Chapter 12

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Emella busted through her bedroom with anger. Demetrio rolled off of one their servant maidens. The young woman gasped as she tried to cover her shame. Emella spoke through gritted teeth, "Get out of my bed!" The woman squeaked as Emella grabbed her by the hair and threw her to the ground. Demetrio chuckled at the scene as he laid back with his hands tucked behind his head. The young maid scrambled out of the room.

Emella turned an evil eye to her husband, "How dare you! And in my bed!"

"Our bed dear, don't forget that." Demetrio closed his eyes as he eased back.

"Did you call out for your dead Letta?"

Demetrio eyes flew open as Emella spoke, "And if I did?"

Emella shook her head in anger and screamed, "I hate you!"

Demetrio smirked, "My dear, I completely understand."

Emella huffed out of the room to find her men. Her anger would be thrown on someone else. Someone that deserves it.

After lying in bed for five days, Aaron was finally able to ease around the small farm house. He sat at the front window and watched Letta scrub the old bandages for his wound.

His conscience was getting the best of him, "I have been an ill house guest. These women could have easily turned me in. When Maxentius is defeated, I shall make sure no harm comes to them." His attention was drawn away as Sarah ran into the farm yard. He watched as she whispered something into Letta's ear. Her expression was sad as she spoke. Letta's chest heaved as she looked down after Sarah's news. Sarah caressed her sweet face and quickly headed to the house.

Aaron eased off of the stool as Sarah whispered loudly while she entered, "Get down! They will see you!" Aaron gave a confused look as he ducked. Sarah continued to whispered, "If you want to live, you will stay quiet, no matter what happens. Do you understand?"

Aaron nodded. He ducked lower as he heard two men speaking to Letta, "Comon Letta. Shall we?"

Letta hung her head as she walked to the chaining post in the farm yard. Sarah bravely walked to the two men, "How many this time?"

"Six Sarah." The man seemed to have guilt for the reason he was here.

Aaron squinted as he peeked from his hiding place. Letta had tears streaming down her cheeks. The man was about to strike until Sarah interrupted, "Wait!"

The man lowered his whip and watched Sarah place a leather strap between Letta's teeth, and kissed her on the forehead.Sarah stepped back and nodded to the man to proceed.

Aaron stared in disbelief at what he was witnessing.  He wanted to yell for the man to stop, but he froze so he would not reveal his location. Aaron shook with anger as the whip hit Letta's skin the second time. He never felt so helpless. By the third strike Letta screamed out as she reared her head back. The leather strap had fallen from her mouth as she heaved in a deep breath. She finally exhaled on the last strike. Sarah stood holding her arms and eagerly waited for the men to free Letta. The punisher unlocked her wrist and eased her down to the ground. He looked sad as he rolled up his whip and watched Letta shake silently in pain. His companion nudged him for them to take their leave.

Sarah eased down beside Letta and threw her arm over her shoulder and eased her off of the ground. Letta gasped as Sarah tried to usher her in. Suddenly, Letta felt someone else take her other arm, she turned her face to met Aaron's handsome features. His eyes showed sympathy as he stared back into her big eyes.

Letta was a million miles away as Sarah placed the ointment on her back. The silence was broken when Aaron spoke, "Why did you let them punish her?"

"We are not to speak of it. That is part of the deal." Sarah continued to focus on Letta's injuries.

"Your prisoners here aren't you? Birds with an open cage? But the cat has one of your chicks?"

Sarah smiled at his wit, "Well Aaron, there is hope for you after all."

"Who would do this to her?" Aaron gazed at her bleeding back.

"Demetrio's wife Emella. Demetrio was betrothed to Letta, but Emella saw a power opportunity with Demetrio's campaign for governor. She tricked him into marriage, but his heart still belongs to Letta even though she denied him as a bedmate. Emella brought her here, but she cannot escape; she would kill the only man she knew as a father. That is her chick. Mine is my granddaughter."

Aaron shook his head, "And no one stops her?"

Sarah turned to him, "We all have something or someone to lose."

"Not I.."

Sarah smirked, "One day you will."

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