Chapter 9: Day 2: Tribute Hunting
When Cato and Peeta catch up to the rest of the group and they reach the beach, the decision is made to split up into two groups to hunt for tributes. The first group would go into the jungle and search through an area for tributes while the second group would stay behind and hide in the jungle to watch for tributes looking for the cornucopia. The two groups would meet again around sunset to await anymore parachutes with more ‘clues’. The first group consisted of Marvel, Clove, Thresh, Katniss, Peeta, and Madge. The second group consisted of Glimmer, Cato, Foxface, Rue, Rie, Delly, and Gale.
The plan was separating Cato and Peeta for the first time since they made up. Cato wasn’t very happy about being separated from Peeta, wanting to spend more time with the younger boy.
“Peeta, why don’t you switch with Gale? We can be together, talking, and getting to know each other. I have a lot I want to ask you,” his voice pleading. “Please?”
“As much as your idea appeals to me, and believe me I would love to stay with you, I want, no I need to learn more about the arena. You’re needed here. Besides, if I stayed we’d be too ‘distracted’ and let tributes get past us,” Peeta replies flirtingly.
“Okay, fine. But you if you come back with even one scratch on you, I will not let you out of my sight again.” Cato leans down to whisper in Peeta’s ear, “I plan on doing a very thorough search when you get back too.”
Peeta shivers before looking at Cato with a flirty smile before leaning up to give him a quick kiss. Cato wanted more, to taste his lips again. But after the teasing earlier he wasn’t going to push his luck. Instead he decided he was going to figure out a way to get Peeta alone tonight. Maybe they could take a watch together as he feels much better after yesterday.
Group 1
The group heads out, past the crater and the section of jungle where Gale and Cato had emerged from the day before. They finally enter the jungle and begin their trek into a hopefully unknown territory. They fan out to cover more ground staying within eyesight of each other, keeping an eye out for other tributes.
About half an hour later, they come across two tributes. Clove and Marvel take out one together while; shocking the others, Madge takes out the other. Clove throws two of her knives, one hitting the hand of the tribute that held a knife. Her other knife hitting in the leg at the same time as Marvel’s spear hits the tribute in the chest. As they go to gather their weapons, Madge spots a tribute trying to sneak past the group. She pulls out her bow and an arrow and hits the tribute in the neck. He falls near Thresh, who was ready to attack with his scimitar. Two cannons go off. Thresh retrieves Madge’s arrow and the group forges ahead.
An hour later, they find themselves walking out of the jungle and looking at a wondrous sight – the African savannah, not that they know what that is. All they see is that it’s a beautiful vista that appears before them.
“I wish Camille, uh Foxface, was here. She’d probably know what we’re looking at,” Katniss says wistfully.
“I wish I had my sketch book to draw this. It’s absolutely breathtaking,” Peeta says a gleam in his eye. What he doesn’t add, but the others knew, is that he wishes that Cato was there to see it too. As they stand there taking in the sights, a parachute suddenly lands in front of Peeta. Everyone watches as he opens it to find a sketch book, two pencils, a box of colored pencils, and a note. Peeta reads the note aloud.
It’s an ancient land called the African Savannah. Make the drawings one to remember.