Chapter 22

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"Well... What do you think?" Letta eagerly waited for Pearl's answer.

"A steam bath..? I suppose it would be nice... Especially for clients, but who will over see the construction?" Pearl turned to a beaming Letta. "Oh no Letta, you are far to busy and you have a reputation at stake."

Letta's eyes lost their enthusiasm, "Oh.."

Pearl quickly changed the subject, "How goes it, in the house of Aaron?"

Letta looked down as she fumbled with her fingers, "I.. well... What does it mean when a man tells you that you will come later?"

Pearls eyes widened along with her smile, "What!?"

"Ssshhh.. keep this between us.." Letta showed worry in her eyes.

Pearl rolled her eyes, "Why do you think I'm popular with the Senate? Who told you this? Stable boy? Servant?"

Letta's head shot up to Pearl's, "Neither, Aaron did..."

Pearls smile slowly disappeared, "What..? Tell me the conversation."

"Well he had me pinned against the book shelf, was about to kiss me again and Claudia called for me. I said coming! And he smiled and said not yet but later.."

Pearl covered her smile with her hand and jumped up and down.

Letta's face had confusion written all over it, "Calm yourself. Are you going to help me or not?"

Pearl continued to smile as she shook her head no, "Oh no Letta, I will not steal your uneducated innocents. That's his job."

Letta gulped loudly.

Pearl looked at her with sympathetic eyes, "Do not distress. It will be fine."

"I.. I'm just.. well.. me.. Why is he doing this?" Letta looked as though she was in the verge of tears.

Pearl affectionately grabbed her hand, "Letta.. if I could tell you how many Senetors speak of you in the best way.. and well some in the not so appropriate way.. you would see how lovely you really are. Why can't you see that?"

Letta shrugged her slumped shoulders as she looked down, "I was cast aside before."

"Ha! By that bafoon Demetrio? Do not fret over him, I hear his city is suffering and his wife has yet to produce an heir." ,Pearl smirked.

Letta stared off in a daze as she spoke, "Does Aaron ever come here?"

"Well, I not allowed to talk about clients, but no. His brother on the other hand.."

Letta's lips turned into a smile as she turned to her friend, "I won't say a word."

Pearl grabbed both sides of Letta's head and placed a kiss on her forehead, "Goodbye dear friend. I have a client due any moment."

Letta hugged her and took her leave.

As Letta climbed the front steps of the massive house, she heard someone call out her name, "Where have you been Letta?"

Letta pressed her hand above her eyes to sheild them from the Sun. Her heart thumped heavily as she noticed the out line of Aaron's broad shoulders. "I was.."

She was cut short by Aaron's flat tone, "A word with you."

Letta felt instant anxiety as she climbed the steps, when she reached the top Aaron turned away for her to follow. She reluctantly followed him into his study, Aaron stood by the door as she entered the room. She jumped as he shut and locked her only way of escaping. Letta continued to look forward as Aaron circled her, "Where were you?"

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