Second stage

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Third person pov

Everyone gathered in the wide space where tables lined the grounds. A certain blonde girl skipped happily in, followed by four boys who could only sigh at her carefree antics. 

"Welcome to the second stage!" A loud voice said from the front, catching everyone attention. "I'm Menchi and this is Buhara," a woman in a highly revealing outfit said while pointing to a rather large man. "The second exam is cooking!" She said as collective protest and laughs were heard. 

"But I can only make instant noodles." Naruko whined as Kurapika bonked his fist against her head. 

"That's unhealthy." Kurapika said sternly as Naruko only smiled sheepishly. The rest of the people only laughed at Menchi who's patience was clearly running thin. 

"We're here to become hunters. Not chefs!" A voice called out from the crowd as shouts of agreement came next. Naruko raised her fist as well as she knew well enough that her cooking was less then adequate. Kurapika immediately shoved her am down and gave her a disapproving look. 

"It's disrespectful." He stated as she put her arm down slowly, moaning and groaning about incoherent words. Menchi finally snapped as she grabbed the closest person towards her and punched him square in the face. Naruko stared in amazement as the body flew over the crowds head and slammed against the walls behind them. 

"We risk our lives finding food in dangerous parts of the world. We demand your respect! We are both fine gourmet cooks! Thus your mission will be to satisfy our appetites by cooking us a meal! You'll be making us a pork dish!" She shouted as the crowd went silent. 

"Sugoi dattebayo! Baba! You're super scary!" Naruko shouted in awe as everyone only shook their heads at the young girls stupidity. 

"Did you just call me a baba you brat?" Menchi shouted as Naruko's eyes widened and shook her head. 

"I'm sorry!" She squealed before rushing out of the area. Menchi sighed before dismissing the rest of them who chased after the young girls retreating figure. 


Naruko pov

"Are you an idiot?" Leorio san asked me with genuine concern. 

"I'm not an idiot dattebayo! You jiji!" I shouted at Leorio who grew a tick mark. Gon placed his hand on Leorio's arm, trying to calm him down. I turned around and stomped off into the woods ignoring the calls behind me. I'll find the dumb pig and make the best dish here. 

Time skip brought to you by Naruko's unfiltered mouth

"I take it back! These baka pigs are going to kill me!" I shouted as I ran away from the stampeding herd with large tears running down my face. I spotted Killua in the bushes who only let out a laugh as he watched my panicking form. I immediately began to sprint towards him brining the herd with me. He shook his head repeating the word 'no' as I only gave him an evil smirk. Serves him right. Killua was soon joined in the chase of our lives as the rest of our gang watched in amusement. Killua suddenly turned around and leapt up. He brought his leg down onto one of the pigs forehead as it immediately dropped dead. Everyone soon found out the way in taking down the pigs as they joined in. I grabbed a kunai out of my holder and threw it at the pig, piercing its forehead dead on. It collapsed onto the ground as I attempted to lift it up and over my shoulder. The pig was about triple or quadruple my size as I let out grunts of pain. Wait. An idea. I quickly made the hand signs for shadow clones as seven other me's appeared and rolled up their sleeves of their jumpsuits. 

"Alright guys. Let's do this!" I said as we all cheered. Each of us lifted a different part of the pig as it finally was brought off the ground. We moved as quickly as we could and made our way back to our selected table. 

Killua pov

I looked in shock at Naruko. Or Naruko's. Plural. There was suddenly not one but eight Naruko's lifting the pig to her table. Everyone watched in confusion as she high fived each of them before making strange hand signs. Smoke appeared and when it cleared out the seven Naruko's disappeared and the only one left was busy tying the pork onto a stick. I looked at Kurapika from across me who also look at her in amazement. How did she do it? Who is this girl? 

Third person pov

Naruko was completely oblivious to the stares she was getting and continued to ponder over how she was going to make her dish. The only thing she knew how to make was instant ramen and all you needed to do was boil water. She sighed before going with the way everyone else was doing it. Roasting the pig over a fire. 

Time skip 

"You fail! You fail! You fail" Menchi said to everyone who presented their dish in front of her. Am I going to be alright? It was soon my turn as Menchi looked down at my dish with a blank stare. 

"So it's the brat huh?" Menchi said to her partner who started to drool over the food in front of him. The larger man took a large slice out of my dish and was about to put it into his mouth before Menchi slapped it off his fork. 

"You can't eat that! It's raw!" Menchi shouted before slapping him over the head. She looked down at me with a glare. 

"Do you not even know how to roast a pig?" She hissed at me and I couldn't help but look down in shame and shake my head. "What, you ask your parents to do everything for you?" She said as pain immediately shot through me. I felt tears build up in my eyes as I willed myself not to cry. Not here, not now, not ever, not anymore. 

"I don't have parents." I said sharply before turning around and making my way back to my stand. I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand as I suddenly felt and arm on my shoulder. 

"Don't worry. We all failed too." Gon said with a small smile as the rest of our gang nodded their head behind him. All the contestants looked down at their feet's with gloomy and disappointed auras. I shook my head defiantly. This can't be right. 

"I can't accept this. I promised myself I would pass the chunin exams. The most important part of being a shinobi is their spirit and their will to never give up. I said I would pass and I never go back on my work, because that's my ninja way!" I said in determination as I marched back up to Menchi who looked at me in surprise. 

"I know I can't cook. And I know it's shameful for me not be able to roast even a simple pig properly. But I refuse to give up here. I made a promise with myself that I would do my best for someone who can't anymore. I'm not backing down!" I said as I stared up at her challengingly. I heard numerous cheers behind me as Menchi looked down at me menacingly. 

"Are you saying my judgement was wrong?" She asked me quietly as her partner looked warily at her. I nodded my head as a serious of 'yeah' and 'you were too harsh' was heard from the crowd. She raised her fist back as I closed my eyes tightly. This is going to hurt. I heard a loud bange and felt the floor rumple as I opened my eyes slowly. Menchi stood in front of me with wide eyes as she looked at someone behind me. I turned around to see an old man with a blue cloak on standing above a small crater. His eyebrows were raised as he looked at the fist that was just inches away from my face. Menchi blushed slightly before putting her fist down. I let out a sigh of relief. Thanks old man. 

"Whats the problem here Menchi?" The old man questioned. 

"I failed everyone here chairman." Menchi said while looking down at her feet in shame. "They belittled my job and I guess I let my emotions cloud my judgement. I forfeit as an examiner." 

"Unfortunately that's not possible." The old man said while rubbing his long beard. "Why don't we have another exam?"

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