Chapter 14

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Sarah and Letta stood in silence as they watched as Emella's men took most of their food and life stock. Sarah couldn't stand feeling of being totally helpless. They knew they could not survive on the little provisions that they left them.

"Sarah cut her eyes to Emella as she stared the two down, "How are we expected to survive."

Emella smirked, "Does it matter?"

Letta turned to Sarah as she turned to face her. Sarah smiled a sad smile and caressed her face. Letta shook her head in question.

Sarah turned away and started to walk to the gate. Emella's smile slowly disappeared, "What are you doing?.."

Sarah looked straight ahead and didn't answer.

"Stop!" Emella took a step towards her.

Sarah picked up her pace.

Emella gritted her teeth as she spoke, "End her now!"

Letta gasped as she looked to Emella then her men that was charging to Sarah with swords drawn. She gripped the side of her hair, "Stop! Please!"

But Sarah kept up her pace as she was close to the gate. Her eyes widened as she felt one of the swords plunged through her back. She could hear Letta scream as she slowly fell to her knees. Her eyes then drifted close as she fell face first in the dirt.

Letta ran to her friend and rolled her to her back. She held her face with both of hands. Sarah's eyes were wide open looking blankly to the sky. "Please, don't leave me..."

Emella and her men finished gathering the rest of the farms means. Emella stopped in front of Letta as she sat and cried over Sarah. "Well... Since it one less mouth to feed, we took more. You can thank her for that."

"She.. she was your nurse maid..? She watched you grow up.. she took care of you. She watched you blossom into the monster that you've become." Letta looked up to a furious Emella with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Monster...? Monster..?! You have witnessed nothing yet." Emella kicked dirt to Letta's face as she took her leave.

Letta looked to the sky as she pressed her eyes closed and sobbed.

Aaron paced infront of Havis's desk as he looked over the response for his military proposal for a possible advancement. "You never cease to amaze me Aaron. The head adviser agrees with your strategy."

Aaron smiled a sense of relief, "Wonderful, when should I prepare my men?"

"Oh, you won't be going, your now an equestrian tribune, this is a very big step towards the senate." Havis proudly smirked at his good news.

"I am honored sir, but I made a promise to someone that help me escape Verona. I would not be here if it was not for her." Aaron spoke as his eyes were lowered to the ground.

"Hmm.. I see. I admire your loyalty Aaron. Take three men that volunteer, but if you are captured, I can not help you."

Aaron gently bowed and quickly took his leave. There was much to prepare for. He prayed that he wasn't too late.

Claudia and Michael sat in shock after Aaron told them his rescue plan.

Claudia shook her head, "Aaron.. No! It's too dangerous. You barely made it out alive last time."

"Would you have them starve? Beaten, possibly raped?  No, I cannot just sit here and do nothing." Aaron slammed his fist down on the last word.

"I will accompany you."  Michael turned his dazed face to meet Aaron.

"No Michael, you will stay with Claudia. She will need you if I do not return." Aaron turned his gaze away and stared off into space as he continued his plan quietly. "Now, where could I procure two female bodies?"

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