Netero's game and realisations

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Naruko pov

"If you can win against me in this game then I'll let you pass and you won't have to take part in any other exam!" Netero san said with a small smile playing at his lips. I jumped up and down in excitement as I looked at both Gon and Killua. 

"Let's do it guys!" I said as Gon nodded in agreement, equally enthusiastic. This would be a perfect and easy way to become a chunin, after all he's just an old man. Killua finally let out a sign before nodding in agreement. 

"Alrighty then! Follow me." Netero jiji said before leading us away. He brought us into a large room that had blue walls that looked like they were padded. Netero removed his cloak and picked up a ball from the corner of the room. I observed his figure and was shocked to see the muscles lining in his body which rippled with every step. He was just an old man so how? I soon came to realise that age really didn't matter in the shinobi world. After all the Hokage is a jiji too but the strongest in our village. I wouldn't be underestimating him.  

"Now, I'll go over the rules of the game. If you can take this ball from me before this airship reaches its next destination, you win." Netero jiji explained as he stood in front of us. He spun the ball on his finger casually while looking completely laid back. 

"You better watch out jiji!" I said and attacked him straight on. 

"Wait baka!" Killua said as I just ignored him and continued to charge. I grabbed my kunai, letting out a battle cry and aimed it at the waiting jiji. He simply grabbed my hand and in the next moment I was facing Killua and Gon who had shocked expression on their faces. I could feel something sharp at the back of my head as memories flashed through my mind. The survival test. Kakashi sensei. Sasuke. 

"Don't be in such a hurry. I didn't even say start yet." Netero jiji said as I sucked in a breath. He let me go and I immediately sprung away, landing next to Gon. 

"You okay?" He asked me carefully while inspecting my body for any injuries. I nodded my head silently while keeping my eyes glued to the ground. I wonder how Kakashi sensei and Sakura were doing? Do they miss me? Are they worried about me? Does anyone care?

"We start now!" Netero san said as Gon and Killua continued to stay still. Killua then faced the both of us and suddenly started to walk towards me. He raised his fist and knocked my head painfully. I let out a whine, wondering why I was always the one that got abused. 

"Don't be so reckless dobe!" He said as I looked at him in shock. Dobe. I looked down once and felt tears build up in my eyes. Why did they have to be so similar? "I'm going first." He said before turning around and making his way towards Netero jiji. I composed myself and watched Killua who suddenly had multiple versions of himself trail behind him. It looked like the clone jutsu but I didn't see him make any hand signs. I watched him in amazement, anxious to see how strong of a ninja he was. Killua finally sprung into action as he jumped towards Netero jiji. They moved at a fast pace as Killua continued to attack him with tai jutsu. Of course it was no where near as good as Lee's but it almost rivalled Sasuke's. The similarity between them was a good and a bad thing. Killua could never be Sasuke's replacement and it made me miss him so much when Killua said something only Sasuke would say. But having a second Sasuke around wasn't a bad thing. Sasuke was the one who kept me in check. Even behind all of those insults I knew he cared and I cared for him. 

Netero kept the smile on his face and the ball in his possession. He balanced it on his finger, on his back, on his neck and Killua finally jumped away. This jiji was amazingly strong as I felt anticipation sing through my veins. I clenched my fist in determination, I would beat him. Killua suddenly smirked before sliding on the ground with his leg stuck out. He kicked Netero jiji's pivoting leg as they both stopped moving. Killua suddenly jumped away, clutching his foot in his hands. 

"Iteeeeeeeeee!" He shouted as I let out a laugh in complete amusement. I had to say, watching Killua get beaten was an oddly satisfying feeling. 

"Killua switch me in!" I shouted while raising my hand, after calming down slightly. He sighed before he made his way towards me and slapped his hand against mine. 

"That old man is crazy strong." He said in warning as I gave him my signature smile. 

"I know dattebayo!" I said before slowly approaching Netero jiji. I would go with my trademark jutsu. I quickly made the hand signs before shouting, "Kage bunshin no jutsu!"

Netero pov

I watched in sheer confusing as a mass amount of Naruko's appeared from a cloud of smoke. Had this young girl mastered her nen at such a young age? I couldn't believe I would be doing this here but I channelled gyo in my eyes. My bewilderment continued to grow as I couldn't see any nen in the young girls body. How is this possible? Every living person had nen. Nen was a person's life energy. Without nen this girl should be dead. 

Multiple Naruko's attacked at once. These must be a trick of the eye. I kicked one away, expecting my foot to pass right through but was shocked to meet a solid body. The body flew away and crashed against the wall, disappearing in a cloud of smoke. I had no time to think as more Naruko's jumped onto me. I spun around, kicking and flinging them away. They didn't seem to have too much strength which luckily made it easier for me to take them down. After a few minutes only a single Naruko stood in front of me with her arms crossed. 

"How are you doing this?" I questioned Naruko suspiciously as she just let out a laugh and pounded her fist on her chest.

"Oh the kage bunshi? I know it's forbidden and yada yada but I learnt it! Impressive right?" Naruto said with a proud smile. 

"No but how are you actually doing it?" I questioned her as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"What do you mean jiji?" She asked as I shook my head at her. 

"Have you learned to control your nen?" I interrogated again as she just shook her head. 

"What's nen?" She asked curiously. If this girl was lying she was clearly very good at it. 

"The better question is, why don't you have any of it? You can do things like that but you claim not to know what it is." I said skeptically as I scratched the beard on my chin. She continued to look at me with wide and questioning eyes. 

"It was a jutsu." She stated simply like it was the most obvious thing in the world. She looked at me as if I was crazy and let out a laugh. "Haha. Very funny jiji."

"A jutsu?" I asked her again as she narrowed her eyes at me. 

"Yeah. A jutsu. Why are you so confused? Killua used one too. Right Killua?" She said while looking at Killua who just shook his head. She continued to stare at him in complete perplexity as he stared back. "If you all are joking, I'm not finding it very funny anymore tebayo." She said after a few moments of silence. 

"This isn't a joke Naruko chan." I said in a more soft tone as I saw her expression. 

"Wait. Wait. Wait." She said as a look a panic slowly made its way across her face. Her eyes grew wider as her tan skin started to go pale. "So the hunter exam." She said slowly in a voice so quiet I strained to hear it. "Isn't the chunin exam?" She questioned as I shook my head. 

"The hunter exam is an annual event that a candidate needs to pass in order to become a Hunter; an elite member of humanity and a part of the Hunter Association." I said carefully as Naruko looked down at the ground, hiding her face behind her bangs. 

"So you aren't ninjas? None of you?" She questioned finally as I stayed silent for a while. Ninjas? What made us look like ninjas? 

"Nope." Killua and Gon said from behind Naruko who had her fists clenched. I could see blood trail down her hands as I realised she was digging her nails into her skin. 

"Naruko chan." I said attentively as I started to walk towards her. 

"Don't!" She shouted as I stopped in my spot. "Don't." She said in a broken whisper before she turned around and headed out of the door, leaving a bewildered Killua and Gon behind. 


SOOOOOOOO. She finally found out! What's she going to do next I wonder. 

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