An unexpected meeting

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They drowned in silence. Each of their heads buried deep within their hands. It had been a total of five hours since they entered the room. As each of them were stuck in their own thoughts, Naruko was reliving the moment she took a life. She remembered his final breath leaving his body, his tan skin being sucked of its colour. 


He had a family. A goal that he wanted to achieve, just like Naruko had the dream of being the next Hokage. And she had stripped him of his opportunities, leaving only a painful memory of him behind. 

"Naruko!" Gon exclaimed for the second time, finally managing to snap the girl out of her trance. Her eyes were wild and bloodshot as she stared right at him. Gon and the rest of the boys knew that Naruko wasn't in the right mind during that battle. The red slitted eyes and the demonic aura that oozed from the girl was too different to the Naruko they had gotten to know. "It wasn't your fault." He whispered in an attempt to clear some of the regret that fogged her mind. 

"I didn't have to kill him." Naruko responded as she brought her hand to her chest, gripping her jumpsuit tightly. "He didn't deserve to die." With that statement the tears escaped from her blue orbs which almost seemed to darken as time passed. Kurapika who was listening from the opposite sofa immediately got up, cautiously approaching the girl before sitting down beside her and wrapping his arms tightly around her body. She buried her face into his chest and sobbed loudly as her whole frame shook. Even the silence was better than this, Gon thought as he watched one of his closest friends suffer. After a few minutes, Naruko's sobbing turned into occasional hiccups. "Sorry," she croaked while looking at the wet patch on Kurpaika's shirt. 

"Don't worry about it." Kurapika smiled while removing his arm from around her and placing his hand tenderly on her head. "Naruko. Listen to me. What you did was not your fault. He came at you with the full intention of killing you and if you didn't fight back with that exact same motive, you would've ended up dead. Anyone would've done the same thing in your situation. He's probably up there with his family right now. Don't forget his favour and maybe you can help sort things out. " Naruko managed to smile slightly at Kurapika's encouraging words. She couldn't forgive herself  for what she did. Ever. But could learn to deal with it and would do everything in her power to meet Haruka san. 


Naruko was restless. Everyone wanted to go to sleep so she was stuck sitting down alone, her eyes refusing to close and her mind continuing to rush. She played with the zipper of her bag that was attached to her waist. She quickly remembered to check whether she had enough weapons for the next stage and proceeded to dump the content out her bag. She was shocked to see a medium sized scroll tumble out along with the shurikens and kunais. She looked around, hoping she didn't wake anyone up with the noise as she imagined Leorio giving her a second lecture in the past hour. She sighed in relief when she realised the coast was clear and grabbed the scroll in her hand. She slowly opened it, revealing a circle of intricate characters that made Naruko's head spin. But she remembered this type of scroll. She remembered Iruka sensei teaching it to the class and now she wished she had paid more attention. "What was it again tebayo," she whispered to herself frustratedly as she tried to recall the lesson. She continued to sit there for another twenty minutes before the answer popped up into her head. It was a basic summoning scroll. She cheered quietly to herself as she also managed to remember the hand signs that came with it. She sucked in a breath, anticipation racing through her veins before she slowly performed the hand signs. As soon as she completed them the scroll began to glow as wind picked up around her. 

"What's going on!" Leorio shouted as he awoke from his short slumber. Naruko was about to respond before she felt a strong force begin to pull her body towards the scroll. She desperately tried to fight back and stared in horror as she watched her hand disappear into the scroll. 

"Help!" She screamed out and just as Kurapika was about to grab onto her, she vanished, leaving only the scroll and her weapons behind.


Naruko's pov

I groaned and rubbed my head in pain, peeling my eyes open. I slowly got up, not remembering why I was lying down in the first place. Then the realisation hit me. My mind was sent reeling, unable to comprehend or process the image that was sent by my eyes. I closed my eyes, then opened them again to see whether or not this was real. I rubbed my eyes and even hit my head a few times but the scenery didn't change and I was still here. I was sitting in front of mini waterfall with a toad statue in the middle of it. The water was a murky green colour and a fishy stench overpowered my sense of smell. I turned around and stood aghast to see several other frog statues towering over me. 

??? pov

"Ohoho, she's here!" The old sage said from his seat, looking a little more alive then usual. I scratched my head, already use to his strange outburst.

"Who's here?" I questioned with mild curiosity.

"Go see for yourself. The waterfall." The sage exclaimed with a knowing smile and I grinned back at him before turning around, heading to the waterfall. The sage did mention a 'she' as I grew more and more excited. What kind of beautiful lady will I be seeing today? I frowned and quickly shut that thought down. Another human couldn't be here. It wasn't possible. I turned the corner before spotting a small blob of yellow and orange. I walked cautiously towards the 'she' before my eyes widened. A girl and a human one too. Her back was towards me as I observed her small frame. Her blonde hair was tied up into two ponytails and she was wearing a much too bright jumpsuit. From her height this squirt couldn't be a day over twelve. 

"Brat, what are you doing here?" I questioned as I watched her jump and stumble over her own feet. I snickered as she turned around, her bright eyes meeting mine. My mouth popped open as I bent down to look closer at her face. 

"What are you doing tebayo! And where am I you old fart?" The girl shouted before shoving my face away with her hands. I stared at the whisker marks that were etched onto her face and her blue eyes that were narrowed. Tebayo? Old fart? I let out a booming laugh at her spunk as I stared up at the sky. I guess she got that from you Kushina. 





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