Chapter 4

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Allura's POV

We had sat (y/n) down on a chair in the control room as we gathered around her.

"Okay first question, Who are you?"

"Allura what are y-"

I sharply cut Shiro off before returning my glare towards our interrogation dummy.

"Well I'm (f/n)(l/n) from Planet Earth. I'm 22 years old and my birthday is on the 17th July. I was raised in the Amber Sands Orphanage from the age of 9 when my dad went missing and attended the Garrison Space Academy."

I hummed thoughtfully to myself. Everything seemed to match with what our black and red paladins have said so far. I continued.

"How did you end up on Zarkon's ship?"

She shuddered slightly.

"I was sent on a craft with one other to retrieve the men from the Kerberos mission. We were launched up but as we neared our destination a foreign ship began shooting at us before we fell and they captured us."

"Can I ask where your other crew member is and what happened aboard the enemy ship?"

She lowered her head slightly as if she was ashamed.

"H-He was put in an arena and forced to fight but he was killed, r-right in front of my eyes." Tears began to stream down her face. "I was next in the arena and managed to stay alive b-but after they saw that they took me away and kept me a-as their toy for one and a half years! It would've been better if I had died with my crew right there and then!"

She sobbed uncontrollably as we gave each other uneasy, sympathetic glances. I approached her slowly, placing a comforting hand on her shaking shoulders.

"I'm very sorry for your loss but you mustn't think like that! Thanks to you being alive, we might obtain the vital information needed to bring down that wretched beast once and for all. You are doing a good thing (y/n). Believe in yourself! I have a few more questions and then we can grab a spot of lunch yes?"

She nodded down to the ground.

"Good girl! Now, Can you tell me why you shut Keith and Shiro out when you heard about your mission in space?"

Her head snapped up in surprise as did the paladins.

"I overheard the paladins talking about it when you were in a pod and was curious. Shiro said he thought there was something deeper underlying and not just nerves."

She looked at Shiro instantly as he avoided her gaze.

"W-what are you talking about? I was going into space for the first time looking for a presumed dead crew! Of course it was just nerves!"

"But you really wanted to go to space, so bad that your nerves didn't bother you. Why did you shut me out (n/n)" Keith replied.

"I didn't shut you out Keith, i was just stressed that's all. There was only one person in my crew which was clearly not enough. No one wanted to go after a lost crew as it was risky but do you know what? I took that risk because I wanted to bring back my friend Shiro and Katie Holt's family because she was so sad and angry about the lack information that she broke into the garrison. I wanted to save her that stress because her father helped fund my tuition for my studies, she was like a sister to me!"

Shiro looked at Pidge as we looked at him.

"Shut people out? You didn't shut people out?!" Keith had balled his fists up tightly and was shaking with rage, "Do you even remember the night before you left me behind? My 16th birthday that was and i was so eager to learn the extra hard lesson you had planned me but instead you shouted at me with your hand raised ready to slap me before slamming the door in my face!"

"You slammed the door on me!" She screamed back.

"Okay guys that's enough" I nervously laughed out.

"Does it matter?! What matters is that you shut us all out and you won't even tell us why! Why did you shut us out?"

"No" she muttered quietly.

"Just tell us (y/n)! Tell us the truth" screamed Keith.

"I DIDNT WANT TO GO INTO SPACE AGAIN! Not after last time."

We stood there wide eyed before speaking in sync. "AGAIN?!" We chorused.

"Wait a minute," Keith hesitantly pondered slightly, "That night I left you alone when your dad first tried to fly to Kerberos... Was it then?"

"Yes it was. I was about 9 and Keith was only 4. My father was the first person to attempt to fly to Kerberos. It was an unknown mission that changed my life. I snuck aboard his ship as it was ready to leave. After we were safely into the depths of space I crept into the control room to find my father. He of course scolded me harshly and was about to send me in a pod back to earth before a ship corned ours to an abandoned planet. A ugly figure approached us. It was Zarkon. He violently took my dad and his crew members in handcuffs, leaving me sobbing at his feet. He told his guards to let me go as I would be of more use to him in the future. After that I was sent in a pod back to Earth with no memory of what happened until I got selected for the mission 12 years later. I was anxious because I never wanted to see that ugly bastards face ever again but then it happened. I was captured."

(Y/n) looked up at us with tears in her eyes. She looked so distraught when answering these questions but it had to be done, despite my guilt.

"Did Haggar or the Druids ever... experiment on you" I tried to put it in the nicest way I could but nothing evil ever turns good.

"Yes all the time. She modified my body so I could use my life energy to exert a destructive force harming anything in my way. However, I secretly learned to use this to heal things and help them. I turned evil into good"

"That's so cool!" Hunk exclaimed.

She smiles slightly for what I think is the first time in the past hour we've been sat here.

"You can control it though right? I don't want to accidentally activate your powers with my sexiness." Smirked Lance "because girl you've already activated my particle ba-"

"Lance." Shiro warned sternly.

"Okay this is the last question (y/n) before we can get some lunch."

I was nervous about asking this for some reason. She had lived as a human all her life but what if she wasn't really a fully fledged earthling? Keith and Shiro might have been growing up with the enemy for all we know!

I took a deep breath.

"When we were healing you, Myself and Coran found some abnormal DNA pattern inside you, suggesting you are not fully human. It seems they have been there since you were born. Like some kind of genetics! Do you know what they are?"

"I'm not human?! That's impossible right?! No aliens have set foot on Earth before so that's impossible. There must have been a mistake in your ship settings Princess because I am definitely, 100% HUMAN!"


Hello guys, long time no see. I got a bit of a writers block for all my stories ngl but I finally had some inspiration for this rather revealing chapter. I will update the rest at some point this month hopefully. Man this was a long chapter! 1.3K words wow 😱
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~ Lily

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