Chapter 15

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Levi laid his coat over her body as best as he could then gently scooped her up. With a constant prayer that she would be OK he slowly made his way back to the house. Each step he took became more and more painful and labored as his own body began to succumb to the raging storm around him. He felt like he'd been walking for hours when he finally felt the ice covered rope against his left thigh. Praying that he was going towards the house and not the barn, he kept the rope against his leg until the house finally came into view.

Relief flowed through him as he walked up the steps and across the porch to the back door. Balancing on one foot, he kicked the door with the other then waited. It was only a scant moment before the door was thrown open. They were all but snatched inside by Harold as he clucked around them.

"I've got the tub set up in your room with some tepid water and more water heating. We need to warm her slowly." Harold said as he took charge of the situation.

Levi was extremely grateful, his teeth were chattering so hard speech was almost impossible; however he was able to mumble, "Thank you." Without stopping he continued his way up the back stairs to their room. Once there, he laid her down gently on the bed then as quickly as his frozen fingers would allow, he began to undress her. Once her clothes had been removed Levi hesitantly put his ear to her chest. Tears formed in his eyes as he heard a faint heartbeat.

He sat on the hearth with his back to the fire warming himself as he slowly added hot water to the tub. Hope had not woken up yet but her skin now had a healthy, rosy glow and her lips were no longer blue. When the hot water began to cool, he lifted her out of the tub wrapping her in a warm towel then sat in the arm chair by the fire. There he held her until her long ebony hair dried into soft silky curls.

The relief felt earlier was quickly fading. He'd moved the arm chair beside their bed hours ago. After he got her in bed and covered with several blankets, he changed his clothes and waited for her to wake up. There was no way that God would let him find her and then take her away, so he knew she would wake up. A soft knock brought him out of his deep thoughts. "Come in." He answered in a hoarse voice.

"I brought you some hot coffee, stew, and cornbread. Is there any change?" Harold asked as he walked across the room laying the tray of food the bedside table.

"No, she's moaned a few times but she still hasn't opened her eyes."

"She'll be fine, you'll see." Harold said to his son-in-law. "You look exhausted. Why don't you lay down with her and rest. I will make sure Ellie eats and gets to bed." The older man held his hands up to stave off any argument. "Make and old man happy and let me do this. You just stay here with her."

"OK. Thank you Harold." As the older man left, Levi looked over at the tray of food and as if on cue, his stomach growled. Sighing, he picked up the tray and began to eat. When he finished he removed his clothes and climbed into bed with his wife. A smile played across his lips as she slid closer to him feeling her silky soft skin against his. It was definitely a good idea to not bother with putting a gown on her. Wrapping his arms around her, he closed his eyes and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

The first thing she noticed was how warm and safe she felt, then the silence. The storm must have finally past. As her eyes fluttered open she saw slate blue eyes full of tenderness and concern watching her. Strong arms hugged her closer to him as his warm soft lips came down on hers is what was meant to be a tender kiss but quickly became heated.

Levi propped up on his elbow then looked down into deep violet eyes. His nostrils flared slightly as he took a deep breath willing his body to relax. The last thing his wife needed was him pawing all over her so he simply laid his forehead against hers. "I thought I'd lost you." He said in a whisper full of anguish.

Unexpected Hope  (Book 2 in the Red Valley series)Where stories live. Discover now