First day of school

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I come down stairs from a long night of tossing and turning, I couldn't get the noice of my head, Jax and Tara really need to be quiet when they fuck. I grab an apple and bites into it and looking at Gemma.

"Morning ma." I yawn and pouts myself some juice. "Morning Babygirl, they keep you up.." I hear her chuckle, I nod and groans. "I'm gonna head to school, tell Jax he can find his own way there.." i grab my bag and I go out to my car and get in, I turn it on and drive off to the school.
I pull up to my parking spot and runs fingers through my long wavy blonde hair, I get out and lock the car up. I get out and Skylar  jumps onto my back
"WHATS UP GIRLFRIEEND." I can tell her and Juice smokes a biggie before school, I chuckle "hey sky you better hope some of that high dies down before class starts, you know how the teachers get." I chuckle and grabs my bag that fell. I look over and see she's pouting "but I don't care what the teachers say." I roll my eyes and turn around and see Happy he's making out with some blonde slut, I just feel my blood boil, I know I shouldn't feel this way about Happy he's my brothers best friend but it's hard not to. Skylar sees my face and sighs
"You got to tell him already Har, he's not gonna know if you don't tell him." I shrug her off and shakes head "there's no good in that sky, trust me." I grab my bag and just storms past the happy horny couple and goes into the school..

I go to my locker and everybody just moves out of my way, they know who I am, they know what I would do if they didn't, especially since I'm pissed off. I put my bag into my locker, I see Jax walk in he's lucky first period hasn't started yet. He comes running up to me and growls "why did you leave without me Har what the fuck." I look up at him "payback, you getting your dick wet is more important than anybody in the fucking house getting any sleep so you got to run to school till your bike is fixed." I slammed my locker door and walks off angerly to my first class.

I sit in my usual seat in the way back and pulls out the homework and my notebook, I grab my pen and places it on my desk, I see Happy walk in, I roll my eyes, I pay attention to the front of the room where the teacher is, he sits in the seat beside me. "Hey there Har you seem pissy today." Skylar in front of me scoffs under her breath and whispers "I wonder why asshat." I kick her chair to not say anything more, she puts her hands up in a surrender. "I didn't get much sleep Hap, Jax and Tara were way to loud." I rub my face as I always do when I'm tired, but in this case I'm both tired and I'm lying, Jax is not the reason why I'm pissed off. I pull my sleeves down more and happy just nods and goes to pay attention to the teacher.

I walk into the cafeteria and grabs my food from the lady, I nod and hand her my money for it, I go to our usual table and sits down and munches on a fry, I look up and chuckle cause I see Skylar and Juice with a mountain of food, normal stoners. The blonde bitch Happy was making out with came up to me and smashes my face down onto the table and I growl and touches my nose and I see the blood. This bitch is dead, I look around and I see the whole cafeteria in shock they know I'm gonna snap. The bitch yells at me. "I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT HAP BITCH, stay away from him he's been fucking one pussy and that is mine." She spits into my face I growl and gets up and grab her by the throat and squeezes and I pin her to the wall, I whisper into her ear "just because he's fucking your pussy don't mean he won't get bored with it. I'm not after Happy I may like him but I won't go after him I'm not a cheap slut." I smash her face against my knee and she falls I kick her in the abdomin over and over. I blacked out all I'm hearing is her screaming and crying, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pulls me away, I start to kick and squirm and start to cry. I hear the raspy voice that makes me melt every time I hear it. "Harley stop she's down and she's out stop it" a shiver runs down my spine as he talks.

I'm currently sitting in unsers office and waiting Gemma to show up. She comes barging into the office, she sees me and hugs me thanking god that I'm alright "better then her huh." I start to laugh at my own joke. Wayne comes in and sits down "your very lucky that Happy pulled you away in time Harley, you could have killed that girl." I sigh and rubs my face "I know I'm sorry."


Hey guys, as you probably know I'm the author of HAHAHA I like you, this is another story I just came up with I hope you guys like it, please let me know how you like..

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