop, waiting. Waiting. Waiting. After what seems like forever his family returns.

"He's asking for you, sweetie." His mom comes to me. We hug as I slowly make my way to his room. I knock on the closed door, slowly opening it. I hold back my tears as I see him laying in his hospital bed, on his side.

"Anna," he smiles weakly, his voice really gravelly. I smile back, sitting on the chair beside him. I slip my hand into his. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too, Harry," I let a few tears fall.

"Don't cry. Everything's fine. I'm fine. And they aren't coming after you again." He says. I nod. "Come here," I lean closer to him. He presses his lips to mine, his hand finding the back of my neck, entangling in my hair.

It's crazy that I've known Harry for only five months, I mean, I love him. I don't care what people say, if they say we're too young, or we haven't known each other long enough to be in love. I love him. And this is only our second kiss. I want nothing more than to be with him for the rest of my life. He pulls away slightly. He smiles slightly, kissing me again. My heart race picks up as he gently deepens the kiss. I'm so nervous because I've never kissed a guy like this before, or at least, I don't remember kissing a guy like this before. But, he does all the work, guiding me along the way. We pull apart, our faces still inches close.

"I love you, too, Harry." I say, responding to his earlier confession of his love. His face lights up with a smile, that smile I love so much.


Pretty intense. And sad.

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Stay strong


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