School Days

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I glanced at my alarm clock. I immediately sat up as i discovered it was already seven in the morning.
"Holy Shit!"
What the f?! I'm already late for school! Now I can't punch someone in the face early in the morning.

I slide the curtains then open my window. Instead of a sunshine to greet me, a head pops out.

I jumped then stumbled on the floor as I shouted the shit out of my lungs. "Holy shi---!!!! What the fu----" and I'm damn sure that my soul almost fled away from my body because of that jump scare.

"GoooOOD Morning!" Then that certain someone stepped, no...more like he trespassed inside.

And the realization came to me.

"Grif?! What the hell! you almost scared the shit out of me!" I exclaimed while i placed my hand on my chest at the left side where my heart is located to calm it down from beating fast. "Don't do that ever again! You're not Uncle-Grandpa!"


"Just forget it!" Then thought for a second. "How did you get up here?"

"'s because of the branchy old tree outside?" He stated with a questioning tone.

I just rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Just don't do that again...the whole surprise-climbing thing cause it reminds me of Romeo And Juliet but with the same sex, living in the modern world." Then gasped. "If you want to get in just use the front door, dude."

He flinched and I can tell he's really disgusted of what I said. Well, I am too. But it's the truth anyway so...yeah. "Ew seriously you'd think that? You have a serious gay thoughts going inside your brain."

I threw a pillow at his face in return. It was so strong that he's head rocked back because of the impact. "Fuck YOU, man!"

"Yo! Chill out!"


After we passed down the streets, to alleyways, from rode to rode just by on foot accompanied with sighs of exhaustion, we finally reached the old, run-down school building, the Aegean Academy. You can tell it just with the rusted sign clinging up on the huge black painted gate.

As we entered inside, the heavy dark aura began intoxicating us, and the stormy-evil atmosphere making its way deep to our core, urges us to brawl. It's good to be home.

Some of the glass windows are broken, withered paints on the walls became covered with graffities and other vandalism, lastly the good-for-nothing students.Yep. My school didnt change a bit, still the same delinquent school that others feared.

The students on the corridors took one step backwards as they saw me walking, that gave me a lot of space on my way. Geez what's up with them? It's not like I will jabbed their faces if they didn't step away...?!

Seriously they got a serious problem and I don't want to get involve with any so I just ignored them and acted like nothing happened.

We arrived at our classroom: section kindness. And it was in the same scenario as the day I got in to this section: shitload of stupid classmates.

Shortly after I slouched on my seat, the professor exactly came in.
"Okey, bring up your literature book and turn to page 25."

Someone laughed from behind. "We don't bring books here old man!" Then the others started to laugh with him, making our classroom a laughing mess.

The professor sighed. He knew that it's no use to scold them,, because we don't give a single fuck about it.

"Okey, so I will just narrate to you the story and after that, I'll ask you one by one about your reflections in it ." Then his brown eyes narrowed. "Or else, will all be expelled." And suddenly let out a bloodlust aura.

(Personal file of the professor:)
Fullname: Edmond Rifius
A.K.A: Prof.
Gender: Male
Age: 40
Occupation: Highschool teacher
Rank: Academic Counselor
Fav movie: The Fault In Our Stars

Mr. Edmond, is not your typical highschool-slash-nerdy type of teacher. He may look weak, act weak, sighed weak but a fucking monstrous demon inside, just waiting for the right timing to let his real colors pumped out from his disguised skin, and that real colors mostly showed up when he's triggered. And only the stupid students dare to test his patience. Well, as far as I know, most of them are sent flying to the stars if they tried something really stupid. In fact, teachers here need to be terribly strong in order to handle us, students. So he is expected to be like that. After all, he's the teacher among the highest ranking faculty members in this most rejected, worst delinquent school in this region.

After he read out loud the story of Romeo and Juliet by the famous late William Shakespeare, he began to ask our reflections one by one according to our sitting arrangement. And I'm the first unfortunate person to be asked, since I'm sitting in front in the first row. sucks!

I actually don't like that story. It always gives me a foul mood whenever I hear it. Guess I'm not a romantic-story-liking-guy. Why? It's because their love story irritates me. It's not like I'm saying 'William is a worse writer''s just I'm bitter when it comes that stupid little thing called love.

"So?" Mr. Rifius demanded, that cut me out from my dead air.

I rolled my eyes at the side and lazily shared what I think of it. "The story is about two stupid people who fell in ass-grabbing feeling called love and eventually became assholes, cause only assholes can feel that assholic love at first sight. So they fell in love like assholes and died like assholes."


And in that moment, I knew that I was fucked.

After that catastrophic subject, was our recess. So me and Grif went to the cafeteria for snack then headed to the roof top where we occasionally eat, since the temperature here is cool than at the ground floor.

"Why do you put so much hate in Romeo and Juliet. It's not like they bitchslap you or something..." said Grif as he munched his sandwich.

I took a sip of my orange juice before replying. "They remind me of someone I used"

"To what?"

Realizing that I'm starting to stutter, I punched him at the head. "Never mind."

"OUCH! What the fucking hell?!" He exclaimed right after. "You don't have to do that!"

"It's for bringing that topic when I don't want to talk about it." I answered flatly.

He massaged his head. "Whatever." And returned biting his sandwich.

After all, I just want to forget all that had happened.......

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