Chapter 30

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She had never been so afraid in her life. The train rocked and shook as the wind howled. Torrential rain pounded against the roof and windows as thunder shook the very seat she sat on. She clasped her hands together tightly in her lap to keep them from trembling. Lightning flashed so brightly and frequently, one would almost think it was closer to noon rather than midnight.

She could not see a great distance through the downpour outside, but what she could see from the lightning, was breathtaking. It was so very different from Charleston; just the thought of her hometown caused a shiver to run down her spine.

She could not wait to get to her brother's house. She had waited for ten long years to be old enough to leave without the worry of her father or other brothers chasing after her. Finally, she'd turned twenty-one last month. No time had been wasted in purchasing her train ticket out west. It had taken two years for the Pinkerton detective she'd hired to find her brother. Then, out of the blue two months ago, he had requested a private meeting with her. He'd told her everything she needed to know and more.

Of all her brothers, this one was her favorite, even though he was seven years older than her. It had almost killed her when he left. She was like him, not like the rest of the stuck up snobs they called family. And now, she'd finally found him, and hopefully would be at his house in a couple of days.

She'd saved nearly every penny of the quarterly allowance she'd received from her father and the money she'd inherited from her grandmother. They'd been lucky, her father was a very astute business man and had diversified his investments long before the war. While everyone around them was losing everything, her family's wealth had not diminished.

The only thing she'd spent her money on was the Pinkerton detective she'd hired to find her brother. Her mind played back the conversation she'd had with the detective less than a week ago. She was an aunt!! Well, she was already an aunt, but it was different being an aunt to this brother's children. She'd never thought that he would get married, let alone have any children.

He had always been the love 'em and leave 'em type. It had to be one special woman to rope her big brother into marriage and fatherhood. Her thoughts were interrupted when a very good looking gentleman cleared his throat in an attempt to gain her attention. Deep slate blue eyes framed with long dark lashes looked up at the man standing in front of her.


God! The indignities of having to ride in the same car as commoners. It was disgusting, he thought as he curled his lip. Just the smell alone was enough to choke a horse, and the crying children was enough to drive him insane; at least the rail car was only filled to about half of its capacity. It was necessary though. Too much attention had been brought to his private rail car. He would have never thought that anyone would miss a whore, but he'd been wrong. That was not something he was used to, and it was a very bitter pill to swallow. Apparently, these hicks loved their whores.

To pass the time, he began to study the people around him. A dark haired beauty caught his eye. He studied her for a while, and realized that she must be alone. He decided to go sit with her and try his luck. Who knows, maybe she would be a lonely wife in need of comforting. Easily he swung himself up and began to make his way over to her. He stood by her for a moment, then cleared his throat and waited. She must have been lost in thought, because she did not notice him. He cleared his throat again, this time a little louder.

She looked up at him displaying a porcelain complexion with deep slate blue eyes with rich chestnut curls framing her oval face. Her full lips were a soft pink and very kissable. She was almost as beautiful as Hope, almost. "Excuse me, but is this seat taken?" He asked, indicating the seat directly across from her. He hated riding backwards, but for the opportunity to bask in her beauty, he would. She was the only thing worth having on this train.

Unexpected Hope  (Book 2 in the Red Valley series)Where stories live. Discover now