Chapter Twenty One--Sean--Dan's Doctor Visit

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Thistime when I walked into the Hermes cabin, it was different.

Beforeit had seemed just like an average, slightly dirty cabin, but nowwhen I stepped in I felt proud. I appreciated the sleeping bags andcrumpled up papers on the floor. I appreciated the mismatched pillowsand blankets on the unmade beds. I appreciated the diversity andcolors of the place.

Iwas home.

Iflopped onto my bed, enjoying the feel of the comforters on my back.A smile lit up my face.

"Youlook happy." I lifted my head and looked at Millie, who was sittingon her bed next to her friend Ashh. They seemed to be playing Uno andbetting over Oreos.

"Ijust got claimed," I said cheerily. "I'm a son of Hermes."

Milliegrinned. "That's great! That means we're related."

Ashhshrugged. "I like the Hades cabin better. This place has way toomany people in it."

Itilted my head at her in surprise. "You're a child of Hades? But Ithought you were twenty. Didn't the big three only start having kidslike twelve years ago?"

"Twentyone," she corrected. "And I'm kind of special." she put bothhands under her face in an angelic fashion, then popped an Oreo inher mouth.

Millieput down a card. "I win. I am the queen of Uno. And Mario Kart. Andsquirrels."

Ashhrolled her eyes. "You keep telling yourself that."

Iturned my attention to the roof. There was a skylight in here, whichI liked to look out. A bird was sitting on it. A white dove to bespecific. I wondered if it was one from when Mark had gotten claimed.

Ihopped off my bed and trotted outside. It was a nice day. The sky wasblue and only a few clouds dotted it.

Itook a deep breath of fresh air.

Ibegan to stroll across the ground. I loved it here.

Isaw Dan out of the corner of my eye and turned to face him. His nosewas bleeding, and a thin cut was across his neck. When I lookedcloser I saw he was limping slightly.

"Areyou okay?" I asked him as I got closer. "What happened?"

Heshot me an angry glare. "I don't want to talk about it."

Iducked down a bit to see his neck, but he shoved me away gently.

"I'mfine," he hissed. "I just... tripped."

"You'rea horrible liar," I said, crossing my arms. "Why are youlimping?"

Hequickly folded both arms over his stomach. "I'm not."

Ipulled his arms away and lifted up his shirt. A dark purple and blackbruise was forming.

"Dan!" I exclaimed. "How did this happen?"

"Itold you. I tripped."

Ilet go of his shirt and gently grabbed his arm. "Come on, let's goto the infirmary."

Hegrowled but didn't struggle.

Wegot there soon, and I sat Dan down on the steps. "Wait here," Itold him as I ran inside. He yelled something after me but I didn'thear.

Iwove through the medical tables inside until I saw a familiar mop ofblonde hair.

"Will!"I gasped. "Dan's hurt!"

Will'shead shot up, then he grabbed a nearby medical bag and shoved a fewtools in it, then raced out the door with me in pursuit.

Hecrouched next to Dan. "Where are you hurt?"

Danglared at him. "I told Sean I was fine."

Icrouched near Will. "His nose is bleeding a lot, and his throat iscut, and his ribs have a bad bruise."

Willlifted Dan's chin up gently. "It looks pretty shallow." He pulleda bottle, a few cotton balls, and some ace bandages out of his bag.He wet the cotton balls with whatever was in the bottle and pressedthem against Dan's neck.

Danhissed in pain and tried to recoil, but Will held onto the back ofhis head so he couldn't.

AfterWill had dabbed at the scratch for a few seconds, he quickly wrappedDan's neck in ace bandages.

Helifted up Dan's shirt, and looked over the bruise. "There's a markhere. Like a really hard shoe. It should be okay though."

Hepulled a few tissues out of his bag and wiped Dan's face until it wasclean, then handed him another fresh tissue.

"Hold this againstyour nose."

Dandid what he asked, and Will gave him another look over. "You shouldbe okay," he said finally. "Just take it easy, all right?"

Dannodded reluctantly.

Willturned to me. "Would you keep an eye on him?"

"Idon't need looking after!" Dan exclaimed.

Willglared at him. "Doctor's orders."

Danstayed silent.

Today was interesting.

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