First stage

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Hi guys~

I wrote this chapter on my phone so some words may be misspelt. Please let me know if they are!

Naruko pov

"Guys. I take it back. I don't want to race anymore." I wheezed out, desperately trying to catch up to the 2 boys in front of me.

"Come on Naruko. We've only been running for 3 minutes." Gon said with a laugh as he continued to run without breaking a sweat.

"Whatever. Gon and I are going to keep racing. See you at the end of the first stage." Killua said before he sprinted off with gon following behind him with an apologetic look. Sweat trickled down my face and my long hair stuck on my neck. My legs started to throb and I could feel my face heating up.

"Giving up little girl?" A voice questioned from beside me. I turned my head to see a funny looking clown man. His hair was a shocking red colour and he had a tear and a star painted on his face. I let out a giggle as I looked down to observe his outfit.

"What are you wearing dattebayo? You look almost as bad as the guy I saw with a green spandex." I said while trying to hold back my erupting laughter. The clown man continued to look at me emotionlessly as he waited for me to calm down a bit. "No. Of course I'm not going to give up. I'm Naruko Uzumaki from Konoha! If I give up now, I'll never be able to become Hokage!" I said with a determined shout as I felt all my energy return to me. Time to catch up to Gon and Killua. "Thanks clown man!"

Hisoka POV

I watched the girl's blonde hair fly out behind her as she sprinted off into the distance. Her lack of presence still surprised me. Unlike regular people she had no nen aura at all. Even people who didn't unlock theirs yet still had a faint trace of it. But her? Nothing. When she walked into the exam I almost couldn't tell if she was actually there. Was she a master of zestu already? The girl didn't seem strong but there's a possibility that she's hiding it. The thought of the girl unleashing her power on me made my senses tingle. Another lovely fruit and I can't wait for her to ripen.

Naruko POV

I continued to sprint up the stairs as I finally saw a light source at the top of them. My legs were already numb so I decided to give them one more push. I felt the wind blow in my hair as I began to speed up. I was soon able to make out an outline of 3 figures at the top. That must be Gon, Killua and the examiner! "Guys!" I shouted as they became more clear.

"Naruko!" Gon cheered as I finally made it to the top. I placed a hand to my chest as I tried to catch my breath.

"I did it dattebayo! And I promise to beat you both next time!" I said while giving them a determined smile. Gon nodded while Killua just shook his head with a small smile. "So who crossed the line first?" I questioned them curiously.

"They crossed the line at the same time little one." Satoz san said to me while walking up to us and ruffling my hair.

(Satoz san is a little ooc sorryyyyyy)

"I'm not little dattebayo! I'm still growing!" I said while pouting and stomping my foot.

"Naruko. I hate to break it to you but you are pretty short." Gon said, who towered over me by 2 inches. I whined while pushing Satoz's hand off of my head.

"You look like a kitten." Killua said as he started to pull at my cheeks. "See you even have whiskers!"

"You wanna go?" I said while raising my fists in the air and scrunching my face up.

"You're so immature."

"Yeah let's do it!"

Were the 2 responses I got. The first one obviously from Killua and the second from Gon.

"Killua~" I said while stretching out the 'a'. "You're such a kill joy."

"Am not." Killua said defensively with a small glare.

"Are too!" I said with a cheeky glint in my eye.

"Am not!" Killua repeated while Gon and Satoz san just stared at us with a sweatdrop.

Third person POV

As the 2 young children continued to bicker people began to arrive at the top of the staircase. Their backs were arched and their legs were shaking. Sweat poured off of them in bullets and some even started dry heaving on the floor.

As time went by more and more people came to the top and in the last remaining minutes Kurapika and Leorio arrived. They were greeted by two excited children who didn't exactly help with Leorios exhaustion. A young man at around the age of 30 was crawling up the stairs as the entrance began to close. Everyone watched the mans despair filled face as the entrance closed mercilessly in his face.

"Satoz san! Why didn't you stop it! He was right there!" Naruko shouted out in rage as she tried to pry open the metal to let the poor man in.

"Naruko. The first faze isn't over yet. We still have a long way to go. Even if the man made it here he would never be able to survive the second part of this exam." Satoz san said with a stern voice. Naruko froze and slowly retracted her hands from the metal that wouldn't budge. She clenched her firsts and bit her lip in frustration.

"Wait! Stop!" A voice said from behind everyone. A man dragging an ape like creature stepped out from beside the building. "He's not the real examiner!" He said while pointing at Satoz who raised his eyebrow.

"Oh really?" Satoz said with a small smirk.

"He's deceiving you all and he's trying to lead you to your deaths!" The man said as a collective amount of gasps were heard. "You see this?" The man said while pointing to the ape he was dragging. " He's one of them! He can change form! He's trying to eat yo-" Before he could finish his sentence, 3 cards sliced his neck and impaled his body. He quickly fell motionlessly to the ground as the ape thing opened its eyes in fright and ran off.

"What are you doing?" Satoz san questioned while holding 3 cards inches from is face.

"Sorry. Just wanted to see who the real examiner was." Hisoka said half heartedly. "We can obviously see that it's you."

"Yeah! I never doubted you at all Satoz san!" An extremely guilty voice said from next to him. Naruko gave Satoz san a sheepish smile who only gave a small sigh in response.

"Never mind. There are many more creatures out there who are aiming to strike at any time. Follow me and you won't die. Lose sight of me and you will. Let's continue shall we?"

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