Chapter 20 Secrets and Devastation

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Chapter 20 Secrets and Devastation

Cato had been in District 5 for 3 weeks now and it truly sucked. Right now it was only 11 am and he was on patrol with Gale. At least he was partnered with someone he liked, a friend. But it didn't make daytime patrol any better. He hated day patrols because it left the nights thinking of Peeta. He wondered what he was doing, if he was safe, if he was having nightmares, if he was on a mission himself. At least if Peeta was on a mission, Boggs was going to pair him with Tavin. The couple had privately talked to Boggs about their engagement and the Finnick situation. Boggs was all too happy to switch the teams. All of which brings Cato's thoughts back to being on day patrol. He hoped this standoff with the peacekeepers would end soon. The District 13 troops had secured the power plants and the city limits, but the citizens were still danger of the peacekeepers. Jackson told their group this morning during the team briefing that more troops were being sent in to end the standoff. With 12 gone and Districts 6 – 11 in rebel control, they were getting closer to ending the war and he and Peeta have the option to push back their wedding date. Although, if the next 4 districts take as long as 5 is, they me married before Snow is removed from power. Cato was finding himself more comfortable with the idea of being married to Peeta sooner rather than later. Even Coin seemed okay with the idea of their wedding…

They walked into the dining hall. It was packed. Everyone they knew was sitting at the main table in the center of the room. It looked like all of District 13 was there as well. Cato gives Peeta's hand a squeeze. It was time. They look over and see Castor and Pollux with their cameras and filming Cressida talking to different people. It was set up to look like another propo. Cato clears his throat.

"Excuse me," he says loudly over the din of voices. "I have an announcement to make."

All eyes turn towards the couple. Even those working in the kitchen area come out. Once all the attention is on them, Cato continues.

"Actually, we have an announcement," Cato clarifies looking down at Peeta smiling. "I have asked Peeta to marry me …" he begins.

"And I said yes," Peeta finishes holding up his left hand showing off the ring Cato gave him (again) during their picnic.

A loud roar rings through the hall followed by thunderous applause. Their families and friends come over to congratulate them. Coin also comes over with Plutarch in tow. Neither boy had seen them enter as they made their announcement.

"Congratulations boys," she says smiling at the couple.

"Thank you madam President," they reply together.

"Madam President, boys, what a wonderful opportunity for another propo to pull all the districts together…" Plutarch begins.

"I'm sorry to interrupt Madam President, Plutarch," Maxamilian says stepping up. "The boys just got engaged and announced it. Maybe we should let them enjoy that for the time being." He points over to Castor and Pollux, "Their announcement did get recorded."

"Oh, yes, well, wonderful. Of course the propo can wait," Plutarch stutters embarrassed.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to take the boys to celebrate this happy occasion with their friends and family," Maxamilian says putting an arm around each boy to lead them to the table.

"Enjoy your evening boys," Coin says before walking back out of the dining hall.

That was 4 weeks ago. The heartbreak on Finnick's face as he left the hall soon after Coin was almost laughable to Cato if it wasn't for the fact that the whole engagement was a fluke, a miscalculation on Cato's part. And now Peeta was playing along. Sure Peeta says he wants this and that they're in this together but the guilt still eats at Cato.

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