Chapter 13

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Philip Huntington rolled over to his side and propped himself up on his elbow and watched the woman next to him sleep. Her ebony hair was fanned out over the pillow with a stray lock falling over her forehead. Her lips were soft but were too thin for his liking. Long sooty lashes fell against sculpted cheekbones. There was no doubt that she was a beautiful woman and she definitely knew how to please a man but she wasn't Hope Saunders.

This woman was not someone he could squire around town, taking her to balls, dinner parties and other social functions. Philip chuckled to himself. Delia actually thought that he was going to marry her. Him, Philip Huntington marry someone so lowly born. Why, she was nothing more than a well-paid courtesan. She was good to bed but that was it.

Just thinking about Hope Saunders make his blood run hot. Never one to deny himself anything, Philip rolled on top of Delia as her eyes fluttered open and a sultry smile graced her lips. He entered her roughly, riding her hard not caring if he hurt her or if she found any pleasure in the act.

Philip could feel his release growing closer so he reached out with one hand and wrapped his long slim finger around Delia's creamy white throat. Slowly applying pressure until her eyes bulged and her face began to turn blue. She fought to get him off of her but her slight build was no match for his strength. Her body was just going limp when he finally let out a roar as his release consumed him.

Exhausted, he flopped down on his back then turned his head to look at the woman laying lifeless beside him. God, she was so weak, so pathetic. It was almost a disappointment that she died so quickly. But he always has a stronger more powerful release when he watched the life drain from them. Reaching over he closed her dull lifeless eyes and admired the purple bruises already appearing around her throat.

He was too tired and exhausted to get rid of her right now but he certainly did not want that thing sharing his bed all night. Philip placed his hands on her still warm body and shoved her off the bed onto the floor. He leaned over to look down at Delia's naked body sprawled on the carpet. At least there wasn't any blood for his staff to clean up this time.

Sated and satisfied that he'd neatly gotten rid of one of his problems; he rolled over to go to sleep. The last thoughts to go through his mind was that Saunders was next; then he was going to beat Hope within an inch of her life if she ever tried to run away from him again once her found her and brought her back to Savannah. And he would find her; there wasn't a doubt in his mind.

The sun was shining brightly when Philip woke the next morning well rested and refreshed. He always slept like a baby after he killed. He threw back the covers and got up to wash and dress for the day. As he walked across the room his eyes fell to the naked woman laying on the floor. Rolling his lip he walked over to the bell pull and rang for his valet.

A few moments later, Philip was pulling his pants on when he heard a soft knock on the door. "Enter." A small man with beady black eyes, a sharp nose, and pock marks on his face walked in.

"You rang sir."

"Yes Smithers I did. Get rid of that trash over there." He said as he tilted his head in the direction of where Delia still lay. "I want it gone. I don't care what you do with his just as long as my name isn't ever associated with it. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir. I'll put her somewhere until nightfall, then I'll dump her somewhere."

"Fine, fine. Just make sure it's done and that nobody sees you. I do have a reputation to uphold you know." Philip said over his shoulder as he walked out of his bedroom.

Half an hour later his carriage rolled to a stop in front of William Saunders' house. Impatient, he threw open the door before they had come to a complete stop. He jumped out then looked up at the two burly footmen and nodded for them to follow him. Not even bothering to knock, Philip walked in as if he owned the house, oh wait, he did. "Saunders!"

"I'm in here Philip" William answered, his words slightly slurred.

Philip walked into the study closing the door behind him. For a moment he just stood there scrutinizing the room and its lone occupant. The once well-appointed room had been virtually stripped leaving it in a shambles. William must have started selling off the furnishings to continue his gambling and drinking. A desk and two chairs were the only furnishings left in the room.

Philip walked around to the window pulling back the curtains, looking at nothing in particular. "Have you heard anything on Hope?"

William picked up the crystal decanter on his desk and refilled his crystal glass. "Would you like a drink?" He asked burping. "Oh, pardon me."

"You know it's only 11:00 o'clock in the morning." Philip sneered as he walked back around the desk facing the other man. His thinning gray hair was slightly greasy and his clothes were wrinkled as if he'd been sleeping in them for a week. His disheveled appearance and lack of personal grooming was disgusting. Fat fingers picked up the glass now full of bourbon and tossed it back. Some of the amber liquid dribbled down his chin landing on his stained shirt.

"You didn't answer me. Have you heard anything on Hope?"

"Hope?" William repeated in a confused tone.

"Yes Hope, your daughter and my fiancé." Philip was quickly losing his patience with the old fool. William looked up at him with watery blue eyes that were red rimmed from lack of sleep and too much alcohol. He moved his head vigorously back and forth causing his jowls to shake. "Get out." Philip said between his teeth.

"W – What?"

"You heard me! You have five minutes to get a few things and get out."

Jumping up Saunders slammed his palms down on his desk and roared. "Who in the hell do you think you are, Philip?"

Philip marched across the room slamming his palms flat on the desk towering over the other man. William, more than a little intimidated, sat back down in his chair. "You disgust me and I want you out of this house, my house. You're down to four minutes and counting."

"You, you, you can't do this!"

"Oh, yes I can. I own everything you had. Including your daughter."

"I hope you never find her!"

"You better hope I do find her old man because you won't set foot back in this house until I'm married to her. You're time's ticking." He watched as the older man stumbled out the door then heard him go upstairs. Walking around to the other side of the desk, he sat down in the chocolate colored leather chair and propped his feet up on the mahogany desk.

A few minutes later he pulled out his gold pocket watch and checked the time. "James, Martin!" He yelled then sat back and waited. Less than a minute later his two burly footmen were escorting William Saunders down the steps and back into the study, none too gently.

"You can't do this to me! I'm William Saunders!" He bellowed, red-faced as spittle flew from his mouth.

"Gentleman, will you please escort Mr. Saunders out the back door. Then I want you to have all the locks changed." 

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