Chapter 16

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Claudia did a double take to the empty bed as she carried in a tray of food and water. Her eyes landed on Letta as she stood leaning against the giant velvet balcony curtain. She was in a daze as she looked over her new homeland.

Claudia eased up behind her and placed her hands on both shoulders, "Come Letta, you need your rest."

Letta's weak body allowed Claudia to lead her back to the massive bed. Letta could not remember when she saw such extravagance. 

"Where am I?"  Letta turned her weak eyes to Claudia as she sat down next to her.

Claudia smiled as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "Aaron brought you to Rome. You were deathly ill."

Letta's eyes widened as she jumped up from the bed. "No! I.. have.. to.. get back. She'll kill.."

Claudia yelled her name as Letta passed out from weakness.

As Letta came to, her eyes widened with panic. Claudia leaned down over her to gently calm her, "Letta.. do not fret. Aaron took care of everything."

Letta shook her head with worry, "No.. she will kill Merick.."

"Listen to me Letta, Aaron made it seem you are dead." Claudia tried to read her face.

Letta turned her eyes away as she pondered how he did it. "Where is Aaron?"

"He took his legion to invade Verona. Maxentius army will fall. He will be gone for months, but I assure you he will be most happy to see you well again." Claudia affectionately patted Letta's hand. 

Letta was dumbfounded by Aaron and Claudia's kindness, "Why did he risk his life to save me?"

Claudia shook her head in disbelief, "You risked yours to save his."

Letta looked away as she was still trying to take all of this in.

Claudia eased her back down, "You must rest. Close your eyes."

Letta did as she was told, and drifted off into peaceful sleep.

Aaron's legion was successful as they drove Maxentius army back

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Aaron's legion was successful as they drove Maxentius army back. Constantine now had Maxentius on the run, but he was still a threat, soon he would be defeated.

Aaron sat at his desk in his traveling tent as he read a letter from Claudia.

"Dearest Brother,

Oh how we miss you. I'm sure your first concern is your new ward. Letta has almost made a full recovery. Her eyes do seem weak from time to to, but all is well. I must say, you will be quite surprised next time you see her. She is a sight to behold with beauty inside and out. I have never met such a fairer caring creature, but of course when I complement her on this, she looks at me as though I'm mad. Cecile has taken quite a liking to her. I will be excited the day she becomes a mother herself. Letta is very eager to see you in person to thank for your bravery. Stay safe brother as we all wait for your arrival.

Deepest love,


Aaron's brow was wrinkled with confusion, "She must be confused. It is not possible that the beauty she speaks of is skin and bones Letta."

As Aaron was beep in thought, he hadn't noticed Michael popping his head in his tent, "What's the sour face about!"

Aaron quickly jerked his eyes up to meet his brother, "A letter from home."

"Is everything alright?" Michael jerked Aaron's letter from him, before he could think. "Ah ha.. Oh, Letta is better, well much better by the look of this letter."

Aaron stood from his desk and tried to jerk the letter away, but Michael kept it out of reach. "Oh, she wants to thank you in person. Wonder how she would be able to do that?"

Aaron's temper flared at Michaels mocking. He growled as he snatched the letter from his grip, "Shut it!"

Michael was shocked by Aaron's anger, "Brother.. I didn't mean.."

Aaron spit while he yelled, "You have no idea! No idea what that woman has been through! Do not mock her! If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be alive! After you left me..!"

Michaels face showed pain from the accusations Aaron spoke of, "Brother, we were separated.."

"Did you look for me..? Hmm..?"

Michael looked down.

"Get out of my sight."  Aaron glared at his brother as he took his leave. His chest heaved with anxiety.

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