Chapter 18

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Claudia had the look of dread as Letta knocked on the massive wooden door. She was surprised to see Alexander greeting them,  "Alexander! What are you doing here?"

Alexander smiled as as he greeted both of the ladies with a hug. He lead them to a massive hall with a huge feast.

Claudias jaw dropped as she noticed half of the senate was here enjoying themselves. She jumped as she heard a woman's deep voice, "Ah! Our guest of honor has arrived."

Claudia watched as a tall heavyset, but beautiful older woman tightly hugged little Letta as she lifted her feet off of the ground. Letta nervously smiled at the madam. "It took great courage to stop the robber. You should be very proud."

Letta nervously smiled as she spoke, "I do believe the cart was the one with the courage ma'am."

"Ha! Ha! So humble! Call me Mama.. everyone else does." She roughly but affectionately slapped Letta on the back almost making her lose her balance. "Come and feast. We have much to discuss."

Letta sat next to Alexander as she spoke to her audience. Most of them were supporters of Aaron, whit h made it easier to speak on his behalf. "Gentleman, I seek your help with the poverty in our city. For this to work and for the people not to question our intentions, we would need to fund this operation with our own investments."

Claudia looked around as the men whispered amongst themselves. One stood as he spoke, "Why would we risk a loss on mir beggars and children?"

Letta held her anger from the man's comment, "Sir, I do understand your concern. But with crime growing and the treasury suffering, we will all lose. Why would you want to be a senate only to a crime ridden city. If we do nothing now, it will happen. We will lose our trade routes and merchants inside and outside the city."

The man's face eased from anger to puzzled as he eased back down his seat, "Who will over see this venture?"

Letta cleared her throat to gain courage, "I.. I will.."

Some of the men started to laugh, "What could you possibly know about hard labor little flower?"

Letta's face scrunched in anger as she pulled up her hair and was about to turn to the laughing crowd. Claudia grabbed her hand to stop her. Letta looked down to her as she shook her head. She reluctantly released Letta's hand and closed her eyes as Letta revealed her scarred back. The laughter immediately stopped. Some of the men gasped, some looked away, while others could only stare.

Letta turned her sad face back to the crowd, "I.. I know plenty about suffering. To break your back and have nothing to show for it. To be blessed with a second chance of life. I choose to help others less fortunate than I. You may never know when they could be there to save you later."

Claudia covered her mouth as she sobbed and thought, "She is right, Aaron would be dead if not for her kindness." She stood next to Letta as she smiled with happy tears, "I'm with you."

Alexander stood next, "And I.."

Mama and Pearl stood next, then the whole room. Letta hugged Claudia as the room clapped with approval.


After five months of securing Verona, Aaron, Michael, Havis and the Head Administrator along with the city's legion rode towards the city. In the distance they could hear trumpets and cheering, Aaron and Michael looked to one another with question. Havis nervously watched the Head Administrators reaction to the homecoming. As the huge city gates opened the legion was showered with flower petals and cheers, "Bless you Aaron! Dear Michael, bless you!"

Aaron could not believe the run down city that he left was a beautiful safe haven. He quietly thought to himself, "How is this possible?" He turned back to Michael that was smiling from ear to ear. There was a large crowd standing before his home; Claudia smiled as she stood on the house massive steps to greet her brothers.

Both men smiled as they dismounted and hugged her. Aaron leaned down and whispered, "What is all this and where is Letta?"

Claudia turned to Havis and the Head Administrator and bowed. The Head Administrator beamed, "Fair Claudia! I've heard of your beauty. The rumors do not do you justice."Claudia blushed as she nodded to his comment. "Aaron has told me that Alexander has help him seek a seat into Governor, I wish much to see him."

"Of course my lord, he is waiting for us at Sarhena." Claudia turned to a confused Aaron and winked. Claudia lead the group to an old farmstead that had been walled into the city. Alexander beamed as the gates opened to a repaired fully operational farm. Claudia and Alexander watched the Head Administrator as he looked around. He saw a blind man sitting in front of a small clay house, quickly making reed baskets while older children brought loads of fresh cut reeds. He saw the older women tending to young babes, as their mothers cooked and weaved garments. An older crippled gentleman was teaching young girls and boys how to tie proper knots.

In the distance, the group could hear clanging of the black smith. They all followed the Head Administrator as he investigated. They watched as he approached the black smith, "Hello sir, do you run this farm?"

The young handsome man smiled, "No sir, we all live here. We all have a job to do."

The Head Administrator was puzzled, "And who made this all happen?"

The young man's smile grew bigger and pointed his hammer to Aaron, "He did sir, best thing to ever happen to the city."

Aaron could not believe what he was saying. Aaron nervously smiled as the Head Administrator turned to him, "Aaron, why be so humble about such an accomplishment!"

Aaron cleared his throat, "Well sir, with all do respect, I cannot take credit to all of this greatness."

The Head Administrator turned to Claudia, "Take me to the man that is responsible for this."

Claudia nervously shrugged, "Well.. yes sir."

She lead them to a walled vegetable garden, inside was Letta and another man that was a little older than her. They were unaware that they had an audience. Aaron was taken back by the beautiful woman that was chuckling with the man. This was not the same skinny Letta he knew. This Letta was happy, with rosy checks and perfect figure. Her hair was perfectly styled and her dress was of finery that fit her like a glove. Aaron felt as though a fuse had been lit when he saw the man affectionately touched her shoulder. His focus turned to the Head Administrator as he walked up to the couple, "So, your the man responsible for this farm."

The man's smile eased as he looked to Letta then to the Head Administrator, "Oh, no sir. Letta did all of this."

The Head Administrators stunned gazed fell on the shy young beauty, "You? Your Letta?"

Letta shyly nodded then turned to a fuming Aaron. She quietly worried if this had all been a mistake.

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