Chapter 28

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Letta stretched her arms as she laid in bed. Her smile quickly disappeared as her eyes fluttered open. Setting on the edge of the bed was Aaron. She quickly sat up and rubbed her eyes since he wasn't expected for three more days. "Am I still dreaming?"

Aaron wanted to smile but he had too much anger over her carelessness, "No wife, this is not a dream. It may be a
Nightmare for some."

Letta sulked away from his words and up against the headboard of their massive bed, "Husband, please do not be angry.."

Aaron roared as he pushed from the bed and grabbed his helmet and threw it across the room. Letta shook as she watched his anger boil over. She was in a ball with her face buried in her hands as she bit her lip so her crying would not escape.

"Don't be angry! Don't be angry?! Letta.. what was in that mind of yours? You could had a fate worse than death!" Aaron's voice cracked as he tried not to cry.

His anger eased as he approached the shaking figure. He could see on her bare shoulder scars from Emella's men whip. He then realized why she was so eager to risk her life for innocent Cecile.

His heart ached as Letta jumped at his touch, but he continued to pull her to him, "Please.. don't hurt me.. I can stand anyone else, but not you.. Please don't.."

Aaron pressed her to his chest as they both cried, "Letta.. this is not your fault.. Thank you for saving Cecile.."

He pulled her flushed tear soaked face from him and kissed her between cries, "I will go mad if you ever left me."

Letta circled her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

Aaron smirked as he could hear cries coming from the prison. He and three of his men walked through the heavily armed threshold. Inside was the fat kidnapper. His arms were pulled above his head as the prison guard whipped him. Aaron stopped in front of him and held his hand up for the punishment to end. The man gasped as his eyes looked up to him, "Do you know who I am?"

The man nodded.

"Then you know why your in the bowls of hell?" Aaron's tone was calm and cold.

The man started to laugh, "All this for a few cunts..? They must be worth a lot to you.."

Aaron's eye twitched out of anger.

"The lady that I held the blade to.. is she dead..? She will be.. I will.."

Before the man could finish his sentence, Aaron had thrusted his sword through his abdomen. His face shook with anger as he whispered in the
man's ear, "No sir, you are mistaken. You are at an end, but my wife, lives."

The man's face was in total shock as Aaron backed away from him, "You.. you caaant .. Help me..."

Aaron smirked at the dying man, "No, you are definitely beyond anyone's help."

The room was silent as the man's head fell forward. Aaron turned to his guards and nodded for them to follow.

Claudia smiled as she watched Letta play chess with Cecile on her parlor floor. She felt tears coming to her eyes as she looked at Letta's bandage on her neck. She imagined the worse if Letta hadn't rescued her daughter. She pictured Cecile's lifeless defiled dead body lying in the dirt.

Claudia heard her name being called, "What was that darling?"

Cecile looked worried, "I asked are you crying?"

Claudia wiped her tears from her eyes, "Oh no! I'm just tired that's all."

Claudia looked to Letta, but she looked away from her to spare her embarrassment.

Cecile eased off of the floor and hugged her mother, "Don't cry mother."

Letta eased off the floor to leave the mother and daughter alone. She walked to the house main balcony and stared over the horizon. She smiled and waved as she watched Aaron approached the house. Her smile eased as she noticed part of his clothing was stained in blood. She knew the kidnapper was no more.

Aaron was surprised to see Letta waiting on him in their room. She stood with her hands behind her as he entered. Quietly she blushed as she reached for his hand. With a puzzled look he gave it to her. She lead him to their private bath and started to help him undress. He silently watched her as she did all of the work. She then stood before him and slipped most of her dress off as she looked down to avoid his eyes. He slowly stepped to her and pulled the rest of the garment away from her body. Letta closed her eyes as he bent down and kissed between her breast. She moaned as she leaned her head back. Aaron traveled down to her naval and blew gently on it making it jump from the sensation. Letta gently grabbed  the side of his head and lead it up to her lips and kissed him. He smiled as he lifted her and wrapped her legs around his waist. Aaron slowly stepped into the warm water as they kissed. Letta released her legs and pulled away from his grasp. He slightly pouted, but watched as she grabbed the soap and oils. She motioned for him to set on an underwater ledge. Aaron moaned as she massaged her fingers in his sud covered hair. No one else had ever petted him before her. It had been a long hard three weeks out on maneuvers and missed his bath pool terribly. Letta hummed a soft tune as she continued to wash him. He leaned his head backwards so she could rinse him. She then leaned down and kissed his full lips. She shivered as his hand traveled up between her legs.

She bit her lip and shook her head, "Aaron, let me take care of you. Your exhausted."

"You would be taking care of me. I have balls the size of papayas." He chuckled at his discomfort.

Letta cocked a questionable brow, "So.. no warmth with another?"

Arron smirked as he shook his head. He continued his hands journey between her legs and found her core. Letta's mouth slightly dropped open as he stroked her. Her legs felt like jelly as he continued.

Aaron couldn't hold back. He eased from his seat and lead Letta to the side of the pool. He turned her away and bent her forward away from him. Letta gasped as he took his member and stroked her from behind. Her gasped became louder as he eased into her. He felt so much bigger than before. Letta arched her back as he pounded her from behind. It was a sensation of pain and pleasure, but she was trying to figure out which one.

Aaron growled loudly as he leaned forward to get deeper inside her. His arm wrapped around her waist and one rested on the pool side for support.

Letta gasped in pleasure and pain, "Aaron! It's too much..! I.."

Aaron spoke against her skin, "Hold on to me, I need you so badly, hold on.."

Letta's gasp became faster, then she cried out as her body spasmed uncontrollably around him. Her lip quiver from her massive orgasim.

Aaron roared against her skin as he squeezed her to him. His member pulsated shot after shot of his hot liquid. He sloppily kissed her back and shoulder as she heaved.

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