Chapter 32

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Faith woke up to a pounding headache. She tried to swallow but her throat was too dry for even that simple task. Even though her eyes were closed, she could see the light from the lone window in her room to her right. Slowly her eyelids fluttered open, pain shot through her head bringing an involuntary moan from her parched throat.

How long had it been since she'd had anything to drink? Her eyes wandered over to the tall glass of water sitting on the bedside table. She tried to think, she had to concentrate on getting away. She had to warn Levi that Philip was going to kill him for marrying Hope. She wasn't sure why, but that didn't matter. All she could think about was getting to her brother.

The sick son of a bitch had snuck into her bedroom and chloroformed her on the second night they had been in town. Then tied her up and gagged her. Thank God the man had not defiled her, but she would have a few bruises from him knocking her around. Slowly she began to work her wrists back and forth wincing as the rough rope chafed and bit into the tender skin on her wrists. Every time she was awake, she worked on the ropes stretching them ever so slightly.

Footsteps walked down the hall, stopping in front of her door. A few seconds later, the sound of a metal key scraped in the lock. Quickly Faith turned her head towards the door and closed her eyes, leaving a tiny crack to see through her lashes. Slowly the door creaked open and she heard the rustle of skirts instead of the distinctive walk of her captor. Instantly Faith's eyes shot open and she began to thrash about on the bed and mumble through her gag. She recognized the woman from when she'd checked in the hotel.

The woman's eyes widened when she saw Faith on the bed. Without saying anything she turned around and shut the door, locking it. At first she was positive the woman had left and her one chance to get free was gone. Tears of frustration filled her eyes as she struggled to keep calm. Then she realized the woman was coming back towards her, and then the gag was gone.

"Please. Please help me before he comes back." Faith managed to get out through her parched throat.

The woman nodded and pulled a knife from a pocket in her skirt. "I always try to be prepared." She said as she began to cut the ropes.

Once she had been cut free, blood began to flow back to her hands and feet causing tingles of pain. "Water, please." As if by magic the glass of water that she had been looking at on the bedside table appeared in her hands. Greedily, she gulped it down as the woman helped raise her to a semi sitting position.

"My name is Mildred. Now, do you think you can walk? We need to get you out of here as quickly as possible."

Nodding, Faith sat up and slowly swung her legs off the bed. A wave of nausea and dizziness washed over her as her head spun. Mildred quickly put her hands on her shoulders steadying Faith before she could fall over. "Oh, you poor thing. What did that man do to you?"

Faith knew what the other woman was asking. "He didn't do that, at least I'm pretty sure he didn't. He snuck in my room and drugged me then tied me up. How did you know I was in here?" Her voice was still little more than a raspy whisper.

"I knew that you checked into the room across the hall, but I didn't see you after the second day. Mr. Huntington checked in by himself, but said that his 'wife' was very ill and that we were under no circumstances to come into the room. I knew he was hiding something, what man wouldn't bring his wife food or even a doctor? So, I watched him. I wasn't sure what exactly was going on, but I knew he was up to no good."

"I have to get out of here before he comes back."

Once again Faith tried to stand, this time she was able to and she slowly began to move one foot in front of the other. With each step her determination grew. Once they were in the hall, Faith headed towards her room. Mildred shook her head and pulled gently on her arm.

Unexpected Hope  (Book 2 in the Red Valley series)Where stories live. Discover now