Chapter 1 Was That..?

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Chapter One Was that..?

Madison's POV

Seven. That was the last time that I saw her (my mother, that is). When I was 7, that was when my mother left us, and that is also when she found her real mate. You see her and my dad were never really mates but they were deeply in love, but then one day she found her mate and since dad wanted her to be happy in ways he could ever make her happy in he just let her go. Now don't get me wrong, it is not like my mom was a bad mother or anything because for the first six years of my life, I couldn't wish for anything more. Then when I turned seven and she found her mate things started to change on weekends and it was always fun, then she married him, we coming to see her because she was too busy and the one day when me and my brother talked my dad into taking us to her house to surprise her, she was gone the house was empty and I well felt as I was worthless or not good enough of her. The whole time, I blamed myself.

All of this I flashing through my mine the whole min. that I'm standing behind her in the Starbucks line until the lady behind the cash register asks for my order. I step up still looking in the direction that my mother just went.

"O, can I please get a large Chi Tea?" I ordered

"Yea, sure, that will be 3.50." I reach into my pocket and grab a five handing it to the lady telling her to keep the change.

The whole time that they're making my tea, I thought about what just happened.

'Why did she not say anything?'

'Did she not see me?' No no she wouldn't need to, she would be able to to tell who I am by my sent since a wolf keeps the same sent all their life at least until they mate or have a bun in the oven (if you no what I'm saying). And I for sure have not found mine yet, and I don't really know if I will since my dad moves us every 2 to 3 years. Also, I'm most definitely NOT pregnant.

In the question that I don't even want to think about pops into my head ' does she even want to see me or even talk to me?

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