Chapter 16

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As each of the men filed out of the house Hope gave each one a scarf that she'd knitted for them. By the way they acted you would have thought that none of them had ever gotten a gift before. A few minutes later the four of them were sitting in the front parlor listening to Ellie squeal with excitement as she opened her gifts. She got a new baby doll, a porcelain tea set, and several new dresses with matching ribbons; everything she'd asked for. It didn't take her long to sweet talk Harold into having a tea party with her. When they were alone Hope got up and walked over to the bookshelf beside the fireplace and retrieved a wooden box tied with a red bow.

"This is for you, I hope you like it." She said in a small voice as she handed him the gift then sat down beside him on the sofa.

Levi took the box from her then slowly untied the bow and opened the lid. There on a bed of dark green velvet was a beautiful silver pocket watch with his initials on the front of it. It was by far the best gift he'd ever been given. He sat the box down on the coffee table then carefully picked up the watch to get a closer look. As he opened the watch he saw an inscription that read, 'To the man of my dreams. I love you, Hope.' He must have sat there longer than he thought because he wife began to fidget.

"You don't like it."

The crest fallen look on her face tore at his heart. Levi jumped up, pulling her with him and wrapped his arms around her in a bone crushing hug. "I love it! It's perfect; it's just so beautiful and so unexpected. It's the best gift I've ever been given. I was just surprised is all; the thought of you getting me anything never crossed my mind." He said as he nuzzled her ear.

"Why wouldn't I get you anything?" As soon as the words left her mouth she wanted to pull them back. They both tried to not bring up Alicia, except when they absolutely had to. Nobody outside the four people living in the house knew the truth about the relationship Alicia and Levi had.

Dropping his arms and backing up a step, Levi reached into his vest pocket and pulled out a small black velvet box and laid it in her palm. Hope sat back down and excitement coursed through her body as she opened the lid then gasped at what lay inside. With trembling hands she picked up an oval shaped golden locket. The intricate scroll work began to blur as tears filled her eyes. Lovingly her fingers traced over the scrolled design then held it to her breast.

"Do you like it?"

Hope shook her head no then almost laughed at the look on her husband's face. "I love it!" She whispered hoarsely as she still fought the tears that threatened to fall.

Relief flowed through him. "You really like it; you're not just saying you do so you won't hurt my feelings?"

"Yes, I'm sure." She said as she admired the way the fire light caused the delicate gold chain to shimmer and sparkle.

"Open it." Levi said excitedly.

Hope slid her thumbnail between the two pieces of gold and read the words her husband had engraved. On the left side it said, 'To my unexpected Hope' and on the right side 'I'll love you forever!' This time the tears fell freely. "I – I don't know what to say. This is the most perfect gift and I will wear it every day. Thank you." Hope said then threw her arms around his neck in a fierce hug.

He would definitely have to thank Harold. He'd given Levi the idea for the locket but Levi had thought of adding the inscription. And it looked like it had been the right thing to do too. They stood together for a few more minutes then Hope turned around so that her husband could help her put on her new locket. Once the clasp was secured they both sat back down on the sofa, Levi with his arm around her shoulders and Hope with her head on his chest.

"Um, Levi?"

"Yes Love?"

"I have one more gift to give you. Well, I can't actually give it to you tonight but I can tell you about it." Hope lifted her head to look into those beautiful slate blue eyes that she loved so much and gave her so much comfort.

Levi drew his brows together at her words. "Hope, why on earth would you get me anything else? And why tell me now if I can't have it now?"

She chewed on her bottom lip for a moment then answered. "Well, it's not exactly here yet. I think it will be here in about seven months though." A huge smile played across her lips as she watched the confusion on Levi's face. Then finally understanding dawned on him.

"Are you telling me what I think you're telling me?" Hope simply nodded. Levi jumped up taking her with him then picked her up and swung her around whooping as he did. A few moments later Harold and Ellie came running into the parlor thinking something was wrong. "We're going to have a baby!" Levi said setting Hope down then ran over to Ellie and picked her up and swung her around.

Harold walked over to a slightly dizzy and flushed Hope to give her a hug and congratulate her. Ellie squealed and ran over wrapping her little arms around her new mother's legs as best as she could. "Now, I really got everything I wanted for Christmas."

Hope sat down and pulled Ellie into her lap. "Are you sure you're OK with being a big sister?" The little girl nodded still smiling. By this time Levi had come over to sit with them on the sofa and Harold was in an arm chair beside the fireplace.

Suddenly, Ellie's smile faded and she looked into her step mother's eyes. "So this baby will call you mama, right?" Hope nodded as a knot began to form in the pit of her stomach. "But what if I wanted to call you mama too?" She said in a soft voice.

"Ellie, I told you before that I can never take the place of your mother but I would be honored if you wanted to call me mama." She said as she wrapped the little girl tighter in her arms and kissed her downy soft golden curls. Tears fell freely from her eyes again. 

Unexpected Hope  (Book 2 in the Red Valley series)Where stories live. Discover now