Second stage part 2

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Hey x

Just wanted to say thanks to UzamakiAmu1993 who dropped a really nice comment. You made my day and I'm glad you're enjoying the story!




Naruko pov

We all got off the strange flying creature and stepped out onto the drying ground. We were at the edge of a cliff and I peered over the edge. I immediately felt queasy and backed away quickly, bumping into Kurapika. 

"We're going to die." I said without hesitation as I got into my praying form. "I'm sorry for all the bad things I've done in life kami-" I felt a bonk on the head which stopped me from completing my incredibly important prayers. 

"We're not going to die you baka!" Killua shouted as I got up sheepishly while rubbing the back of my head. 

"Listen up fools!" Menchi said from the front of the crowd as I felt a tick mark grow on my forehead. First she fails all of us and now she's calling us fools? This lady has some serious attitude problems. "Those things underneath us are spidereagle webs. If you look below those webs you can see some eggs. Those eggs are one of the most difficult ingredients to obtain. Which is why collecting those are going to be the exam." She said before leaping over the edge. My eyes widened as I quickly scrambled forward. Sure I didn't like her but that doesn't mean I want her to die. I squinted slightly and saw her hanging onto one of the webs as I let out a sigh of relief. Definitely a crazy baba. She continued to hang there for amount before letting go. I let out a shout as I watched her body grow smaller and eventually disappear. I turned around to face my newly developed friends. 

"Did she just?" I questioned them in shock as they stayed silent. They suddenly looked behind me as I heard a voice. "No. I did not just die." I turned around to see Menchi holding a large egg in her hand. I let out a sigh of relief and a breath I didn't realise I was holding in. 

"I'm glad you're okay dattebayo!" I said as she looked at me strangely. "It's our turn!" I said before quickly jumping over the edge, forgetting to listen to anymore instructions. I heard shouts behind me as I let out whoops at the feeling of free falling. I quickly grabbed onto the surprisingly sturdy web as I let out a laugh. The rest of the gang soon appeared beside me as I was then met with a bunch of scolding. 

"What're you thinking? Do you even know how to come back up after you get the eggs?" Leorio questioned with an overly loud voice. 

"Nope!" I said proudly as he just sighed. 

"It's the wind Naruko chan!" Gon said from beside Leorio. I tilted my head not understanding what he meant. "We have to wait for a strong blast to blow us back up." He said patiently as I finally got it. 

"You're smart! Believe it!" I said while staring at him in admiration. He was probably even smarter then Sakura chan. 

"You're just dumb!" Killua shouted as I just stuck my tongue out at him. The web suddenly began to dip as more and more people joined us. I began to panic as I looked to the far corner of the string to see it begin to snap one by one. 

"Guys." I said as I pointed towards it. "Gon? Can we let go now?" I questioned him warily as he just closed his eyes in a state of peace. How was he so calm? We were all going to fall to our deaths and he was just meditating. I heard a shout behind me as I turned my head and saw someone drop down. A few people followed suit as they let go of the web. A few moments passed as they didn't arise. The string continued to snap as I grew more wary. "Gon?" I asked him as he shook his head. Everyone around us was waiting for Gon's signal and in the last second he nodded his head and shouted 'Now!' We all dropped down and grabbed and egg but continued to fall. I let out shrieks as I suddenly felt a strong gust of wind from below me. It pushed me upwards as I soon saw Menchi who looked at me with a smug face. I landed painfully on the ground, stomach first but held the egg above my head. 

"I did it dattebayo!"


We got back onto the flying creature as it took off. I stood by the window watching the ground move below us in awe. We didn't have anything like this back in Konoha. 

"Naruko. Killua and I brought you some food!" Gon said while handing me a piece of meat. I accepted it gratefully as they joined me in looking at the view the night had to offer. 

"Hey. So I was wondering. Your parents. What do they d- I mean where are they?" Gon questioned us as I looked down, a familiar emptiness filling me. Killua just hummed as he shrugged. 

"They're alive. Probably. Must be at home or doing some task or something." Killua said nonchalantly  as he shrugged. 

"What do they do?" Gon questioned curiously as he stared at Killua who played with the food in his hand. 

"They're assassins." Killua said as I felt my eyes widen. 

"Really? Both of them?" I asked with a sparkle in my eye. An assassin. They must be strong ninjas. Does that mean Killua is a strong ninja too?

"Wow!" Gon said in amazement as Killua just looked at us in shock. He said nothing for a few moments until he began to laugh. He wrapped his arms around his stomach as his body started to shake. Gon and I just looked at each other in confusion. Killua's officially gone crazy. 

"That's your responses?" He said after calming down a bit. "You guys really are strange aren't you?" I raised my eyebrow slightly offended. 

"The only strange thing is the colour of your hair and how you're not related to Kakashi sensei." I said while crossing my arms. He let out a small chuckle again as Gon just smiled. Killua soon grew serious again as he let out a sigh.

"So yeah. I'm from a family of notorious assassins who have high hopes on me. To be completely honest with you, I can't stand it. Who wants their whole life mapped out for them?" He said while staring out at the window with a far away look. "When I told them that they all freaked out!" He said while waving his hands out around as I couldn't help but giggle. "So then we started fighting and I ended up slashing my mum across the face and leaving." He said with a proud smile as I just sweat dropped. "When I get my license I'll hunt all of them down! I bet they have high bounties!" He said determinedly with a dreamy look. 

"Killua. You're crazy. Almost as crazy as bushy brows." I said while laughing, reminiscing about those green spandex. We sat in calm silence after that, looking at the millions of stars that lit up the night sky. But that peace was soon interrupted when I felt a large killing intent come from behind us. Out of instinct I grabbed my kunai from my holder and flung it to where it was coming from. It clattered onto the floor after hitting the wall. The killing intent reminded me of Zabuza as unwanted memories began to fill my mind. 

"Something wrong?" A voice said from my left as the old man came into view. 

"Jiji. Did you see anyone over there?" I asked him cautiously, stilled peeved from that experience. He smirked slightly before shaking his head innocently. I gave him a big smile before nodding. 

"Hn. You're fast for an old man." Killua said cooly. It was funny how much this boy reminded me of my previous best friend. 

"What do you mean?" I questioned him while Killua just shook his head at me. 

Gon's pov

I could feel the tense environment although Naruko was completely oblivious to it. Killua and the old man started to stare each other down as a stifling silence filled the room. It was soon broken by Naruko who let out a whine. 

"I don't get it dattebayo!" She said proudly as I let out small laugh. This girl. 

"What do you want with us?" Killua said, ignoring Naruko who began to pout. "You don't do anything until the last faze right?" 

"Now now. Calm down young one. I just got a bit bored. Why don't we play a game?"

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