Chapter 17

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"Okay Letta, you may open you eyes now."

Letta gasped as she turned and studied the creature that was looking back at her in the looking glass.

Claudia eased up behind her and smiled in the reflection, "See, a real beauty. Come, I mustn't be late to met Alexander. He has made great pains to help my brother become elected."

Letta cringed at the thought of politics, "Thats what got her in this mess in the first place."

Claudia led her through the busy Roman street. It was crowded and loud. Letta took in the scene as they walked with their private guards. She was saddened by the poor in the street as the begged for money or food. "If there was only something I could do."

Claudia seen the distress on Letta's face, "What is it dear?"

"All of these people just passing by the poor, like they are nothing. Why won't anyone help them?"

Claudia was shocked by her answer,
"Well.. some of them have made bad choices, so now they must live with their decisions. Did Verona not have beggars?" Claudia kept her view strait as they continued to walk.

"My father never allowed me to go to the city. Their children? They did not have a say in the choices that their parents made, and yet they are hungry."  Claudia stopped in her tracks and turned to Letta with a sympathetic face and listened as she continued. "What if that were Cecile crying over her hunger. It would be her fault?"

Claudia didn't speak. The thought of her and her daughter in the street sadden her a great deal. "Come Letta, the destination is close by."

As Claudia sat in an open cafe with Alexander, Letta nervously waited in the court yard. Her attention was caught by a woman screaming, "Theif! Stop that man!"

Letta's eyes squinted at a man running from a tall angry brunette. Letta looked around and everyone could care less. She pursed her lips just as the man was about to run by. Letta quickly placed herself behind an empty cart. Just as as the man was in front of it, she slammed her foot on the back of it. The man gasped as the hitched raised just enough to trip him, making him fall face first to the ground.  The angry brunette heaved as she pried a coin sack from his hand. He quickly looked up to her and scrambled to his feet, then ran away.

The brunette smiled at Letta and offered her hand to shake it. Letta smiled at her new acquaintance. "I'm Pearl."


Pearl continued to smile, "Thank you for your help. That scamp took my whole weeks earnings. Mother would have had my backside for letting it happen."

Letta's innocents got the best of her, "Oh, what is your employment?"

Pearl giggled, "Well, I'm not a senator; but I know how to keep them company."

Letta's big eyes widened, "Oh..!"

Pearl was amused at her response, "My mother would love to meet you, especially after helping me. May we show our gratitude with a meal one night?"

Letta was about to speak but was interrupted by Claudia, "Absolutely not!"

Pearl stepped back and slightly bowed, "Lady Claudia. Letta was kind enough to help me, I only wish to show gratitude."

"That won't be necessary. You may go." Pearl slightly bowed again. She winked at Letta before she turned away.

Letta felt bad for Pearl, "Why can I not.."

"She is a woman of ill repute Letta. You should not be helping people like her?"


Claudia was speechless to her question, "Well.. Oh, let's head home. Alexander gave me a headache and now you."

Letta smirked at Claudia's reasoning, "Why did Alexander give you a head ache."

Claudia continued to walk as she spoke, "He said Aaron's governorship future seems in order, but insists that even though he is not here to over see the city, it too should be attended to while he is away."

Letta wrinkled her brow, "What does this entail?"

"Cleaner water, less crime and income for taxes. These are very difficult to manage if he is not here."

Letta wanted to thank Aaron for saving her, perhaps this was her chance. As she quietly thought to herself, her heart sank as she noticed a poor mother with two children begging for food. "I will do something, for everyone."

Alexander sat quietly in the open cafe as he looked over correspondences. He slowly looked up at a tall beauty that had cleared her throat to get his attention, "May I have a seat?" Alexander offered the young woman her request and waited for her to speak again, "Thank you sir. I am not known to you, but I know how to help you and Aaron with you dilemma."

Alexander was intrigued, "Proceeded."

Letta smiled and began to tell him of her plan to help Aaron win the seat of Governor.

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