Chapter 3

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The next morning Demetrio searched out his fathers young ward to apologize for his lack of respect. He was shocked to find three well known political figures talking with his father in the court yard. "My, for what do we own the honor. I'm so glad to see you for I wish to speak to you.."

Demetrio was quickly cut off, "Hold your tongue boy, for we are not here to see you." One of senators smirked .

"Well pray tell why do you grace our house sir." Demetrio had to control his temper.

Letta smiled as she bounced down the main entrance staircase, "Who is first?"

Demetrio was shocked but his arrogance got the better of him, "Letta, why don't you go fetch the gentleman some water or wine of there choosing."

"Do not meddle in our business boy, you go fetch us drink. We all three are here to see her." A different senator made his annoyance known.

Demetrio looked to his father, "Well son you offered drink, now go fetch it."

Demetrio watched as all three men followed his father and Letta into his office and shut the door. "What madness is this?" He thought to himself.

After ninety minutes passed the four exited the office in good spirits as one of the senators chuckled, "Letta, you truly are a gift from the Gods. Bless you my child."

A younger senator turned to her and kissed her hand, "If I was not already married Merick, you would have had me for a son in law."

Demetrio scoffed at her praise, "What is the meaning of this?"

Everyone's cheer ended as they looked to him. The last senetor spoke, "Come friends, it is time we take our leave. Until next quarter. Letta, if you are not married by then; consider my son as your future husband."

Letta smiled as she shook her head, "He might think otherwise Octavius."

Demetrio was fuming by the time they left, "Father, a word with you?"

"Of course son." Merick usher his hand for him to lead the way. Letta looked down as they passed by her.

Once they reached the privacy of the study; Demetrio let his anger free, "Are you running a brothel out of our house? Is that why they wanted her?"

Merick was a man of mild temper, but disrespect was something he did not tolerate, "So, it seems the man I expected has yet to show his face. For someone that has seen the world, you have a very small mind."

"What?" Demetrio's chest heaved with anger.

"She is their financial advisor you moron! Letta has an understanding of numbers that you nor I can comprehend. She has turned all of our finances triple the size of what they were to begin with. So no, I am not running a brothel, and no, she is not a prostitute. When are you going to learn things are not as what they always seem?"

Demetrio stood in shock, "Adviser, why did you not tell me this? With her connections and mind.."

Merick shook his head as he held up his hand, "No, you are not to wed her. You would take her for granted once you received you political career and would toss her aside the moment you saw her as useless. I see your heart."

"Let me prove you wrong.."

"It's not me that you have to convince, it is she you have to win. I gave her the free will of whoever she chooses to marry."

Demetrio grabbed his hand and firmly shook it, "I shall not fail you or her. You have my word father."

Merick cocked a questionable eyebrow, "We shall see."

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