Chapter 26

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"Levi, it will be okay, really. I'm feeling fine, besides you know that Doctor Baker twisted his ankle getting out of his buggy. He would come out here if he could. He just wants to make sure the babies are doing okay, he also needs to take the stitches out of Ellie's face too." Hope said to her husband. This was exasperating. The man was about to drive her absolutely crazy. She had to admit that after she'd gotten over being upset, she did like the idea of having Claire around. She never dreamed that she would get so tired from the simple day to day activities, not to mention her cumbersome size.

She felt like she was as big as a barn, but according to Grace and Anne, she was barely bigger than most women having just one baby. It didn't make her feel any better though. But she did truly like having Claire there; she really did enjoy the girl's company. Who knows how long she'll have it though, if Tuck has his way, Claire would be married to him and tending their own home.

Tuck was very handsome, with his wavy blonde hair, just a little too long, and his soft brown eyes. Eyes that followed that poor girl every time she was near. It was hard to tell if she was uninterested in him or just unaware of his feelings for her. She was leaning towards Claire just not being aware of his feelings. It was almost like; she didn't think that a man like Tuck could be interested in her. Hhhmmm, maybe she should have a talk with the girl.

It took longer than normal to get to town. They didn't have a buggy, just a wagon, so Levi drove extra slow, trying to make the ride as smooth as possible. It was almost laughable, almost. They finally pulled up to the doctor's office, Levi set the brake then ran around to help her down, then turned and got Ellie.

Hope walked into Doc Baker's office, not waiting for her husband to open the door for her. That was one thing she could do for herself. "Good afternoon, Hope, Levi and Ellie. I'm so sorry you had to come to town, but I just didn't see any way for me to get out to your place, and I really wanted to check you Hope and make sure everything is going as it should. I also need to take out those stitches." He said as he ruffled Ellie's blonde curls.

Doc hobbled into his examination room, pulled up a chair to the examination table and sat down. Levi picked Ellie up, laying her down for Doc to remove her stitches. "Is it going to hurt?" She asked in a small voice.

"I'm not going to lie to you, Ellie; it's going to sting a little. But it shouldn't hurt. Okay?" Ellie nodded, trying so hard to be a big girl.

"Will you hold my hand Mama, please?"

"Oh sweetie, of course I will." Hope said as Levi pulled up another chair for her to sit down.

Five minutes and twenty stitches later, Doc was examining his handy work. "It looks really good, but you're always going to have a scar. It will fade some with time, turning more white and less pink. But at least it missed your eye. Besides, as pretty as you are, the boys won't even see that little scar."

Ellie got up and walked over to the window, pulling back the white linen curtains to look at her reflection. She turned her head this way and that, but it was just too light outside. A flash of black caught her eyes and she looked across the street to see Blake and his papa. "Blake and his papa are in the mercantile, can I go see them?"

"I'll take her over there." Levi said as he took his daughter's small hand, leading her out the door.

Doc had just finished his exam when Levi came back in the room. The three of them sat down. "Everything's looking good but I do want to ask you a few questions and I want you to tell me the truth. If you don't think you can with your over protective husband in the room, I'll send him out." He said it with humor but he meant what he said. Levi would not be the first husband he'd made leave.

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