Chapter 8

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~Keith's POV~

I awoke to a high pitched sound in my ear. It rang all around, blurring my vision but not enough to see a rainbow running towards me.


Never mind, it was the paladins.

I felt a strong pair of arms support my back as I slouched against them.

"Thanks Shiro" I coughed out.

"It's okay buddy, don't strain yourself... you've taken quite a bit of damage."

"And so has Arus by the looks of it!"

I slowly gazed around at what was left of Arus. The particle barrier had protected myself, the castle and land beneath it. There was a circle of perfectly cut green grass beneath me but beyond that was hell. Rubble and dirt had been chucked into the atmosphere creating a murky grey cloud that loomed overhead like the harbinger of death. A huge crater pierced through the planet and cut right through to the core. The Arusians had returned to the castle after we found the village to be a distraction and now they had no home to go back to. Lance was still unconscious and being dragged by Allura, Shiro still had minor injuries ,and Hunk and Coran were still not back. This was a disaster!

"The Arusians..." Allura whispered out.

"Do not worry Princess. We will find them a new home."

"But it won't be home for them though! They'll be foreigners on any new planet, that is if a planet untouched by Zarkon still exists! It's our fault they're homeless!"

"No Allura, it's not our fault..." Pidge stated angrily.

"What exactly do you mean by that?!"

"Well Keith, if your girlfriend over there had just told us what happened to her in the first place, none of this would have happened!"

"If Allura hadn't suggested a party then Sendak wouldn't have been able to waltz right in!"

"Okay guys let's not bring the princess into this!" Shiro replied.

"Oh princess of what?! There's no one else out here, she's no princess of ours!"

"Stow it cadets!" Space Dad shouted. "Let's just get Keith inside and wait for Coran and Hunk to return with the crystal."

Shiro helped me up and placed an arm under me for support. Feeling down for the loss of our friend, we trudged back towards the castle.



No, she can't be dead!

"We have to go back!"

Everyone turned to look at me.

"Excuse me?! I'm sorry Keith but it's too risky. As Princess of this castle, I am putting my foot down! She could be dead at the bottom of the crater. Lava is rising from Arus' core and there isn't much time until it explodes. We must leave!"

~20 Earth Minutes Later~

"Remind me never to use authority with Keith again"

"Sorry princess, but it seems that putting your foot down doesn't work on Keith" Shiro replied to a sulking princess.

"Like I said few moments ago in the hangers, the red lion is accustomed to heat so we should be able to retrieve (Y/N) and fly out of here in a tick."

"Technically, it will take much longer than a tick to fly out of there Keith"

"Yes Coran, I am aware of that! It was just a figure of... ugh never mind!" I sighed.

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