Meeting Ms.Lowman

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This chapter is a week after Harley and Happy got together.

Harley's Pov.

I have been nervous as fuck, happy sprung on me last week that he wants me to meet his mother, I have met his mom once and I have no clue if she remembers me. I'm in my room and trying to figure out what to wear. I see sky come walking in she chuckles. "I have never seen you this nervous is your life." I roll my eyes and finds an appropriate shirt and leggings. I look at her and hold it up "this good? I'm meeting his mom and I don't want to look like a slut."

I walk with Happy up the steps to his moms house and runs fingers through my hair, I feel his hand grip mine and he goes into his house and I follow behind him, I look around it's all nice and clean and neat it's happy and feeling like a family, I see baby pictures and I see a old baseball picture and Happy is smiling a goof ball smile. I smirk.. "hey mom, you remember Harley right, she's jax's twin." I see Ms. Lowman turn around and she smiles. "Harley hey, of course I remember her Happy why wouldn't I." She gets up and hugs me. "Happy you better treat her right, she's a good girl, I will personally kill you if you don't." I see fright in his eyes, there's 2 people he's afraid of then, his mother and mine. I have been sitting in the living room with his mother and we're looking at old baby pictures. "Happy was at least 1 when we took this picture, look how Small he was." I look at her and smiles and watching her flip through the photo album, I look up and I see happy standing in the door way and he comes over and sits with us. "Ma please put those away, she seen enough" his arm wraps around my shoulder and pulls me to him.
We have been at his moms house for over 4 hours now, we are chill in his room and I take the joint from his hand and takes a drag. "So tell me how long have you had feeling for me Har." I'm staring at the wall and I feel his eyes on me "I've had them since at least freshmen year maybe. Kept it quiet cause well Veronica is such a bitch." I scoff and pulls my sleeves down more to cover my hands cause I'm freezing, Happy pulls the blankets around me and pulls me to him, I look up at him "are you like the human radiator." I chuckle and kisses his cheek.

We pull up at my house and I keep his jacket around me. I get off his bike while he gets off, I go up to my door and unlocks it and going in with him behind me, I drop my keys in the bowl and I see my mother is having a club party at our place, all I see is half naked whores and the club members all around, I shake my head and me and Happy go to my room, Jax finally has Tara at her house. I go into my room. "Babe why couldn't we stay with the party." I look up at him and raises eyebrow "it's a club party babe kids still in school arent allowed, not till we hit 18 anyways."
"Well good thing when we graduate I'm prospecting" I look at him, and raises eyebrow "You are, you talk to clay about it." He nods and plays with my hair. "Hope by the time I patch in you will be my old lady."

I wake up from Happy playing with my hair and it's a soothing feeling. "It's time to wake up darlin, we have school." I groan not wanting to go, I go and runs fingers through hair and gets up "I'm gonna go take a shower, and get ready I'll be right back." I kiss him softly and pulls back and goes into my shower.

I go into my bedroom all dressed, I look over and Happy is all set and ready to go to school.  I put some make up on and I put my beanie on. I grab my backpack and I pull my boots on and we are out of there.

We go into the school and he has his arm around my waist, i smile as I see the girls that he used to hang out with, I wink at them as we walk past. Me and hap go our separate ways, I go to my locker while he goes to his and talk to my brother, I grab my books and I got to skylars locker. "You don't seem so dozed today." She looks at me sad "sky what's wrong." She says to me.
"Harley my mom... she's dead.. I have no idea I haven't seen Juice all day.." she tears up and I pull her into a bone crushing hug, she was there for me when my dad died I'm gonna be here for her.


Hey guys thank you for reading and I am sorry for the short chapter

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