Chapter 11

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"I – I don't know what you're talking about."

"Who. Put. Those. Scars. On. Your. Back?" Without waiting for her answer he turned her around and snatched up the hem of her gown that concealed her body from him so he could get a better look. He was going to kill the son of a bitch, as soon as she told him who it was; although he was fairly certain it was her sorry excuse of a father. The thought of someone whipping her to the point of leaving scars made him want to vomit.

Slowly his calloused fingers began to trace the lines, some more faint than others. Chill bumps rose up at his tender caresses. Somehow his mouth was on her skin, kissing each mark. Her gown ended up on the floor as his hands slid down her bare sides to her hips then around to her stomach and up to cup her breasts.

Embarrassment fled as his mouth and hands caressed her body. Moaning softly, her eyes slid closed and her head tilted back letting her hair cascade down her back in an ebony water fall of curls. Desperate to feel her satiny skin against his own, Levi ripped his shirt off popping buttons in the process. He turned her around to face him then wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly reveling in the feel of her body pressed against his. Taking her mouth in a deeply passionate kiss, he laid her back on the bed they'd shared for a little over a week.

His lips left hers, immediately she felt bereft but not for long as he nipped his way down to her breasts. Slowly Levi swirled his tongue around first one nipple then the other causing her to arch her back. She gasped at the strange and exciting new feelings rushing through her body. Hope's fingers found their way to his into his hair as she instinctively clasped him closer to her body.

Levi's hand moved down her stomach untying her pantaloons as he went. Unconsciously Hope pulled his mouth back to hers for another passionate kiss. Her fingers craved the feel of him as she explored the firm muscles of his back. As their passion grew her nails dug into shoulders causing a pleasurable pain for him.

Tearing his mouth from hers, Levi rose up slightly and looked down into her deep violet eyes, losing himself momentarily. "I want you Hope. Do you understand what I'm asking? I want to make love to you." All she could do was nod. "Are you sure?" He asked as his heart began to pound. Her answer was to pull his mouth back to hers.

Hope was afraid to speak, so all she did was nod and bring his mouth back to hers. She couldn't think. All she could do was feel. Heat swirled through her body as Levi kissed, nipped, and licked every inch of body. Tension began to build in her as his warm tongue dipped into her navel then continued on to her pelvic bones. Her closed eyes snapped open when she felt his warm breath at her center.

She gasped when his tongue touched her in such an intimate way. Hope tried to say something but the only sound that was able to escape her throat was a moan as her eyelids slid closed once again. A moment later the room shattered as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over her body.

She was riding the last waves of pleasure as Levi moved over her once again. Instinctively her arms wound themselves around his neck "I'm so sorry." He whispered in her ear kissing her tenderly. She heard his words but could not comprehend their meaning until a sharp pain ripped through her bringing her crashing back to reality. Tears sprang to her eyes as she looked at the man who only moments ago, had given her such immense pleasure. Pleasure that she had no idea could even possibly exist. His face clearly reflected the pain that she felt almost as if it were him hurting instead of her.

Levi cursed as tears swam in her beautiful violet eyes. Lowering his head, he kissed away her tears, murmuring soothing words of comfort. It was killing him to be still and give her body time to acclimate to him but he didn't want to cause her anymore pain than he already had. "I'll never hurt you again, I promise. It's only the first time." She looked deeply into his slate blue eyes full of passion and tenderness and knew that he spoke the truth.

Unexpected Hope  (Book 2 in the Red Valley series)Where stories live. Discover now