Hunter exam

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Naruko pov

The lift suddenly came to an abrupt stop. I heard a small 'ding' and saw the number 100 appear on the screen in front of me. I guess I'm here. I got up from my seat and waited anxiously for the door to open. Sasuke I promise I won't disappoint you. 

I heard a loud creaking sound as the doors slowly opened, revealing a surprisingly dark cave. I walked out and I was immediately met with hundreds of glares from the people in the room. I stuck my tongue out at them and pointed at my headband. "My name is Naruko Uzumaki and I'm going to beat every single one of you and become a chunin!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, flashing them a large grin. I heard whispers from all around me consisting of "arrogant brat", "I'm going to kill that kid" and so on. Of course that didn't intimidate me at all.

"Hello there. You seem to have made it just in time. You are applicant 406! Please take this tag and keep it on you at all times. Thank you." I heard a voice say. I quickly turned to my left to see a green blob like creature. I took the tag from it and clipped it onto my shirt.

"Thanks!" I said squishing the creatures cheeks. We had a lot of strange animals back in Konoha but this was my first time seeing this thing. The creature quickly pushed my hands off its face before walking away. Aw I wanted to keep it. I began to walk into the crowd as I saw everyone's eye glint dangerously. I laughed at that before shoving my hands into my pockets and whistling. This chunin exam is going to be a piece of cake!

"My name is Satoz! Welcome to the hunter exam!" A booming voice said from the front of the cave. I turned to look at the person only to see a man with almost as strange hair as Kakashi sensei. He seemed to lack a mouth which really made me wonder how he could talk.

"Osan!" I shouted as everyone turned to look at me. "How can you talk when you don't have a mouth?" I questioned while pointing my finger at him accusingly. "You seem sort of sketchy, believe it!" The man sighed as I heard him mutter "what a strange bunch we have this year." I sweat dropped at the lack of answer but continued to listen to what he had to say.

"All you have to do is follow me to the second stage of the exam. Oh and the first stage has already began" Satoz san said before turning around and walking off. I watched as his legs moved in such an abnormal way it sort of made me feel queasy. I knew there was something wrong with this man. I began to walk after him which gradually turned into a light jog. This continued on as I slowly began to get bored.

"What's the point of this? Even the genin exams was harder!" I whined to myself as I put my hands behind my neck.

"Hi there! My name's Gon! That was quite an entrance you made!" An energetic voice suddenly said from beside me. I jumped up in shock before turning around. A boy around my age stared at me with his large brown eyes. I looked him up and down, impressed by his green clothing.

"Thanks! My names Naruko dattebayo! Nice to meet ya!" I said with a large grin as I stuck my hand out. I heard him giggle lightly as I tilted my head in confusion. "What's so funny Gon?"

"Dattebayo? What does that even mean?" He said trying to stifle his laughs with his hand. I pouted slightly before punching him lightly on the shoulder.

"It's just something I say, believe it!" I said with a large grin. He grinned back before taking my hand in a firm shake.

"Oi gon! Wait up!" A voice said from behind us. I looked back to see one slightly older person and an osan running behind us.

(Osan means middle aged or a bit older man)

"Who's that girl and that osan Gon?" I questioned him. He gave a choked laugh before shaking his head intensely.

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