Happy and rage

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Happy's Pov.

It took a lot for me to not go out there with Jax and scream at their mother, I don't need Harley seeing that part so I let her go into the back and relax and I sit in the clubhouse with a beer and chill on the couch listening to Jax yell at his mother, I smirk, I'm proud, he's sticking up for his sister, it could be because the last time he didn't I punched a good bruise on his cheek, she didn't deserve the feeling of self hate for herself, this is the reason why she's so insecure; I get up and storms out of the clubhouse and growling and shoots a glare at Gemma, if looks could kill she would be 6 feet under but I can't do that to one of my brothers mother.

I'm taking a ride down the highway clearing my head, if I didn't get out of there I would have murdered somebody and add to my collection of happy faces, I've always been so protective of my family nobody, like my tattoo says, I love, I kill, I die for my family, and I'm not gonna let anybody hurt my family....

Harley's Pov.
I knew the sound of the bike that just raced out of the lot, Happy went to clear his head before he murdered my mother, how could she say that about me, she's my mom. There's a knock at my door hoping it's Jax; "come in big brother" I sniffle and hug my knees and I look up to see who actually walked through the door, it was my mother, I roll my eyes and look away from her...

"Honey I'm sorry, I'm so sorry you heard that baby I really am, but you know it's true, you're not big like you used to be after your father died baby I'm real proud of that." I look at her with complete disgust "you are not proud mom if you were you wouldn't have said those things to Tara about me, I was anorexic and bulimic, I wasn't healthy for the longest time mom, and now I'm at a steady healthy weight and I get called fat,all because I'm thick, that's not my fault, it's how my body is shaped so please leave me alone. Cause you think my body isn't good enough you pretty much said Happy will leave me for the stick figures out there.." I look her straight in the eye and wait for the guilt to show, which it did. The moment she stayed quiet cause she's my mother she doesn't like being wrong so she doesn't say anything... I get up and shakes my head, and starts to get ready for work, and leaves and head to the hospital.

Jax's Pov.

After I was yelling at my mom I decided to come to the hospital and see Abel, he's growing at a healthy rate, all thanks to my little sister even if she was born 2 minutes after I was, I look and I see Tara standing there sad because she couldn't work on Abel's case, in a way I feel bad but in another way I don't she broke my heart and my sister was there for me when she left she I'm not gonna go anywhere near her..
I've been sitting in the room where Abel's in the incubator for over an hour when Harley came in, it's what she does when she comes to work, she stays in Abel's room until she's called into surgery, I smile and looking at my younger sister she's talking softly to Abel... I see her look up and smirk at Tara. I shake my head. "Harley, what time you off?" She turns around and smiles; "I'm off now actually, you heading back to TM?" I nod, "yeah, want a ride haps up in Tacoma for a run he's gonna call to tell you after work."

Harley's Pov.

Haps up in Tacoma? Clay must have just sent him that's probably why he didn't say anything to me about it, I'm not gonna hustle him about the croweaters he knows not to fuck with them. I nod and runs fingers through my hair,  I look up at my twin "yeah I'll hitch a ride with you thank you Jax for telling me." He just nods and he wraps an arm around my shoulders and we go to my office so I can put my coat in side and we left.

We got to the lot and and I climbed off his bike when I see a strange car pull up and a certain blonde climbs out, it's Skylar. I scream "SKYLYBEARRRRRRRR." She turns and runs towards me tackling me into a hug, "oh my god Harley it's so good to see you oh my god." I hug her back and smiling big, now let's see how juice takes her being back I know it killed him when she left.

Flash back

Me and my mother were out front of the house hugging Skylar since she's off to college in New York, "Skylar what about juice you not going to tell him that you're leaving?" She just looks at me and shakes her head and tearing up; "no I don't think he's gonna care that I'm gone, I caught him the other night with a croweater." She sniffles and I pull her into a hug, I start crying.
"I'm gonna miss you Skylybear come home when you get done with college."  She nods against my shoulders. Me and mom watched her drive away and she was gone.

Me and Gemma pull up to the clubhouse and I see Juice he looks around for Skylar, I get out of the car and goes over to him. "Hey juicy, I got something I need to tell you." He looked at me and tilts his head, "what do you mean Harley?" I look down and sighs

"Juicy Skylar left, she left to go to school, she saw you with a croweater, she's not going to come back for a while bud." I can see the hurt in his eyes, he just nods and goes into the clubhouse and to his dorm.

I smile so big when I see the guys that we're able to come back from Tacoma and Juice was one of them, I see Skylar she had a sad but happy grin on her face when she saw Juice, I go into the clubhouse when I saw Juice walk over to us.

Skylar's Pov

I watched Harley walk into the clubhouse and I exactly know why cause Juan Carlos is walking up to me, I sigh and runs fingers through my hair waiting for him to yell at me, but all he does is pull me into a hug, I hug back and I start to cry, I've missed so much, I look up at him and I sees he's crying as well. "I'm so sorry I left with out saying goodbye, but I saw you with that croweater and I just thought you wouldn't care." He pulled me closer "I know sky, Harley explained it to me, I'm not angry I never was, if I was angry it was at myself." I nod and just relax into his arms.

I feel Juice pick me up cause I was feeling tired, I buried my face into his neck and cuddles up to him and I easily fall asleep in his arms like I used to.

Harley's Pov.
I smile and sit in my and happys dorm with killer, happy must have brought him here before he left for Tacoma. My phone starts to ring and I smile knowing who it is, I grab my phone and answers..
"Hey baby, how's Tacoma going?" I hear him chuckle, "it's good har, I'll be home tomorrow, they had a job for me to do up here, gonna need you to take out the tattoo machine tomorrow I got two smiley faces I need you to do." I smile, "good they just have needed you especially since you got to take out two guys."
"Yeah I did, I did it the Lowman way to. Cleaned up the place that nobody can trace it." I smile. "Okay baby thank you for calling you must me tired, get some sleep and get back in one piece.. I love you happy." "You two baby I'll see you in the afternoon."

I know Happy isn't one to say I love you, he does it one in a while when he's not in front of the guys so he was probably in front of the club when he called but least he still called me babe. I lay down and I drift off to sleep.

Next morning

I woke up extra early to go for a jog, I get up and into my work out clothes that I keep in the clubhouse, I go out of the clubhouse and I leave the lot, headphones in my ears, I start my jog. I was running towards the park and that's when I stop and just walk, I smile at nature and how comfortable I am, I didn't even notice Tara was here till she came up to me and hit me, I growl and take my head phones out and I started to beat the shit out of her, a complete stranger had to pull me off her, I just ran off again and back to the lot with the color red in my eyesight.

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