Starting Over Again...?

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Nick's P.O.V.

When I closed my locker, I instantly saw trinity standing beside me. I ignored her and quickly walk away.

But she kept up. "Hey! Wait."

I remained my look straight. "Got no time for chatting, princess. I'm late for the next subject."

She suddenly grabbed me by the arm. "Please wait!"

I turned at her and placed a cold gaze at her. "What are you gonna do Hu? Throw an annoying prank to me again?"

"No! Just please listen first."

She seemed serious so I nod at her to continue.

She exhaled deeply. "I know who you are. You don't have to hide it anymore from me."

I frowned. Does she remember me?

"Look Nick. I didn't realized it until just now. I didn't know it was you and I'm sorry okey?!"

I took her hand off me. "You know what? Your sorry is like pure solid salt, hard to digest."

She crosses her arms on her chest. "You have a mistake too you know?!" She muttered. "You crossed a line!"

"Oh! Now it's my fault! Your the one who became mean!"

She chuckled. "Now who's talking?! F. Y. I. You're meaner than me! You beat people up!"

"You ruin people's lives!"

She flinched. "You're exaggerating."

"What? It's the truth."

"Can you please just shut up?! Listen to me first!"

"Got no time for this shit. I need to go." Then attempted to walk away but she caught me again.

"Just stop and listen to me!" She demanded with full force. "Stop walking away again for nothing! Stop leaving someone behind."

"Leaving someone behind?" And touched my forehead unbelievably. "Now you're throwing me that shit?" I snapped. "You're the one who walked away in the first place. You gave up gave up!"

She tilted up her chin. "Yes I walked away from you, Nick. But I didn't gave up! Do you really think I choose this way?! No Nick! No! I loved you!"

"Then why did you left me?" I asked with a monotone voice, forcing my void tone to hide the pain that imprisoned my wellness.

"Because I need to. I don't have a choice! But it doesn't matter anymore." Then moved closer to me. "I'm here Nick, we can bring back what's ours...."

I shook my head. "It's too late Triny. You let go. Now I'm beyond your reach." And there, I left her completely.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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