Bad At Love

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Trinity's P. O. V.

"Welcome, Mi'lady." My personal maids and butlers greeted me as I trudged inside the hallway of the castle.

I dismissed them by simply waving my hand. "Yep. Thanks." Then headed to my room. When I reached there, I immediately dove on my bed exhaustedly.

I squealed in annoyance on my pillow as I recalled what happened earlier with that Mr. Gorgeous Delinquent. He's so rude! He just left me there in the infirmary! That's a worse thing to treat a lady!

Although, he still saved my life....

And he was so dope and hot while doing it.....

But there still something bothering me about him.

Who is he?

Some part of his face looks so familiar, especially his crystal blue orbs...

Have I seen him somewhere before?

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts that were rampaging in my mind. As it brought me back to reality, I immediately sat up and fixed my tangled hair. "Come in!"

A silhouette of a man made its way inside, and a tall person followed.

It's Denver.

My good, devoted personal butler.

Personal File of Denver
Fullname: Denver Lexus McLord 
A.K.A: The Majesty's Wolf
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Rank: Head Butler
Height: 6'0 feet
Personal Services: Cooking, Cleaning, Driving, gardening etc.
Additional Services: Guarding, Assassinating, sabotaging, etc.
Fav Movie: Die Hard
Fav color: Black
Dislikes: What his majesty don't like.

He bowed politely before speaking. "Mi'lady, you have a suitor, waiting for you downstairs."

I rolled my eyes at the side with exasperation. "Seriously?! At this hour?!"

"Yes Mi'lady."

"And who is that person?"

He cleared his throat, as if disgusted in saying his name. "Prince Hectus of Hacimba Kingdom in region 10."

My eyes widen. "That fat prick?!"

Shit. There's no way this guy would stand a chance to me.

He's too annoying.

He's too ugly and over weighted.


Too imperfect for me.

"Language, Mi'lady..."  He reprimanded.

I growled. "Alright....ill go downstairs and talk to him, but dismiss him after 5 minutes. Okey?"

"As you wish Mi'lady." He answered shortly then closed the door as he goes out.

"Fuckkkkkkk!" I grunts

What is his problem?! Why he can't just leave me alone?!

Fuck turd.

I dragged myself up from my bed and with a sigh of frustration, I left the room.

His bloated smiling face greeted me as he saw me walking down the stairs.


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