Chapter 27

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"Three weeks! Why will you be away for so long?"

Aaron caressed his new brides sweet face, "We have to get this maneuver training completed before the governor banquet. I will write to you every day."

Letta looked down to hide her tears, "Please.. don't find warmth with another."

Aaron knelt down in front of her, "Letta, on my life I will not touch another. Especially since I ask the same from you."

"I couldn't stand the thought of another man touching me." Letta spoke as she watched her tears fall to the floor.

Aaron lifted her up bridal style and sat on his plush sofa in front of the fire, "You have no idea, how much it frightens me that you would desire another."

"I concur." Letta raised her tear soaked eyes to his.

"I will have double guard duty for yours and Claudia's safety. They know the rules that I have sat in place for protection. They will lay down their life to protect the both of you." Aaron stroked her cheek as he spoke.

Letta leaned in and hugged his neck, "I love you Aaron."

Aaron squeezed his eyes closed as he took a deep breath, "I love you to Letta."


Everyday Letta received letters and gifts from her loving husband. Most of them would make her blush. Claudia and Cecil would giggle as they watched her read them.  All was quiet at home, but nothing can last forever. The city was still flourishing as it prepared for other districts to arrive for the mandatory holiday. This brought in all kinds of merchants, even slave trade. Claudia, Cecile and Letta had their weekly visit to town with double their protection. Claudia noticed that Letta seemed slightly distressed as they quietly walked, "Letta.. are you alright? You look pale.."

"Oh I'm fine, I'm just so tired. I haven't been resting well since Aaron has been away."

Claudia wrinkled her brow as she listened but remained quiet. As they continued to walk, Cecile had spotted a group of children playing in the street. She ran ahead to catch up with them. Claudia leaned to try to keep an eye on her but lost sight of her, "Letta! I do not see Cecile!"  Letta tried to push past the guards but one blocked her path, "I'm sorry my lady, but the Governor.."

Letta kneed the young solider between his legs, as he doubled over she took off running screaming for Cecile.

Letta stopped as she thought she heard her name being cried out to. She quickly turned the corner to find a fat black curly haired man restraining Cecile. Letta had no fear, just anger. She quickly spotted a round firewood log and hit the man over the head with it. He immediately let Cecile go and turned to Letta as he rubbed his head. Letta kept her eyes locked with the kidnapper as she spoke, "Run Cecile, get away!"

Cecile took off for help. She cried as she ran through the streets. She had turned to look back but ran into someone as she did. Her scared face looked up to see Mama and Pearl looking at her in shock.

Letta slowly backed up as the man approached her, "That little cunt was worth a fortune! No matter.. I'll just take you instead!"  Letta tried to lunge out of the way of his hand but he back handed her and laughed as she rolled to the ground. He smiled as he put her in a choke hold from behind and start to strangle her. Letta frantically tried to fight him, but it was impossible since he was behind her. Her wit kick in as she grabbed a hand full of dirt and threw it in his eyes. He screamed as he released her and tried to clear them. Letta coughed as she tried to crawl away. The man growled as he grabbed her by her hair and reared her head back. He placed a blade over it ready to cut. His smile disappeared as he heard someone whistle. As he looked up, Mama punched him square in the eye knocking him to the ground. Letta tried to hold his arm from her throat as he fell. He slightly cut the side of her neck as he leaned back.

Pearl grabbed Letta and pressed her hand to her wound, "Letta hold on! We will get you to safety!"

"Ccccc.. Cecile.." Letta tried to speak but it was painful to do so.

Pearl held back tears as she spoke, "Cecile is safe. You were so brave.. Hold on, please.."

Letta's eyes fluttered closed as Pearl watched as Cecile pointed the guards to their location. They arrested the man that Mama had knocked out cold. The captain of their devision reached down and scooped up Letta. Pearl eagerly followed to tend to her friend.


Aaron huffed as he took the steps of his massive home. He barged into Claudia's parlor, his anger eased as he saw Claudia staring out towards the window. Her sad eyes turned to her brother, "Where is my wife?"

Claudia sighed as she eased off of her chair, "She is resting, the doctor said she was lucky that the blade wasn't any lower, or she wouldn't be here today."

Aaron pressed his eyes closed, Claudia reached up to touch his cheek but he snapped it away. He had angry tears flowing from his eyes, "And Cecile.. how is she?"

Claudia now was crying, "Still alive and unharmed, thanks to her."

Aaron pressed his eyes closed again to restrain his anger.

"Brother, please.. do not be angry with her. I beg you.."

Aaron rubbed his mouth as he calmed down, "We will discuss this matter later. I want to see my wife."

Claudia watched as he quickly turned away from her and up to the stairs.

Aaron eased the chamber door open, he slowly walked up to the bed to find Letta in a deep sleep. She had a purple bruise under the right lower chin. All the way across her neck was purple and green bruising from the man's head lock. Aaron's eye twitched at the sight of her. He pondered what was going through her mind at the time of the attack. He sat silently as he watched her sleep. It now seemed, every moment she was with him should be treated as a miracle.

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