Truth comes out

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Happy's pov
I helped Veronica up and shakes head. "Have you learned the last time she hit you, you don't fuck with Harley Teller." I roll my eyes, was Veronica right did Harley like me.. "I got angry Hap I see the way she looks at you. She feels more than you think." She starts to walk away. Maybe I should think about this, I have no clue how I feel about Harley, but when I know I'll let her know. I walk out of the school and to my bike and I head home to see my mom..

Harley's pov

I have been expelled, moms trying to get me back in school, I understand why they did it though, my temper is horribly bad. I go downstairs and runs fingers through hair and I stop and see juice and Sky standing in the door way. "Hey guys what are you doing here??" Sky hugs me and sniffles. "Your ma hasn't told you?" I look at her confused
"Tell me what?" She looks at me "Har your father was hit by a semi he's being rushed to saint Thomas right now." I feel every part of my body go numb and I just feel like everything is all slowed down, I throw on some boots and rush to my car and speeds to the hospital.

I run into the hospital crying in search of my mother, I have been running through every hallway, I finally reach the ICU, my mom told the guard to let me in, I come slowly walking in and I see my dad, he's hooked up to a million other machines. I tear up and I drop to the floor. "Oh my god daddy." I feel my moms arms wrap around me and pulls me to her, while I have a melt down..

2 weeks later.

I haven't left my room ever since dad has died, but right now I'm getting ready for the funeral. I cover up some fresh cuts on my wrists and I slip on my black dress and pulls my sleeves down, I slip on my black wedges and lets my hair be natural, I put on a Smokey eyed looked and I sigh, you can tell I haven't eaten in a while. I make my way downstairs and runs fingers through hair, I grab my sunglasses and make way to the limo, I climb in and just lays my head on the window, Jax was the next to climb in he had Tara with him. I wish I had somebody to comfort me. I look at my mother and sighs and she nods at me and holds my hand while we drive off to the cemetery. I hear the rest of the club pull up behind us.

Skylars Pov.

I am sitting at the cemetery with Juice, we are with the others that didn't pull up in style. I hear the loud noice of motorcycles getting close to the spot. I look over and I see chibs and Tig and piney and clay all carrying JTs casket up to the hole, they gently lay it on the thing that lowers it. I see Harley she's getting out of the limo with Mama Gemma and Jax and Tara. I see Happy walk over to her and wraps her in a hug, this is the first time I see him be compassionate, her arms wrap around his waist and I can see she's broken she's sobbing hard and it's noticing, her and her father were close, Harley's lost right now. She goes and sits down beside Gemma, Happy behind her.

We're all around Gemma's house, I don't see Harley anywhere, I go check her room, I knock on her door and sigh "Har, it's sky." I come into her room and I see her curled up and hugging her pillow. I come over and lays beside her and rub her arm to show that I'm there for her..

Harley's pov

Sky is really my best friend I don't know what I would do with out her, I'm actually really glad that I have her, she's been laying in my bed with me for over an hour, juice knocked on my door about 3 times, this time would be the fourth. "Sky we got to go, we have school tomorrow darlin. I know you don't want to leave her but you gotta you can come back tomorrow after school." I smile and nudges her
"Sky get up it's gonna be alright I'll be fine don't worry about me I promise I won't do anything." I see her nod as she gets up and goes out the door to meet her boyfriend.

I climb out of the bed and goes into my bathroom and starts the shower, I strip my dress off and I get into the shower.
I get out and wrap a towel around my body, I look at my scars and shakes head "I'm sorry daddy I know I disappointed you." I made a promise to my father that I would stop last year, but now I have disappointed him I cut the night before his funeral and Skylar and Happy saw.

I get dressed in one of my reaper crew long sleeve shirts and a pair of Victoria secret boyshorts, I come out of my bathroom and I see Happy, he's already asleep on my bed. I got no clue on how Happy feels about me, but I'm hoping he likes me back, but today doesn't prove anything, today was me being broken about my fathers death. I'll never know till he's ready to tell me. I crawl into my bed and curls up under the blankets and has my back towards him.

Happy's pov

I feel her bed dip and I roll over to see she's faced away from me, I know she's upset. But me acting like this isn't out of pity and I know she's feeling like she needs somebody there for her, I like her as well and I want to be with her, make her mine is what I'm gonna do, I wrap my arm around her waist and pulls her close to me and grunts and buries face into her neck and I fall into a deep sleep.

I wake up the next morning with Harley curled up to me and her arm is around my waist, I smile, when I'm finally in the club this girl is gonna he the one to carry my crow on her, and I'm gonna be the one to do it.

I feel her toss and turn after hours of being asleep, she looks at me and instantly jolts up. "Shit hap sorry for sleeping on you, thank you for being here for me really." She smiles sweetly and she gets up, I see all the other scars from when we were in middle school and all of last year, Veronica was the reasons on why she has these and I'm gonna do something about it, I'll make Veronica pay for what she did to Jax and Harley. She's gonna regret on ever being born.


Here is chapter 2 guys I hope you like it, I know I haven't gotten much reads yet but I hope it get up there. Please comment on what should happen with Happy and Harley and vote

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