Chapter 19

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The group was lead to a massive banquet table that had been prepared outside in the center of the farm. Letta stood with her glassed raised. All of the people that lived on the farm, senate investors, Mama, Pearl, Havis, the Head Administrator, Aaron and his siblings raised their glass with her, "A toast to Aaron, we do all of this in your honor."

"To Aaron."

Aaron glared at young Letta as he sipped his wine. He did not like surprises, yet this beautiful creature caught him off guard. Why did she do this, what did she want in return?

The Head Administrator smiled as he turned to Aaron, "This was a splendid idea. Constantine will be thrilled to hear of this. You have the noble helping the less fortunate, cleaning the streets with less crime and making profit off of the farm that Letta tells me expands every month. Bravo!" He then turned to Letta as he patted her hand, "Tell me my dear, what made you come up with this plan?"

Letta nervously looked around the table, her eyes locked with Alexander as he nodded for her to answer, "Well.. I was given a second chance at life, it didn't feel right that only I reap the benefits of it. It seemed selfish if I was helped, but help no one myself; but why help one when you can help all that needed it?"

The Head Administrator laughed as he slapped his hand down on the table, "Excellent notion!" He then stood and raised his glass, "To Letta! The most beautiful woman in Rome, with the biggest heart to match."

Everyone smiled, "To Letta!"

The Head Administrator sat back down next to Letta as he spoke, "I am very eager for Constantine to see this. He will be most pleased. He might even ask the other districts to do the same. Well done child."

Letta was shocked, but proud of his praise. She shyly nodded and continued to enjoy everyone's company.
After the massive banquet, the family retired to their massive house. At sun set, Letta held her breath as she knocked on Aaron's office door. "Come in!" His voice was quick and harsh.

Letta slowly opened the door and gently closed it behind her, "You wanted to see me Aaron?"

"You mean sir?"

Letta's brow wrinkled with confusion, "Sir."

Aaron was puzzled at his own anger, "Why is her presence so vexing?" He pushed away from his desk and slowly circled around her as he studied her stature. "Big beautiful eyes, long lean neck, tiny waist, and over flowing bosom."

Letta's chest heaved with uncertainty, "Sir, what have I done to offend you?"

Aaron stopped close to her side, his face was close to hers. He could smell the sweet scent of her skin. "Why Letta? What do you want from me?"

Letta turned her sad eyes to his handsome face, "I don't understand?"

Aaron's eyes looked down to her slightly open mouth. He wanted to kiss her full soft lips. "Why did you do the venture in my name? You must want something in return."

Letta looked away, she couldn't concentrate with him being so close, "I wanted to help. Your people and you for saving me. Why is this so hard to believe?"

Aaron scoffed as he stepped away, "Because Letta, it can't be that simple! What..? Do you want a title for what you've done? Hmm..? Or for me to make an honest woman of you and make some high ranked solider marry you."

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