Chapter 9

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With a smirk and a tip of his hat, Jed turned and walked into the darkness as Hope unconsciously rubbed her elbow where he had grabbed her. Levi turned around and took his trembling wife in his arms then placed a tender kiss on the top of her head. "Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" He asked, still shaking with a white hot rage.

He knew that every time he saw Jed, he would feel betrayal for what his former friend had done, but he was not expecting to feel rage. When he looked over and saw Jed's hands on his wife, it was all he could do not to pull his gun and shoot him. Levi furrowed his brow at the thought and tightened his arms around Hope before backing up a step, then lifted her chin with his index finger. "You didn't answer me." He said softly. God he could drown in the violet depths of her eyes.

"No, he didn't hurt me. I was just a bit frightened is all." She said shaking her head.

"I'll go find Ellie so we can go home." He turned around to walk off then turned back. "Andy will you stay with Hope until I get back with Ellie?" Levi didn't even wait for the sheriff to answer as he turned to go find his daughter.

A short time later, Hope had said her goodbyes to her new friends, and the three of them were bouncing along in the wagon. Ellie fell asleep on a makeshift bed that Levi had the forethought to prepare earlier. He had known that she would be exhausted on the way home. The light of the full moon cast an almost magical silvery glow over beautiful landscape. "It's so peaceful out here." Hope finally said breaking the silence. They were almost half way home and she just couldn't take the quiet anymore.

"Yes it is. Of all the places I've ever lived in, I think this is my favorite. . It just feels like – home."

"Well the people do seem to be genuinely nice." Hope could still feel the tension in his body every time they touched as the wagon jostled them on the rough road. "I- I'm sorry about what happened back there. I promise I did not encourage him."

"I know you didn't. I saw the entire thing." He said still looking straight ahead.

"Then, why are you angry with me?"

He turned to look at her, then sighed. "I'm not angry with you. Look, I know this is changing the subject but I got a telegram from my ex-father-in-law. They're coming for a visit."

"Oh, that's wonderful! I'm sure that Ellie will be delighted to see her grandparents."

"It's not Harold I'm worried about it's the witch he's married to." Levi pulled the wagon to a stop and turned to face her. For a moment he just sat and stared at her then took a deep breath. "Hope, you know what this means don't you?"

"It means that Ellie will get to see her grandparents and they will be staying with us."

"No, it means that we are going to have to share a room. They can't find out about our arrangement. I won't lose Ellie to that crazy woman and if she finds out about our 'marriage,' she will use it to try and take her."

"Oh." Just the thought of sleeping next to the handsome man sitting beside her now sent tingles of.... of what? Anticipation? Excitement? Instantly she remembered the way he looked with his shirt off. Just the memory caused her body to overheat. Oh Good Lord! Where were these thoughts coming from? Thank goodness it was too dark for him to see her cheeks glow crimson.

Blessedly, Levi mistook her silence for shock at having to share a room with him. 'I- I could sleep on the floor." He added quickly. Lord, the last thing he needed was for her to change her mind and leave, or worse, for her to think that he planned this with his in-laws coming. He could feel himself getting more and more worked up at the thought of her leaving. It would positively kill Ellie. At least that's what he told himself. He, of course would be fine; it was only Ellie he was thinking of.

Unexpected Hope  (Book 2 in the Red Valley series)Where stories live. Discover now