Scares and depression

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Harley's pov.

Me and Hap have worked everything out, I came home with him that night, it has been a whole week since that happened and I'm just trying to get out of my slump I've forgave him and all but now I see the girls and the other old ladies differently, they're all gorgeous a size 2, when I'm a size 18, I wish every night I could wake up looking like them, but I always  wake up disappointed. I know hap loves me and my body but I feel like he secretly doesn't, I see all the croweaters around here. I always feel so self conscious about myself I just stop eating for weeks on end telling everybody I'm fine.

Gemma is having her weekly dinner and I don't know what I'm gonna do, I haven't eaten in the past few days and I'm worried that she's gonna notice. I dress in a baggy sweater and some leggings with my ugg boots, I look down and walk into the house to help my mother, like usual there is the usual old ladies helping my mother, I try to help but I keep getting pushed aside so i just go sit on the couch with a water bottle. This is always a thing that happens like I always get pushed aside, they know I bomb at cooking, I sigh and just shakes my head, the crow eaters start to come in to help as well they start to set up the dining room.
It's passed 6 now and my mother is freaking out, I get up and call happy and walk to my old room and sits on my bed.

(Phone convo)
Happy: hey baby what's up
Me: where are you, Gemma is going ballistic
Happy: we are about to leave babe, don't worry, I'll see you soon, hope to taste what you made
Me: then that's gonna be nothing cause they didn't even let me help. I love you and I'll see you when you get here.
And with that he hung up. I lay back and sigh and shakes my head. I stay in my room till I hear the bikes, even then I stayed still.

I have been laying here for about 5 minutes when I hear my door open and some one lay down with me.
"Why aren't you with the rest of girls?" I hear someone say who was my old man, I turn over and look at him. "they pushed me aside hap, I went to go help them and they just pushed me into the living room like I don't have anything to do and I hate it." I sit up and rubs my face and stands up and goes to the door. "We should go to the dinner before mom sends a man hunt out for the both of us." I open the door and walks down the hallway, and I can hear his heavy boots behind me, before we can get to the edge of the hall he pins me to the wall and kisses me carefully and full of passion. I smile and deepen the kiss and he pulls away. "I love you kitten, I don't want you to think other wise. Am I clear Babygirl." I nod at him and kisses his cheek "yes daddy it's clear." He chuckles and whispers into my ear. "A yes babe would have sufficed but that works better." He takes my hand and goes to the dining room where everybody is already sitting waiting for us, I sit in my usual seat next to Jax and Happy sits beside me.
We are all talking and having a good time when I see clay sitting my fathers seat, he's been there the whole time and it's making me uncomfortable by a lot bit, he doesn't look fazed by his death at all, I'm still mourning and it's been 2 years, mom never let anybody sit there. Until tonight..

I feel a hand on my thigh and I know it's Happy's and give his hand a squeeze. I smile and I finish the rest of my food. I get up and excused my self to the bathroom, I shut the door and I lock it, I drop to my knees and shoves my fingers down my throat.

I come back with brushed teeth and a smile on my face, I sit back down and I lay my head on Haps shoulder ready to go home. After a few hours of being there and my head running crazy me and hap get on his bike and we drive away. We were on Main Street, ready to turn right for the clubhouse when next thing I know I'm being thrown off the bike and I it my head real hard even with my helmet on I knocked out right there.

Happy's Pov

I love the times like this when it's just me and Harley, but tonight was not the day that it was Happy, I was about to turn right when a guy in a pick up truck crashes right into me, I see Harley fly and she hits her head and I see how hard it she hit it, her helmet didn't even help, I watched her knock out when I am stuck under my bike and I'm struggling to get out from under it, it already broke my leg from it's constant heaviness crushing on it. I'm also really weak from the adrenaline finally kicked off when I hit the ground, now I'm just full blown panicking trying to get to my old lady. I see the guy in the pick up start to drive off leaving us, I hear the sirens in the distant, I highly doubt the fuck up is the one who called, I watch Harley and I see blood come from under her.....

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