Chapter 10

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"Ellie, what's wrong honey?" Levi asked as he ran across the room and sat down on her bed. Hope stood on the other side of the bed wringing her hands as she watched the little girl she'd come to love, cry in her father's arms. After a moment Ellie freed herself from her father's embrace only to launch herself into Hope's and buried her face in the crook of her neck.

Hope turned and sat down on the bed still holding the weeping child. She rocked back and forth holding her and spoke soothing words until the crying subsided. Hope and Levi simply looked at each other as he leaned across the bed to pat his daughter's back. "Ellie honey, what's wrong baby?"

Ellie sat back and looked at the woman with the beautiful eyes and sweet smile. "I dreamed you left me and Papa. Please, please don't ever leave me. I love you."

Hope could see the little girl becoming upset again and quickly stopped her. "Ellie, I'm going to tell you something ok. I love you so much, in fact I couldn't love you more if I was your real mother. As far as I'm concerned, you are my daughter, and I would NEVER willingly leave you, I promise. Now, why don't you lay back down, close your eyes and go back to sleep? Only this time I want you to have sweet dreams, ok."

Ellie nodded but held on to Hope's and Levi's hands until she drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

Levi sat there in a stunned silence. He had no idea what he had done in this life to deserve a daughter like Ellie and a wife like Hope. He should be down on his knees thanking the good Lord above for sending these two angels to him. It was at that moment he realized that he was in love with his wife, and he wanted a real marriage with her. He wanted her in his bed every night and at least a dozen more children with her. And it scared the hell out of him!

He just didn't know how to change things between them after being so adamant about the way he wanted their marriage. What if she truly didn't want a real marriage? At least he knew that she was as physically attracted to him as he was to her. Well, he might be a little more attracted to her; he knew what he was missing. She didn't.

As Ellie's breathing became steady and even, they both got up and walked out of the room. "I think I'll retire for the night. It'll be a busy day tomorrow. Good night Levi." Hope whispered then walked around him to her own room quietly closing the door behind her. Automatically she began to remove her clothes then went to the basin and bathed off before donning her night gown. That's when she remembered what Ellie had said, what she screamed out. She called for her mamma. Tears gathered in her eyes as she lay there trying to sleep.

She loved that little girl and she hoped with all her heart that Ellie was calling her mamma and not calling for the woman that birthed her. It didn't take long for her thoughts to turn toward her handsome husband as they always did. He was constantly on her mind. She loved him and she wanted more than anything to have a real marriage with him and to have at least one child of her own.

Not that she would love it more than Ellie, no, only because she wanted to experience the miracle of creating a life with someone she loved. Her hopes sagged as she thought about how Levi had been adamant about their marriage being in name only. She was only here for Ellie and she would just have to be satisfied with that. Well that and the few kisses they'd shared. What would have happened if Ellie hadn't called out when she did? Those were her last thoughts as sleep took her and her dreams took over.

It was shortly after two in the afternoon when the wagon turned onto the drive. Hope had made sure Ellie had a good bath and a new dress to meet her grandparents. They were all tense, each having their own reason. Levi had been in the barn talking to his new foreman when he heard the wagon and walked out to meet it. Frowning, he noticed only Harold and Skip were in the wagon.

Unexpected Hope  (Book 2 in the Red Valley series)Where stories live. Discover now