Chapter 34

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Hope was sitting by the fireplace in the front parlor catching up on her sewing while she waited for Levi to come home. Mason and Emma had been fed and tucked in upstairs. Harold was upstairs reading Ellie a bedtime story, as was their nightly ritual. Sewing helped to take her mind off of worrying about why Andy and Levi had left the way they did. All sorts of things had gone through her mind. Harold had told her repeatedly not to worry, if it had been bad, he wouldn't have left them alone. It had helped to ease her mind, some.


The sound of her name being called startled her, causing her to jab the needle she'd been sewing with into her thumb. "Ouch!" She said as she stuck her injured digit into her mouth. "I'm in here." She mumbled around her thumb.

"Hope! Oh my goodness, you won't believe it!" Claire came running into the parlor.

"Oh? I won't believe what?" Hope asked with a knowing smile on her face.

"Tuck asked me to marry him! Oh my gosh; I can't believe it myself! I didn't think I would ever get married, and certainly not to someone as handsome as Tuck." A dreamy smile was on her face as she finally sat down on the hearth beside Hope's chair.

"Congratulations! Did you set a date?"

Claire visibly deflated right in front of her eyes. "No, we haven't. Tuck wants to wait until he has a place of his own first."

"Is he going to continue to work here at the Triple L?" Hope held her breath. She knew how important Tuck was to Levi and how much he depended on him. If he left, it would be so hard on Levi.

"Oh yes! And I'm still going to keep working here, at least for a while." A blush crept up her neck and cheeks. She planned to work for Hope until she had children of her own.

"I'll talk with Levi to make sure, but I don't know why you and Tuck couldn't just stay here in your room until we can have a house built."

"You would do that for us?"

"Of course, you're family. Besides, Levi would be upset if Tuck left. I don't see why the foreman of the Triple L can't have his own house, just over the rise. I'll talk to him when he gets home."

Claire jumped up and gave Hope a hug. "Thank you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart." Wiping her eyes, she turned to leave the room going in search of her new fiancé.

"Claire?" Hope called stopping her. "How does two weeks sound? That would give us enough time to make a new dress for you." Tears began to flow down Claire's cheeks. Her throat was clogged with emotion, so she simply nodded and left the room.

Hope was really starting to worry when she finally heard the distinct sound of hooves. Without thinking, she jumped up and ran out the door. "Levi!" She called out as she entered the barn and ran straight into the solid wall of her husband's chest. Strong arms shot out and wrapped around her body to steady her.

"Woman, what are you doing out here and by yourself? You know I don't want you out at night without someone with you."

"I was so worried about you, so when I heard you come down the drive, I ran out here to see you. Besides," Hope purred as she stood on her tip toes and twined her own arms around his neck. "I'm not alone. And it's been so long since you made love to me." Stretching to her full height, she pulled his head down so that his mouth could meet hers in a fiery kiss that immediately had him forgetting anything and everything except the beautiful woman in his arms.

Her soft body molded to his as he ran his hands down her back, grabbing her backside, bringing her even closer to him. Hope let out a soft moan causing him to growl as his mouth made its way down her neck, nipping and licking as he went.

Unexpected Hope  (Book 2 in the Red Valley series)Where stories live. Discover now