Chapter 5

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Relief washed over him. For reasons he didn't understand, he wanted his new wife to be happy here with them. Well, when he thought about it, if Hope were happy here, then she would be a better mother to Ellie. Levi hopped off the wagon and walked around to her side. Hope stood up and placed her hands on his shoulders, his own hands wrapped around her waist as he lifted her up and set her on the ground.

He nearly groaned as her soft body skimmed his. Levi kept his hands on her waist gently flexing his fingers, with his nostrils flaring slightly, suddenly snatching his hands away as if he'd been burned. Hope's eyes followed his tanned neck up to his firm jaw, full lips, and straight nose to his deep, slate blue eyes. "Thank you," she whispered.

At that moment the front door opened and the screen door banged shut. Hope turned to see a little girl with silvery blonde hair, in a pair of boy's britches and plaid shirt, running across the porch. "Papa, Papa, you're home."

Levi smiled and turned to catch his daughter as she launched herself into his awaiting arms. "I missed you, Papa."

"I wasn't gone that long, silly." Levi said as he kissed her brow then set her down. That was when she noticed the beautiful woman standing beside the wagon. The little girl moved to stand slightly behind her father's legs, then raised her slate blue eyes to see the lady smiling at her.

Levi laid a comforting hand on his daughter's shoulder. "Ellie, this is your new step mother, Hope. Hope, this is my daughter, Ellie."

Hope smiled at the beautiful little girl as she knelt down to her level. "It's nice to finally meet you Ellie." A shy smile appeared on the little girl's face.

"Sweetie, why don't you run to the barn and check on that new colt, while I show Hope around."

"Yes, sir."

Hope watched the little girl skip off in the direction of the barn, her long, silvery blonde hair bouncing as she went. "She's such a beautiful little girl. You must be so proud of her."

"I am." Levi said, as he watched Ellie run across the yard, his heart squeezing with the love he felt for her. Now there was nothing anyone could ever do to take her away from him. "Hope, I want to thank you, again."

Reaching out and placing her hand on his arm, "You helped me just as much, if not more. So, let's just call it even."

Again, Levi felt the heat of her feminine hand through his shirt. "Um, Hope. I- I uh, we um, didn't talk about the sleeping arrangements." He said, as he took off his hat and shoved his fingers through his sandy hair, leaving it a shaggy mess, he shuffled his feet back and forth in the dirt, a light blush crept up his neck.

"I – I never, really, thought about that."

"Um, if it's ok with you, you can have one of the guest rooms." He suggested.

Relief and a little bit of disappointment filled her. "That would be just fine. Thank you for being so considerate. If you will just show me to my room, I will get my things put away and get started on dinner."

Extending his arm for her to take, he led her up the steps and across the porch to the front door. Opening the door, he stepped aside for Hope to enter. Taking a deep breath, she stepped over the threshold and into her new home. The walls of the spacious foyer were covered in dark blue wallpaper with a silver filigree design. The floors were black walnut with a mosaic design made of lighter shades of wood in the middle of the foyer directly under the chandelier. The staircase was on the far right side of the foyer, curving around to the left, taking you to the second floor. The treads and bannister were made of the same black walnut. Wrought iron railings curved in the same filigreed design as the wall paper. It was breathtaking!

Unexpected Hope  (Book 2 in the Red Valley series)Where stories live. Discover now